Taxonomic changes in 2010


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
New species, genera described, new combinations, synonymies established last year.

New genera:
Agnostopelma Pérez-Miles & Weinmann
Bacillochilus Gallon

New species:
Acanthoscurria turumban Rodríguez-Manzanilla & Bertani
Agnostopelma gardel Pérez-Miles & Weinmann
Agnostopelma tota Pérez-Miles & Weinmann
Bacillochilus xenostridulans Gallon
Coremiocnemis brachyramosa West & Nunn
Coremiocnemis gnathospina West & Nunn
Coremiocnemis hoggi West & Nunn
Coremiocnemis jeremyhuffi West & Nunn
Coremiocnemis obscura West & Nunn
Coremiocnemis kotacana West & Nunn
Cyriocosmus venezuelensis Kaderka
Harpactirella overdijki Gallon
Hemirrhagus perezmilesi García-Villafuerte & Locht
Idiothele mira Gallon
Lyrognathus achilles West & Nunn
Lyrognathus fuscus West & Nunn
Lyrognathus lessunda West & Nunn
Selenocosmia barensteinerae (Schmidt)
Theraphosa stirmi Rudloff & Weinmann
Thrixopelma lagunas Schmidt & Rudloff

New combinations:
Augacephalus ezendami (Gallon, 2001), from Ceratogyrus (Gallon, a)
Chilobrachys himalayensis (Tikader, 1977), from Haploclastus (Siliwal & Raven)

New synonymies (first the junior synonym, followed by '=' and the senior synonym):
Acanthoscurria atrox Vellard, 1924 = A. paulensis Mello-Leitão, 1923 (Lucas et al.).
Acanthoscurria guaxupe Piza, 1972 = A. paulensis Mello-Leitão, 1923 (Lucas et al.).
Citharischius Pocock, 1900 = Pelinobius Karsch, 1885 (Gallon, a).
Cyriocosmus rogerioi Pérez-Miles & Weinmann, 2009 = C. pribiki Pérez-Miles & Weinmann, 2009 (Kaderka)
Euathlus latithorax (Strand, 1908) = E. vulpinus (Karsch, 1880) (Perafán & Pérez-Miles)
Haploclastus robustus (Pocock, 1899) = H. validus (Pocock, 1899) (Siliwal & Raven).
Lyrognathus pugnax Pocock, 1900 = L. crotalus Pocock, 1895 (West & Nunn, a).
Monocentropella Strand, 1907 = Eumenophorus Pocock, 1897 (Gallon, a).
Pelinobius bettoni (Pocock, 1898, transferred from Phoneyusa) = P. muticus Karsch, 1885 (Gallon, a).
Pelinobius crawshayi (Pocock, 1900) = P. muticus Karsch, 1885 (Gallon, a).
Pelinobius gregori (Pocock, 1897, transferred from Phoneyusa) = P. muticus Karsch, 1885 (Gallon, a).
Pelinobius rufus (Berland, 1914, transferred from Phoneyusa) = P. muticus Karsch, 1885 (Gallon, a).
Poecilotheria nallamalaiensis Rao et al., 2006 = P. formosa Pocock, 1899 (Gabriel).

Dubious name (nomen dubium, pl. nomina dubia):
Selenocosmia lyra Strand, 1907 (West & Nunn, a)

