Yeah, same here. Mine eventually ate their pinheads, and one of mine has burrowed. How often will slings come out of the ground? Also, what is a common "power feeding" schedule?
yeah, it was a great deal...the usambaras would have been a killer deal....i got 10 of the curlies and at least 5 of them spend most of their time in their little burrows...a few others have little half burrows they run into when i open the deli containers...they are cute...they think they are hiding but their little butts are sticking out!!!....i dont know if what i do is power feeding but i feed them about every other day.....if they get REALLY fat off of a meal ill give them an extra day between meals.....and i give them about 24 hours to eat...the burrowers will come out at night and get their food....some will eat the food where it lies and some are cute to watch as they drag their "prey" down into their burrows....i bought a bunch of 1/2" crickets and i feed them rear legs off of them and i cut the bodies in half and remove the some spiders get a couple of heads and some get a couple of legs and the others get meaty chunks of body..and i try to rotate which spiders get which parts for variety.....
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