The Most Ridiculous Thing... some people...


Apr 2, 2014
He is not "the" so much as "a". As Storm and this thread points out, there are a lot of people like this out there. They buy tarantulas not for the sake of admiring them, learning from them but in an unfortunate attempt to bolster their self-esteem, as if owning a T (any T really but the more dangerous sounding the better) somehow adds magical "manly" points to some non-existent stat sheet. Hence we get dude bro owners like that guy who want to show off by harassing a King Baboon. :/
The handler is a girl though.


Feb 22, 2014
I know the video will make me ragey so I'm not going to watch. How sad.

But I'm still chuckling at the dead spider ad. I'm picturing it propped up in various settings...stretched across a chaise lounge reading a romance novel...floating down the lazy river in an inner tube...sitting on top of a tv in a little cowboy hat watching Justified...


Dec 11, 2013
I saw an ad that depicted a photo of an Avicularia metallica which claimed it to be a Haplopelma lividum. How? They don't even look remotely similar.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2012
When i see stuff like this or some of those vids on youtube of people eating Ts I get physically sick... I just wana puke it feels like someone is killing my family on front of me...

Im crazy... and I Love Ts!!!!
Like someone is killing your family in front of you? Because some idiot is prodding/handling/mistreating an OW T on youtube? Sure, its sad...but really? Crazy, indeed...


Feb 23, 2014
Like someone is killing your family in front of you? Because some idiot is prodding/handling/mistreating an OW T on youtube? Sure, its sad...but really? Crazy, indeed...
No not this vid, but some vids where they kill, injure or whateva animals.I have strong feeling towards animals... sue me :p

Im crazy... and I Love Ts!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2013
i seen someone selling 3 dif species on a fb group yesterday. he used "common" names of "bronze back tarantula" [no clue he claimed it was "burried too offen to get pictures"] "blue pink toe" [obv an avic but it was missing 3legs he said its a 6 leg species*yet gave no reason it had 5*] and a "african blood leg" [95% sure was b. smithi] he wanted the group to go for $495 [wtf??]which included a 125g tank a tank with flowers planted in it [which looked okayish-hyacinths and coleus flowers] but he said they lived communally with an emperor scorpion[nfs] and was fed once a month and "they are best of friends and id hate to separate them, they wrestle all the time and chase one another"

he discribed the "bronze back" and it sounded like maybe a a Aphonopelma claims it was a super venomous species but can not kill you similar to a 'daddy long leg' he said the avic loved to be handled and hand fed. and was a ground dwelling species but is picked on by the smithi and prefers to hang by the screen top. and the smithi he said was just super agressive lol he claimed each of these ran him 150 bucks [he refused to give size] and the tank was worth the rest lol.

i was like just odd so much false info. blah. and he refused to separate..
Oh my god... so many things being done wrong at once... and being thought wrong,,, did you get a picture of this guy, because if you did, I strongly suspect he is a survivor of a severe gunshot wound to the head, and before that he was a trepanning enthusiast XD

---------- Post added 05-29-2014 at 06:44 PM ----------

Do I have to say anything in regards to this video?


Bottom line: Be very careful about what you "believe" when you watch videos. Tarantulas cannot be tamed. They're wild animals, venomous predators at that and nocturnal. Any interaction with a human is "tolerated", not "cherished".
The sound of bones cracking was coming from the spider... except I wished it to be coming from that head who was "taming" it! :evil:


Jan 20, 2014
I had a guy who worked for me in the pet store adopt a customer's G. rosea. She was missing a leg and we named her "Seven." Original, I know. The fun part is about five years later I ended up at his house and his girlfriend took me upstairs to show me his "deadly banana spider." He'd told her that the spider was named Seven because that's how long you had to live if she bit you. :) She shook her head sadly and told me what a fool he was because he was always holding it.
I had to bite my tongue and flee.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2013
I had a guy who worked for me in the pet store adopt a customer's G. rosea. She was missing a leg and we named her "Seven." Original, I know. The fun part is about five years later I ended up at his house and his girlfriend took me upstairs to show me his "deadly banana spider." He'd told her that the spider was named Seven because that's how long you had to live if she bit you. :) She shook her head sadly and told me what a fool he was because he was always holding it.
I had to bite my tongue and flee.
I thought she was named Seven because obviously that's how many brain cells this guy has left XD

Ghost Dragon

Jan 8, 2014
I saw one on Kijiji the other day in Ontario for a 'chilli tarantula', and that it had had its 'venum' glands removed. Wanted to go to a young man or woman who will give it lots of play time.


pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
I saw one on Kijiji the other day in Ontario for a 'chilli tarantula', and that it had had its 'venum' glands removed. Wanted to go to a young man or woman who will give it lots of play time.

I think thats more scary then nucular warfare...

Sent from my SCH-R530C using Tapatalk


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2002
Years ago, I was at the Knoxville Zoo and they were having an Exotic Pets show/sale thing with different vendors there selling snakes, lizards, etc. There was one guy there selling Ts and he had several OBTs in deli cups labeled as Mexican Red Knees. I argued with him for about 5 minutes about it, letting him know they aren't B. smithi, are in fact the very opposite of B. smithi and that if he sells them to people as B. smithi he's setting them, the Ts, and potentially the hobby as a whole up for a bad experience. He just looked at me like I was a moron, like who am I to tell him how to sell his stuff, and kept them as is. They weren't even priced like B. smithi, they were all at least 4 inches in legspan, for like $30.

People like that drive me nuts. The FB guy who says he's reared the B. smithi, the A. avic and the subterranean "bronze back" along with the P. imperator takes the cake, though. That's quite the yarn. I'm not sure what bothers me more - the idea that he's lying about all of it in order to try and make someone buy everything and take it off his hands all at once, or the rather horrifying prospect that he's actually got them all in the tank together. A 125g is pretty damn big - potentially big enough that they might be able to avoid each other for at least a little while.

I need to stop thinking about this subject, it makes me want to break things.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2013
Do I have to say anything in regards to this video?


Bottom line: Be very careful about what you "believe" when you watch videos. Tarantulas cannot be tamed. They're wild animals, venomous predators at that and nocturnal. Any interaction with a human is "tolerated", not "cherished".
Also from the description: "This video shows the basic principles on how to handle an aggressive tarantula".

Needless to say, I chuckled when I read that.


Dec 1, 2013
Notice, if you will, that comments and ratings had been disabled. Probably from too many people righteously trashing the moron who posted it.