Not sure what the trigger was, but yesterday and today I have noticed a huge population spike of the "tiny white bugs" . . .
There are literally millions of them on my roach enclosures.
I wipe them off every few hours, but they are always back.
They are not on the roaches themselves, just all over the tubs.
I have not done anything different lately that could be considered a trigger.
Im not in a panic, as they seem to be doing no harm to anything, but I do get kinda itchy when I look at them
Heres a pic of one that I stuck to clear tape, it is magnified 400x with a microscope.
With the naked eye, it seems that 10 of them could fit on the period at the end of this sentence . . .
Ill try to get some infestation pics and better microscope pics . . .
I am going to transfer the roaches and clean out the tubs tomoro, but it doesnt sound like fun, especially the bucket-full of lobsters.
I see these things explode like this from time to time, I just want to know what they are, and what triggers this spike.
We did get some biblical rains here on last Monday and Tuesday, so everything been damp/humid.
Actually, come to think of it, heres 2 things I did this last week . . .
1- I hydrated 4 bags of sphagnum moss for my frogs, but dont see any bugs on those tanks.
2- I brought a small handful of dead oakleaves from the yard in for my isopods and millipedes, but the leaves were eaten right away, and there are likewise no bugs on that tank either.
There are literally millions of them on my roach enclosures.
I wipe them off every few hours, but they are always back.
They are not on the roaches themselves, just all over the tubs.
I have not done anything different lately that could be considered a trigger.
Im not in a panic, as they seem to be doing no harm to anything, but I do get kinda itchy when I look at them
Heres a pic of one that I stuck to clear tape, it is magnified 400x with a microscope.
With the naked eye, it seems that 10 of them could fit on the period at the end of this sentence . . .

Ill try to get some infestation pics and better microscope pics . . .
I am going to transfer the roaches and clean out the tubs tomoro, but it doesnt sound like fun, especially the bucket-full of lobsters.
I see these things explode like this from time to time, I just want to know what they are, and what triggers this spike.
We did get some biblical rains here on last Monday and Tuesday, so everything been damp/humid.
Actually, come to think of it, heres 2 things I did this last week . . .
1- I hydrated 4 bags of sphagnum moss for my frogs, but dont see any bugs on those tanks.
2- I brought a small handful of dead oakleaves from the yard in for my isopods and millipedes, but the leaves were eaten right away, and there are likewise no bugs on that tank either.