Today in the Spider Room?


Aug 13, 2017
Rehoused my OBT today. I pulled perhaps one of the biggest bonehead moves in all my keeping thus far. I didn't realize I had a lid on the catch cup I was using. So I smooshed the poor girl. I seriously hope I didn't cause any sort of injury to her. :banghead::(. I looked, don't see any signs of external damage but no idea if anything happened internally. I am rather disappointed in myself. Didn't know I could be such an idiot. Should things take a turn for the worse, well...

She was so sweet though. Didn't throw up any threat postures despite me upturning her home and all she did was bolt around the tub. *sigh*
Oh no, that sucks! I can see how that kind of brain fart could happen, and I hope she’s ok too!
One time my Avic male took a ride on the outside of a catch cup that rolled across the floor (somehow I forgot his weight would shift the cup if I set it down). I was really worried, but he was fine. At any rate, don’t be too hard on yourself!

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
Today in the spider room my A. chalcodes walked over to her semi-empty water dish and once realising it was mostly empty she proceeded to walk over to a wall and put 2 feet on it, as if to say "Water, human."


Feb 23, 2019
Rehoused my OBT today. I pulled perhaps one of the biggest bonehead moves in all my keeping thus far. I didn't realize I had a lid on the catch cup I was using. So I smooshed the poor girl. I seriously hope I didn't cause any sort of injury to her. :banghead::(. I looked, don't see any signs of external damage but no idea if anything happened internally. I am rather disappointed in myself. Didn't know I could be such an idiot. Should things take a turn for the worse, well...

She was so sweet though. Didn't throw up any threat postures despite me upturning her home and all she did was bolt around the tub. *sigh*

Update: As of right now it seems she’s just stressed out a bit. Which well I’ll take. She struck the brush when I got it close to her so I’ll take that as a good sign.
You are not alone ... Not long ago I tried to capture my A. Crinirufum (or P. Sazimai, label your enclosures!) sling after it escaped. Having caught it with the cup upside down I tried to slide the lid under it, nearly squashing it in the process because it somehow darted under the lid. Its fine as far as I can see but does not make my behaviour less idiotic.

I hope this helps you to at least not feel alone :D
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Jul 8, 2018
Hm. My P. vittata just did, what I can only assume to be, a backflip from the front glass to the foam background.


May 28, 2019
I just want to know why every T and reptile I own has to poop on the front glass. Welcome to my reptile/T room, it's glass covered with poop streaks. Like I am really going to reach in and clean the glass of the some of these T's? Maybe if I can figure out an acrylic barrier to slide in between me and the hide/burrows.... Other than that, everyone is great!


Aug 5, 2019
Setting up a space today for my first spiders, and I stacked some tupperware boxes all wonky and they cascaded onto my head and left a small scratch.

Pretty damn tame compared to most of the stuff I'm reading in this thread but it's good to know that the worst is still ahead :wideyed:


Jul 8, 2018
Looking like my P. smithi sling is attempting to molt upright and it’s not looking great.

Update: Annnd, I think it's not going to make it. Damn it.
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Feb 7, 2016
My G. rosea sling got stuck in molt :( I managed to get it free, I just hope I didn't cause any damage, it's a small sling. Poor little thing.


Jul 15, 2017
So today in the spider room: 30 large crickets ALL escaped. You guys should have seen my face! Oh well, I guess they’ll just dry up and die or else I’ll catch them and flush them down the toilet. Got 30 more this afternoon and there will be no way these ones can make a break for freedom.


Oct 13, 2017
Today, something happened I vowed to myself would never happen to me... I knocked down a deli cup from the shelf! :eek: Of course, it was the one with my tiniest sling, my B. emilia. :anxious:
I think, luckily for her she sat at the bottom in her tunnel and when the cup turned over while falling to the ground and landed upside down, she landed kinda soft on top of loose substrate.
Gosh, that was scary! I never had an accident like this before. Stupid, clumsy me. :shifty:

But she's fine! Thank god! I dug her out and got her in a new, a tad bigger enclosure (she needed it anyway after her recent moult).


