The World's Deadliest Spider


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
I’m sure odds of getting bitten are close to zero unless your an insect landing in there webs .
Understatement of the year.

The fear mongering is out of control.

I would also like to know who these so-called "experts" are that this tabloid article is referencing.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2023
A sac of Latrodectus hesperus hatched next to my front door recently.... it was nice knowing y'all 😂

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Just to mention, the Hindustan Times is India's equivalent of Fox News. Beneath the facade it's basically a paparazzi tabloid with an abysmal Brand Trust rating (overall credibility). And I'm being polite here. Bias. sensationalism, back room dealings and government ties and connections seem to be it's status quo.
One telltale aspect of HT is it is printed in English in order to appeal to western commercial consumerism.
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Oct 13, 2011
Just to mention, the Hindustan Times is India's equivalent of Fox News. Beneath the facade it's basically a paparazzi tabloid with an abysmal Brand Trust rating (overall credibility). And I'm being polite here. Bias. sensationalism, back room dealings and government ties and connections seem to be it's status quo.
One telltale aspect of HT is it is printed in English in order to appeal to western commercial consumerism.
India is forever known as the country that wasn’t worth keeping in the British ownership. The royal family loved keeping kangaroos tho.
A sac of Latrodectus hesperus hatched next to my front door recently.... it was nice knowing y'all 😂
Run for the hills ! I’ve seen this movie 🍿 before . Giant 10 foot spiders …


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
It is amusing that the title makes it sound like these "deadly spiders" went on vacation and are now set to come back.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Lady Latro wearing a sun hat and dark glasses, pulling her carry on luggage. Now try to get that image out of your mind.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2022
First of all, check out this stupid article.

Crap like this on the internet is infuriating. It is SO unnecessary, not to mention, mostly false.
Grab the RAID, y'all, "experts" have warned us to "stay *vigilant*". 🤮🤮🤮
Why don't they report on something that is actually dangerous, like drunk driving, or, Idk, jumping out of an airplane without a parachute?

This bogus news site is one of many I have seen that turn these gentle, beautiful creatures into monsters that constantly rove your home with a taste for human flesh.
I wrote the editor and let him know. Black widows are amazing. They keep to themselves and are EXTREMELY reclusive, rarely leaving the web. They keep harmful insect populations down and are master builders with webs made of silk stronger than steel. We should be celebrating them, but instead, the public reads crap articles like this one, and immediately calls an exterminator.
I feel really bad for these spiders; they get such a bad rap.
They certainly do NOT have the "deadliest venom" on Earth. I am shocked that the site actually referred to it as actual venom, rather than poison. 🙄🙄🙄

This is what I took away from that article; I'll leave my thoughts below, and you can draw your own conclusions.

They climbin' in your windows; snatchin' yo people up;
Trying to bite 'em! So y'all need to
Hide your kids, hide your wife
Hide your kids, hide your wife
Hide your kids, hide your wife
And hide your husband
'Cause they biting errybody out here

You all better start runnin', yes,
They lookin for you-they gon' find you, they gon' find you!
So you could run and tell that, run and tell that,
Run and tell that, homeboy, homeboy, homeboy!

You think they'll bite your ass and kill you-you are really dumb, yes, you are really dumb, FOR REAL
Newslady: "That spider got away, leaving behind webidence!"
Victim: "I was attacked, by black widow hordes in the projects!"
So dumb, so dumb, SO DUMB, so!

They climbin' in your windows; snatchin' yo people up;
Trying to bite 'em! So y'all need to
Hide your kids, hide your wife
Hide your kids, hide your wife
Hide your kids, hide your wiiiiiiife
And hide your husband
'Cause they bitin' errybody out here!!!

TL;DR--I love Black Widows and wish they weren't made out as flesh-envenomating, human snuffer-outers.
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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
You’re the second person to write about this.

How are you peeps learning what Indians wrote about? I never see or read this news site.

Did you write to the editor or anyone there? If not then you’re wasting your time ranting here.


Sep 21, 2023
You’re the second person to write about this.

How are you peeps learning what Indians wrote about? I never see or read this news site.

