The myth of Hognose snakes being dangerous has been around for a long time but simply isn't true. They are indeed rear fanged and the venom does have an effect on toads but even this is not very efficient. Studies have shown the venom to take quite a while to even subdue toads and in several species the venom does nothing to mice. Bite studies from them have had results ranging from no effect at all to localized pain and swelling with discoloration. These effects also happen when human saliva is injected into the hand but we don't consider ourselves to be venemous. In the most extreme cases there has been tingling in the bitten area. That's it.. no deaths no violent reactions nothing. The thing that classifies Hognose as venemous is the Duvernoys gland at the back of the mouth which produces a toxic saliva and shares some of the properties with the hot rear fanged snakes such as boomslangs however the venom is again species specific meaning it only affects their prey which is toads. Another interesting side note is that if you are picky enough as far as the saliva being called venom then garter snakes are also mildly venemous. For that matter recent studies are heading towards the thinking that there isn't a truly non venemous snake as all of them have a great deal of bacteria and other nasties in the saliva which technically would make them all mildly venemous. There has never been a human death from a Hognose nor has there ever been medical treatment required from a bite and the venom is nothing to cause concern. For all the Hognose info you could possibly want check here
My boss does research on the endangered southern hognose. He actually managed to envenomate himself while force feeding one of his research animals! He accidently hooked one of the fangs into his finger while pushing in a pinkie mouse. He said it was somewhat painful, and later he experienced some nausea that may or may not have been assosiated with the bite. Within a few hours, there were no more effects and he was fine.
boas hands friend keeps them and they are truely beautifull...rat/corns dont grow big enough,ball pythons are easy stressors too much upkeep but boas..big,friendly and not to fussy
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