Yeah, so some sites say the tiger hissing cockroach's latin name is P. vanwaerebecki(just a morph of), while other say it's G. grandidieri, so which one is it?
It's a morph of Princisia vanwaerebecki. If you keep a good size breeding colony of the tigers, you will eventually produce some of the other Princisia morphs in that colony. The other morphs aren't really apparent though until they become subadults-adults. Also, Gromphadorhina grandidieri is a different species altogether that no one in the U.S. seems to have yet. They look kind of like the black morph G. portentosa and don't have any of the Princisia red/orange markings down their sides.
My current hissers(G. portentosa) also have red/prange markings down their sides, i also noticed the body of the tiger is very close to the body of portentosa.
Herp13, Xelda answered your question "tiger hissers" are a morph of Princisia vanwaerebecki, I agree they are a morph of Prinicisia vanwerebecki, unless you can prove they are Gromphadordina grandidieri, then really its just irrelevent.
Kevin(a roach collector) at has said otherwise, posting pics of both species and explaining, you should see it, i'll get a link up in a little.
Well, looks like he beat me here. According to another one of Kevins posts, he has just contradicted himself. Anyways, a few pics would be nice, that would really clear things up a bit
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