Did you write to the editor or anyone there? If not then you’re wasting your time ranting here.
He wrote to the editor, but I’m on the same page you are lol


Active Member
Nov 17, 2022
I'm not wasting my time in the slightest.
It's what I feel, and I don't regret writing any of it.
Spiders should be celebrated and not demonized; why you feel that is a waste of time to post on a spider forum website is beyond me. The single place on the internet I felt like people would agree. Lol. Figures.
That's cool though, that's your opinion, and I respect it.
I did write the editor, as stated above. Now THAT was the real likely waste of time, for all the good it will do. Lol.
I did not know I was the second person to write this, but I love this website because I know others here wish they weren't vilified, too. It does make me sad to see them misunderstood. I used to be scared of them, but I fell in love with them.
In other news, I released my Steatoda Triangulosa babies back into nature today.
It was so cool to watch them--they hauled their tiny little spider selves out of that enclosure, so fast.
Oh, and I am a she, not a he.
Thanks for commenting:)


Active Member
May 28, 2020
I'm not wasting my time in the slightest.
It's what I feel, and I don't regret writing any of it.
Spiders should be celebrated and not demonized; why you feel that is a waste of time to post on a spider forum website is beyond me. The single place on the internet I felt like people would agree. Lol. Figures.
That's cool though, that's your opinion, and I respect it.
I did write the editor, as stated above. Now THAT was the real likely waste of time, for all the good it will do. Lol.
I did not know I was the second person to write this, but I love this website because I know others here wish they weren't vilified, too. It does make me sad to see them misunderstood. I used to be scared of them, but I fell in love with them.
In other news, I released my Steatoda Triangulosa babies back into nature today.
It was so cool to watch them--they hauled their tiny little spider selves out of that enclosure, so fast.
Oh, and I am a she, not a he.
Thanks for commenting:)
The thing is, most of us on Arachnoboards agree with the view you shared. Unfortunately, the only power anyone really has on this site is to share content such as ideas, media, knowledge. It is good that you reached out to the author, they probably have very limited spider knowledge based on their article. I doubt they would change up the article but you never know. The only way to effectively change crap post media is to try and educate. There is so much sensationalized garbage news out there and all because someone is trying to get that payout. Important to note that media was originally devised as a way to control the general public via selective education/indoctrination. They don't care if the information they provide is founded in reality, they just want that quick buck and loyally complacent citizens. Maybe in time people will wake up... I have said it before, humans may just be the single stupidest species to exist. I cannot think of another creature which willingly brings about its own extinction. Seriously, look at how many ancient civilizations have failed simply because humans can't seem to practice sustainability effectively. I yearn for mammals to achieve perfect form...Crab shaped! Enough of my ranting though.

Latrodectus, widows, is an awesome genus. I have kept multiple L hesperus and none of them were even defensive. Spiders get shat upon for being "creepy" and "scary" when they provide essential ecosystem services. They help keep insect populations at bay, many of which can actually be dangerous. Ex: tsetse fly, horse fly, mosquitoes, any sort of insect infestation. It is beyond ridiculous, the amount of conversations I have had with people debunking arachnid myths, it often does not go as planned.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2022
The thing is, most of us on Arachnoboards agree with the view you shared. Unfortunately, the only power anyone really has on this site is to share content such as ideas, media, knowledge. It is good that you reached out to the author, they probably have very limited spider knowledge based on their article. I doubt they would change up the article but you never know. The only way to effectively change crap post media is to try and educate. There is so much sensationalized garbage news out there and all because someone is trying to get that payout. Important to note that media was originally devised as a way to control the general public via selective education/indoctrination. They don't care if the information they provide is founded in reality, they just want that quick buck and loyally complacent citizens. Maybe in time people will wake up... I have said it before, humans may just be the single stupidest species to exist. I cannot think of another creature which willingly brings about its own extinction. Seriously, look at how many ancient civilizations have failed simply because humans can't seem to practice sustainability effectively. I yearn for mammals to achieve perfect form...Crab shaped! Enough of my ranting though.