I just hope, she'll forgive me. :wacky:
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Feb 7, 2016
My sling is alive and has moved around a bit, but has amputated two legs, and one of its pedipalps is bent.


c u r s e d
May 27, 2019
Set up a nice new home for my Nhandu coloratovillosus sling and rehoused it easily. Its about to be feeding time for everyone else!


Aug 29, 2016
Since my N. incei slings all finally molted into 2nd instar, I moved the incubator deli into a larger enclosure with a bit of damp substrate and left the lid of the deli cup off. Little things are hardly half an inch and already so fast!

After that I took some small prekilled crickets and gave the babies their first meal. At first they were frightened of the dead crickets and avoided them (much to my annoyance), but then finally one brave soul took that first bite and I don't think I have ever been so elated to see a tarantula eat. After that, slowly but surely the siblings all joined in and were dog-piling on to eat for the first time. There were a few small squabbles over food (how hilarious to see a sling the same size as the cricket frantically trying to drag it away while the others hang onto it for dear life), but nobody seemed to have gotten munched in the frenzy and I spent probably a good hour just staring at 122 tiny slings tearing apart these crickets until all that was left were legs and heads. Now most of them have migrated down to the floor and are even webbing up the substrate already, and to my delight they all look to now have nice robust little booties! :D

I'm going to leave the vast majority of them in together for now as I'm about to go on vacation, but I think once I get back on the 28th I'm going to go ahead and separate them all into their own 5.5 ounce souffle cups and order some shipping supplies before I post them up in the sales section. Gonna be so bittersweet sending off the offspring of my first breeding/egg sac. :shy:


Apr 11, 2017
I just got a good look at P. lugardi sling #2 that molted a few days ago. Poor little guy must have had a rough time with the molt. It's missing 2 legs on one side, 1 1/2 legs on the other and a pedipalp :( One leg is at a weird angle also. It's able to climb and is moving pretty well so here's hoping there weren't any other problems. I haven't been able to get a look at its fangs, and I don't have the molt anymore. Something else to worry about.
Update on the little guy, he's doing very well, is able to eat and is acting perfectly normal though he is kind of funny looking. So far so good, I have named him "Five" :)

" How DARE you feed me!!!!" First threat posture out of this little one...I'm so scared :rofl: H. pulchripes sling
H. pulchripes Aug 2019.jpg
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Dec 18, 2018
Last night we had a fun set of rehouses: Pterinochilus murinus, Poecilotheria regalis, Poecilotheria striata, and two Tapinauchenius violaceous.

I was a little nervous but everyone was very well behaved! There was only one aspect of the whole night that was stressful; it was my fault, and I was totally expecting it.

The pokies were my second (and third, fourth, etc.) tarantulas, and I made the rookie mistake of using hot glue when putting their cork bark hides in their enclosures. Shortly after that, I found a thread explained how difficult rehouses can be with small enclosures if you can't remove the hide. Of course I stopped gluing the cork bark into the enclosures after that but there wasn't much to be done about the ones already in use. Live and learn!

Anyways, here's a picture of my scaredy-cat OBT during the transfer. I'm excited to see her web up her new enclosure over the next couple weeks!



Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Squirt, my female Psalmopoeus cambridgei (from @cold blood), is in pre-molt, and she has been hanging dirt curtains to prepare for the event.

A couple days ago, I heard a clicking noise coming from inside her elevated cork log. When I looked, she was picking at the inside of the log and then using those bits of cork as "dirt" for the curtain at its entrance, rather than going down and getting substrate.


Dec 18, 2018
Squirt, my female Psalmopoeus cambridgei (from @cold blood), is in pre-molt, and she has been hanging dirt curtains to prepare for the event.

A couple days ago, I heard a clicking noise coming from inside her elevated cork log. When I looked, she was picking at the inside of the log and then using those bits of cork as "dirt" for the curtain at its entrance, rather than going down and getting substrate.
"Work smarter, not harder... or, just work wherever is out of sight of that annoying human that always hangs around staring at us" - Squirt, Psalmopoeus cambridgei, August 2019


Feb 7, 2016
When I woke up this morning, I found my A. chalcodes sling on its back floating in its waterdish. It was fine when I helped it out. It's still settling in (I got it a week ago) and has been climbing a lot, so I'm guessing it fell.