Three tarantulas, no experience, new to the hobby!


Active Member
Oct 10, 2024
Make sure to remove prey if the spider has not eaten it within 24 hours! Good luck with your new additions.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
What is your opinions on using tongs to feed your tarantula? I was afraid I broke pinky fang when I fed her or him. I'm really not comfortable with using the tongs.
I only drop food in with tongs I don’t hand feed them with them risk breaking a fang.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018

In the beginning of my keeping T's I used to tong feed my C. versicolor. Now......I was warned by members it's a bad idea because they can run up the tongs and 1. Fall to rupture their abdomen, (death sentence) and 2. and/or bite you.

I believed in the docile nature of my particular versicolor but appearances can be deceiving. After I actually seen video footage of T's running up tongs I stopped and realized I was wrong. The members were correct and I stopped tong feeding that versicolor. I never would have forgave myself for such a stupid thing I was doing due to my lack of experience. In essence I was or more to the point my versicolor was spared a potential mishap.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
What is your opinions on using tongs to feed your tarantula? I was afraid I broke pinky fang when I fed her or him. I'm really not comfortable with using the tongs.
When I first started researching tarantula care, I thought tong feeding was completely normal because I saw it everywhere on YouTube. I was relieved to discover by the time I actually got my tarantulas that this is not the norm and carries risks for both the tarantula and the keeper, as explained above. My opinion is that tong feeding is mostly for show--people want to see or capture video of a tarantula taking something down, and sometimes it takes a while before the actual takedown happens when you're not waving an insect in your tarantula's face. I don't actually take issue with some of these entertainment channels and enjoy watching some of them myself, but beginners need to be especially cognizant of when to view something as husbandry advice/practice and when not to, especially since this is a hobby where authority and credibility can be hard to establish.

Personally, I actually don't find that my tong skills are all that great anyway if I'm working with something that's fast-moving, so I have a system where I scoop crickets into a pill bottle that they can't jump out of and then drop them into the enclosure that way. It works for me, though if I have to retrieve uneaten prey, I have no choice but to use the tongs to get them out of there.

Anyhow, I know my method probably results in more crickets missed by my tarantulas when they're first dropped, but my tarantulas are very adept hunters who always get their meal in the end if they're interested in eating, so I see no harm in it. They know what they are doing and don't need to be spoonfed by me.


Nov 17, 2024
Hello and welcome to the boards ! You did well in coming here for advice. The beginner's link is a useful one, so be sure to check it out. Many of the most common questions will be answered there. Another point that should be made is that anything with tarantulas take time. You will gain a deal of patience by working with them. There's no rush to do anything once their enclosures are set up appropriately. Give them a couple of weeks to settle in. Terrestrials needs more space and arboreals need more height.

Be sure to read @viper69 's Avicularia/Caribena guide for your pinktoe.

Aside from that, stick around and don't be afraid to ask questions. The only bad question is the one you don't ask. Before asking though, take some time to search through the forum first, you might be able to find your answer in a past thread.

Best on luck on your keeping journey !
Where is the beginners link? Is the site different on a phone than a computer?