Latrodectus, widows, is an awesome genus. I have kept multiple L hesperus and none of them were even defensive. Spiders get shat upon for being "creepy" and "scary" when they provide essential ecosystem services. They help keep insect populations at bay, many of which can actually be dangerous. Ex: tsetse fly, horse fly, mosquitoes, any sort of insect infestation. It is beyond ridiculous, the amount of conversations I have had with people debunking arachnid myths, it often does not go as planned.
What a beautiful, intelligent response-you couldn't have said it any better. :)
I agree with you 100% and appreciate the positivity.
And, crab-shaped, huh?
I'd sign up. ;)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I'm not wasting my time in the slightest.
It's what I feel, and I don't regret writing any of it.
Spiders should be celebrated and not demonized; why you feel that is a waste of time to post on a spider forum website is beyond me. The single place on the internet I felt like people would agree. Lol. Figures.
That's cool though, that's your opinion, and I respect it.
I did write the editor, as stated above. Now THAT was the real likely waste of time, for all the good it will do. Lol.
I did not know I was the second person to write this, but I love this website because I know others here wish they weren't vilified, too. It does make me sad to see them misunderstood. I used to be scared of them, but I fell in love with them.
In other news, I released my Steatoda Triangulosa babies back into nature today.
It was so cool to watch them--they hauled their tiny little spider selves out of that enclosure, so fast.
Oh, and I am a she, not a he.
Thanks for commenting:)
I’ll be more specific- it’s a waste of MY time. I wasn’t clear enough.

Smart to write!

I don’t write the type of post you did Above, not because it’s “wrong, but because preaching to the choir doesn’t effect change. There’s few people here that hate spiders, so a rant like the above isn’t going to effect change by those who wrote the article.

I spend a portion of my time writing to editors/writers to correct their mistakes.

It’s all about what I do with the unknown amount of time we all have on the planet.


Oct 13, 2011
It’s similar to jaws movie and shark fin soup killed millions of sharks for profit or fear . Now they’re almost extinct.
Widows are much less deadly unless your a moth . This spells 🪄 disaster for moth man.[/QUOTE]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2022
It’s similar to jaws movie and shark fin soup killed millions of sharks for profit or fear . Now they’re almost extinct.
Widows are much less deadly unless your a moth . This spells 🪄 disaster for moth man.

Hahaha, indeed. Very good comparison to Jaws. Look what happened to the poor sharks because of that.
Spiders are too plentiful, I hope, for humans to have a great effect on them...
Actually, that's not true--look at the honeybees. 😑
Thanks for your reply♡

I’ll be more specific- it’s a waste of MY time. I wasn’t clear enough.

Smart to write!

I don’t write the type of post you did Above, not because it’s “wrong, but because preaching to the choir doesn’t effect change. There’s few people here that hate spiders, so a rant like the above isn’t going to effect change by those who wrote the article.

I spend a portion of my time writing to editors/writers to correct their mistakes.

It’s all about what I do with the unknown amount of time we all have on the planet.
I like that you do that. I wish more people did.
It's hard to preach change for something that is viewed SO negatively by just about everyone.
But that's a good way to start. Battle the misinformation with science--just the facts.
Bet you if the people spouting this stuff actually took the time to educate themselves, they'd see what we see, and fall in love.
Thanks for your reply and for clarifying-sorry if I misunderstood ya.
Oh, and in answer to your earlier question: that Hindustani spider hate article somehow just popped up on my feed, in Google. Not sure why, but I could tell they were phoney just from the article's title.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
How are you peeps learning what Indians wrote about? I never see or read this news site.
Snerk. Ironic. Apropos. A huge yardage shop at the local market. A while back I was cooling my jets while pard went selecting cloth among the 10,000 rolls. Seeing the images of Shiva and Rama all over the walls I struck up a convo with the Hindu proprietor woman to learn up on Hindu pantheon lore. While we chatted her hubby came in with a large stack of Hindustan Times papers fresh from the news stand. He busied himself unfolding the papers and laying them on floor of the aisles to clean up the dirt customers tracked in. My intro to that newspaper and what value the educated crowd placed on it. Apparently along the lines of citing Fox News in a discussion at a reputable university.
We just happened to be in that shop again yesterday.

(Images of Shiva are notable that s/he wears a snake, usually around her/his neck. Rama and Sita's sons were Kusha and Lava.)
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