Well, she's been my friend for the past 6 months or so.
If anyones interested, its an Australian Huntsman making a mess of a cockroach.
When i first caught her/built her a home.
A late night shot of her feeding.
I found this bad boy on the roof of my room. Right in ontop of my bed. It's only the second one iv seen one in my room, and the first iv kept captive. Unfortunately i lack knowledge as far as huntsman's go and have no idea where to look for more. I only know that these boys can pop up just about anywhere; roofs, attics, basements, cars, etc.
She did create an egg sack about 2 months ago, but being an unexperience spider catcher back then, i paniced and threw them outside into the garden. Only in the past month or so have i really taken it seriously and fed her regularly and looked into sites like these.
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