The better question is " why " ????


Old Timer
Feb 7, 2007
I've been reading the posts about the T addiction. I too have been bit by the spider bug, and I am not sure why. Is because there are very low maintance. The husbandry needed for 1 cat, can be spread out to 21 T's, or just the fact that they are REALLY cool ?

What's your take ?


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2007
for me personally i have always loved any kind of spider
i'm fascinated with them, i like to observe the different personalities, they all seem to have their own (a rosea may have more than one){D
even the pet holes are interesting to me, i hardly see them but when i do it's something special
i guess i just really really love these guys


Old Timer
Jul 10, 2006
I think it's a mix of the following reasons:

1º it's like have discovery channel 24 hours per day and you can interact with the bugs

2ºThey are sometimes cute, sometimes hilarious (I think almost everyone has laughed several times at one of his/her own bugs crazy ideas)

3º We make bonds with any living being we take care of, and we enjoy it. Here are some people saying they feel sorry about his roaches just before using them as food for other arthropods. And raising them from babys may make you so proud sometimes :D

About point 2º, in my experience, my purpurea once did a strange jump from the edge of her enclosure. She faced the "precipice", and before jumping she raised her butt a bit and shook it to the sides, just like a cartoon character before starting to run. It may sound a bit stupid, but seeing it was hilarious. I found funny too the Hadrurus walking so cocky through their own enclosure, like saying to everyone "Hey, what are you looking at, dumbass" when they are alone there. I don't have any Hadrurus yet, but I'm about to buy some {D


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
ive raised snakes, lizards. took care of injured animals of all kinds over the years. have always had cats and dogs but for some reason spiders hold the most fasination for me. i do think that part of it is the fact that they are so easy to care for. but more they do have a personality just like a cat or dog. i get alot of teaseing from family and freinds cause i get attached to them stupid bugs. ive set in front of a tank for hours and just set and watched them going about their webbing and cleaning and such. much of the time i have no clue what they are doing.
like yesterday. i have an adult female rosea in a ten gallon tank. about every 2 weeks i will pour enough water in her tank to moisten one end. so i did and she slowly moved over to the wet side, dug a hole under her water dish , stuck her body in the hole and stuck her butt straight up and stayed that way for about 2 hours. why , im not sure. i keep water in her tank and have read that rosea's are not fond of water. but i think thats the part i like. most pets are pretty predictable and a little boring. with t's its never boring to watch them cause you never know just what they will do.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2003
For myself, I get compulsive when I start a new hobby or interest. It was like when I used to have aquariums many years ago, next thing I knew I had tanks on every horizontal surface that was available. Same thing was with tattoos, I had one, next thing I know, I had to have an ink fix every month.

Also, T's are very low maintenance, so it's just as easy to take care of 2 spiders as it is for 20. Another thing, let's face it, 90% of the time they are just sitting there doing nothing. The more you have, there's almost always something going on, whether it's eating, digging, mating, molting or waiting for eggsacs.


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2007
I've always liked bugs. When I was little at school during recess, instead of playing with the other children, I would go catch grasshoppers or stare at the anthill. Later I got stick bugs for pets, and brought them to school and introduced them to my friends and we played with them on breaks. I once kept a locust as a pet for a year, feeding her by holding her wings and putting coleus leaves to her mouth. I hand fed her everyday.

The native spiders where I live are nothing special, so tarantulas are pretty neat pet for me to have. I love the idea of something most people think of as being tiny, and actually being huge! {D

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
i look at this way my first love are dogs but as we living in a flat i can not have one so my ( t ) are second choice but put it this way if one of my ( t ) died tomorrow i say sod it and carry on when my dog who i had from when she was 7 weeks old had to be put to sleep at 15years old cancer i was a 31years old man in floods of tears and 14years on i still think of her so my ( t ) will never replace ANY DOG for me :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( == phil


Old Timer
Jan 12, 2007
fascination of its movement, molting, behavior and what not.. also the color amazes me. its also a great stress reliever watching them feed. :D


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2006
They never cease to fascinate me. A creature that can remain nearly motionless for an entire day, and then move so quickly as to be a blur at the first sign of food. Just amazing.


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
1 - Contact with the nature. thats an important feature for me, different Ts = different pieces of narture and habitats. Every specie has a "personal need" that you have to ... research, discover and satisfy.
2 - I always loved bugs.
3- Ts are ok in a small enclosure, so you may have many of them.
4 - Observation thing, heheh.
5 - differente behaviors.
6 - I love predators. I cant have lions in my bedroom, but I can have 80 Ts or more.

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
1 - Contact with the nature. thats an important feature for me, different Ts = different pieces of narture and habitats. Every specie has a "personal need" that you have to ... research, discover and satisfy.
2 - I always loved bugs.
3- Ts are ok in a small enclosure, so you may have many of them.
4 - Observation thing, heheh.
5 - differente behaviors.
6 - I love predators. I cant have lions in my bedroom, but I can have 80 Ts or more.
or pet rocks LOL

Jonathan Rice

Old Timer
Apr 4, 2006
Tarantulas for me are a link back to nature. I live in the city and watching and caring for my t's keeps me sane. I just feel like humans are supposed to be connected with nature on some level.

Tarantulas for me are a link to the past. Since they are basically unchanged for, what, a million years, looking upon them makes me imagine what it was like for them a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago. What was the Earth like back then? Tarantulas are exotic and everyone craves something exotic in their life.

Better than a lava lamp!
When you're absolutely bored or frustrated or sick of homework, or lonely or whatever, I can walk over to my tarantula room and just stare at them. I agree with so many others, the more you have, the better chances you have that one of them is doing something cool.

Tarantulas for me are an outlet for the scientist in me. An outlet for the artist in me. And an outlet for the caregiver in me. Though I have never admitted to actually testing t's in a formal way. I always use the scientific method when faced with a question.


Hypothesis: Do t's eat dead prey?
Experiments: Give them prekilled prey.
Conclusion: Some t's are more inclined to eat prekilled prey while others are not. More testing need to formulate a final conclusion.

And the list goes on. I guess it's different for everybody but I believe tarantulas are so easy to care for, and so fascinating, it's easy for kids and adults alike to 'catch the bug.'
Last edited:


Old Timer
Apr 27, 2006
Because they come in every color! :) And purses dont scare evil little brothers out of my room.

Because I have more in common with my OBT than with my friends.

Because not all furry creatures have to be cuddly.

Because they don't poop on the lawn/carpet.

Because they don't bark at the mail man.

Because cats are evil.

Because crickets come in 50 ct bags and not 50 lb bags at a time.

-Why?- You asked, I gave you a small number of my reasons... :)


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I've been reading the posts about the T addiction. I too have been bit by the spider bug, and I am not sure why. Is because there are very low maintance. The husbandry needed for 1 cat, can be spread out to 21 T's, or just the fact that they are REALLY cool ?

What's your take ?

People always say that pets (this usually applies to dogs but I'm using it for T's) help all of us get into a better mood because I guess animals can read emotions (as i said dogs not T's lol) but in my cause my tarantulas really lift up my spirits. When I don't want to be bothered with idiots I just go into my tarantula walk in closet and some times either just lay there on the floor or just observe them doing nothing at all. Some times when i sit there just watching them lay around I end up coming to this board with a question to ask. Some times you just wanna be around the pets that make you most happy. for me these are my tarantulas.