"tiny white bug" ID???


Old Timer
Jan 27, 2009
There was 2 to choose from at the store, the other was a better model and I wish I got that one.
I dont remember the price of the other one, or even if it was the same brand, but I do remember that the difference in cost between the 2 caused me to go for this one.

I know I got the bottom of the line, but I figure its better than nothing.

For the pics here, I used a piece of tape about 6" long, and carefully trapped a bug to it.
Then Id take and stick the tapeto the outer edge of the scope, and carefully manuver it till the bug was in view.
I started at wide(20x) and then once I had it centered, Id go to zoom(400x) and be patient while the friggen thing kept trying to crawl away.
Once you got it all lined up, its just waiting for it to cooperate.

Anyways, Im sure these bugs are the same ones everybody always worries about, so I thought wed see if we could ID them and set everyones mind at ease.
I cannot find too many at all today, they have vanished.


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
What model was your scope Pac ?

400x seems very high on a hand held.

at 400x you are typically at the cellular level.