Tiny Bird


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
I'm sorry, but things like this really irritate me,

DO NOT get an animal if you don't have the funds, time, patience, common sense and proper education about it.

Not to mention I personally don't think a 4 year should own a tiny bird that like. Obviously you know how rough a toddler is-Do you really think it's wise to give them a brittle bundle of bones to play with?
A 4 year old is way past the "toddler" phase, but I wouldn't expect a self proclaimed "crazy cat lady" to know that, so I won't jump on you like you jumped on me when I asked a question about something I didn't know about.

My post has nothing to do with "funds, time, patience, or common sense". I have plenty of all and care for many critters just fine. I also do research before I buy, usually people are helpful instead of angry and hateful.

Thanks for your opinion, but even if we found a tiny cage bird my daughter would play with it as much as she plays with "her" scorpions, tarantula, and millipedes: never.

I've gotten great help in the 'pede and tarantula sections, but you guys are frickin nuts. All I did was ask if there were any small birds that would thrive in a cage. Apparently there aren't, that's all you had to say. I was tricked by a fake bird in another thread, and it looked cool in a little cage. It's funny, but it got me thinking.

Again, sorry for asking a simple question. I won't ever make that mistake again in this section.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Because she's a person and a bird is a.....bird.
All I'm going to say is that it is deeply not cool to imply that abusive behavior (the hypothetical "4 year old living in a closet" situation you were replying to) is acceptable towards animals because they're "just animals." :confused:


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
All I'm going to say is that it is deeply not cool to imply that abusive behavior (the hypothetical "4 year old living in a closet" situation you were replying to) is acceptable towards animals because they're "just animals." :confused:
It is also "deeply not cool" to imply that I would put my child in a closet because I asked if there was a bird small enough to be kept in a small tank.

I can tell the difference between people messing around with a n00b and wierdos attacking someone for asking an honest question. I didn't do anything to deserve such hostile and angry responses. You guys need to seriously consider how you treat people when they come here for help.

I never said that I had done this, or was even considering it. My idea might have been stupid, so say that, but don't insult a person's parenting because they thought about caring incorrectly for a bird.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
C'mon guys. It sounds like an honest question.

To be honest, I could see someone imagining a small ground bird that would be happy in an aquarium. I could picture it myself. As of yet...doesn't exist as far as we know though.

How about a gecko? They are similar to birds. :p


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
Budgies make nice pets and can be tamed to hang out with your daughter on her shoulder given some time. Males can also learn quite a few words. You do need the standard wire cage with perches made for a bird that size. Many pet stores sell Budgie plus cage plus a few accessories for around $30 or so.


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
PLEASE understand that even the tiniest birds are HIGHLY intelligent emotional beings and placing them in a small tank/cage is cruel to say the least, and it IS comprable to placing a child in a closet.

I really dont think a bird is a good choice for you, they are like having another child, even the smaller ones. And never forget that the budgie is just as much of a parrot as a macaw.

Also just to make sure you know I am not just throwing that out there I have over 11 years experience keeping birds and 4 years experience working with the larger parrots, I am also being instructed by someone who has over 30 years of experience (with large parrots and smaller birds) so I have a fairly good knowlege base.
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Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
A 4 year old is way past the "toddler" phase, but I wouldn't expect a self proclaimed "crazy cat lady" to know that, so I won't jump on you like you jumped on me when I asked a question about something I didn't know about.
What ARE you talking about?
Nevermind, don't care.

Logically speaking, if I didn't know that, it would be because I do not have any kids nor do I particularly like them. So hypothetically, even if someone was a 'crazy cat lady', that wouldn't be at all relevant to the topic at hand, and so I'm going to assume you were just trying to take a cheap stab at me with some information that really made no sense to begin with.

Besides, everyone knows I'd be the crazy skunk lady.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
It is also "deeply not cool" to imply that I would put my child in a closet because I asked if there was a bird small enough to be kept in a small tank.

I can tell the difference between people messing around with a n00b and wierdos attacking someone for asking an honest question.

When the possible outcome of the situation could be considered animal abuse (And it could be, if you could kindly look this up) then those 'weirdos' giving you advice could be saving your butt and the animals life.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
I think you guys are taking this thread a little too far. Is it really worth flaming someone when they dont know much about something? Wouldn't it be far better to just educate them on the birds instead of throwing rocks? Seriously, some of the rock throwing around the forums lately is getting kinda pathetic. If you get that riled up over a forum maybe its time to go outside and take in a nice big breathe of fresh air :).

Anyways constructive education....
If you want a bird, even a smaller species, the only way to properly keep them is to get an adequate wire cage. Birds can be great pets for small children just make sure they are supervised and i would not recommend letting them handle them. They are good fun to look at and maybe let your child help with the feedings and that sort of thing. I would go to a good book store and pick up a book on keeping birds, there is a lot of them out there floating around. Take time to educate yourself and to find a bird that suits what you are looking for best. Bird cages are nice because unlike tanks they do not take up much space seeing how you can purchase cages that can be hung from the ceiling (just make sure you do this properly!). Good luck and i hope maybe that if you purchase a bird and find great enjoyment out of it you might have yourself a new enjoyable hobby.

There wasn't that better? :p
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Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
good lord I actually agree with shammer for once, well said dude, well said indeed!

I've kept birds before (until cats got in the way), rewarding things, pleasant to look at, noisy :p
more enjoyable to watch than pet holes!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
good lord I actually agree with shammer for once, well said dude, well said indeed!

I've kept birds before (until cats got in the way), rewarding things, pleasant to look at, noisy :p
more enjoyable to watch than pet holes!
Did you just agree with me? This IS the end :eek: the homeless guy was right!!! AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! J/k ....hehehe


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
Anyways constructive education....
If you want a bird, even a smaller species, the only way to properly keep them is to get an adequate wire cage.

There wasn't that better? :p
Much better, thanks!

I already have a daughter and a big dog, as well as numerous 10 gallon tanks with millipedes, scorpions, and a T in them, so any new pet has to be happy in a small glass tank.

Birds are definately not for me. Don't worry guys, the only birds I will be harming are crows (pest control and target practice) and pheasants (yummy and shotgun fun).


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
even if someone was a 'crazy cat lady', that wouldn't be at all relevant to the topic at hand, and so I'm going to assume you were just trying to take a cheap stab at me with some information that really made no sense to begin with.
It has plenty to do with the situation when the crazy cat lady is attacking the parenting skills of someone who actually has children. It would be like me using birds in an analogy when I know nothing about them. Stick with what you know, it will make things go smoother for you.

Your own words:


Yeah, well I'm that crazy cat lady, so it's pretty quiet around here.