  • Gallon, R. C. 2010a. On some southern African Harpactirinae, with notes on the eumenophorines Pelinobius muticus Karsch, 1885 and Monocentropella Strand, 1907 (Araneae, Theraphosidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 15: 29-48.
  • Gallon, R. C. 2010b. A new genus and species of Harpactirinae from coastal Angola (Araneae, Theraphosidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 15: 79-82.
  • García-Villafuerte, M. A. & A. Locht. 2010. Un nueva especie de Hemirrhagus Simon, 1903 (Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae) de Chiapas, México. Revista Ibérica Aracnología 18: 81-86.
  • Kaderka, R. 2010. Cyriocosmus venezuelensis sp. n. from Venezuela (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae). Revista Ibérica Aracnología 18: 87-96.
  • Lucas, S. M., F. dos S. Paula, H. M. O. Gonzalez F. & A. D. Brescovit. 2010. Redescription and new distribution records of Acanthoscurria paulensis (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Theraphosidae). Zoologia (Curitiba) 27: 563-568.
  • Pérez-Miles, F. & D. Weinmann. 2010. Agnostopelma: a new genus of tarantula without a scopula on leg IV (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae). Journal of Arachnology 38: 104–112.
  • Perafán, C. & F. Pérez-Miles. 2010. Euathlus latithorax (Strand, 1908) is a synonym of E. vulpinus (Karsch, 1880) (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Theraphosinae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 15: 49-51.
  • Rodríguez-Manzanilla, C. & R. Bertani. 2010. Descripción de Acanthoscurria turumban sp. nov. (Araneae: Theraphosidae) y primer registro del género para Venezuela. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 46: 143-145.
  • Rudloff J.-P. & D. Weinmann. 2010. A new giant tarantula from Guyana. Arthropoda Scientia 1 (1): 20-38.
  • Schmidt, G., S. Hettegger & J. Matthes. 2010. Ein Weibchen von Chilocosmia barensteinerae sp. n. aus Kalimantan (Borneo) (Theraphosidae: Selenocosmiinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 4-14.
  • Schmidt, G. and J.-P. Rudloff. 2010. Thrixopelma lagunas sp. n., eine bisher unbekannte Vogelspinnenart aus Peru (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae). Arthropoda Scientia 1 (1): 8-14
  • Siliwal, M. S. & R. J. Raven. 2010. Taxonomic change of two species in the genus Haploclastus Simon 1892 (Araneae, Theraphosidae) Zookeys 46: 71–75.
  • West, R. C. & S. C. Nunn. 2010a. A taxonomic revision of the tarantula spider genus Lyrognathus Pocock 1895 (Araneae, Theraphosidae), with notes on the Selenocosmiinae. Zootaxa 2362: 1–43.
  • West, R. C. & S. C. Nunn. 2010b. A taxonomic revision of the tarantula spider genus Coremiocnemis Simon 1892 (Araneae, Theraphosidae), with further notes on the Selenocosmiinae. Zootaxa 2443: 1–64.
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Old Timer
Feb 3, 2008
Not a bad year. More progress than added confusion. Thats good! nice summary.

Also another nov. sp.
Thrixopelma lagunas Schmidt and Rudloff 2010.

Schmidt, G. and J.-P. Rudloff 2010. Thrixopelma lagunas sp. n., eine bisher unbekannte Vogelspinnenart aus Peru (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae). Arthropoda Scientia 1(1):8-14

I have the .pdf kindly sent by J.-P., if anyone wants a copy.

there is also
Huber, S. (2010) Wiederaufstellung der Gattung Ischnocolella Strand 1907 (Theraphosidae: Selenocosmiinae): ein weiterer Vertreter der ´Selenocosmiinae ohne Stridulationsorgane´. Arthropoda Scientia 1(1):15-20

[i.e. Generic resurrection of Ischnocolella which as i understand was previously synonymised with Plesiophrictus. Note, im not too sure of exact page numbers as i dont have a copy]




Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Thanks for the addition Stuart, totally forgot about that. If Ischnocolella doesn't have stridulatory organs as the article's title suggests, what makes it a selenocosmiine?


Dec 21, 2010
I'm very confused. :? Is this saying that P. Formosa was re-named to something else this year, or is it the other way around. Or am I completely not making any sense at all right now. {D


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
I'm very confused. :? Is this saying that P. Formosa was re-named to something else this year, or is it the other way around. Or am I completely not making any sense at all right now. {D
Please note I wrote: "first the junior synonym, followed by '=' and the senior synonym." When two species (names) are found the be in fact one and the same (i.e. synonymous), the older name is the senior synonym, the younger name is the junior synonym, and because of The Principle of Priority, the senior synonym (or the oldest available name) remains the valid name. In the case of P. formosa, Ray Gabriel is saying that P. formosa is the same species as P. nallamalaiensis. P. formosa was described by Pocock in 1899, while P. nallamalaiensis was described by Rao et al. in 2006, making P. formosa the older name and thus the senior synonym, and the valid name. Does it make sense now?


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
Hey zoltan,
whats your personal opinion about Rudloff and Weinmann revision on Theraphosa stirmi ?


Dec 21, 2010
Please note I wrote: "first the junior synonym, followed by '=' and the senior synonym." When two species (names) are found the be in fact one and the same (i.e. synonymous), the older name is the senior synonym, the younger name is the junior synonym, and because of The Principle of Priority, the senior synonym (or the oldest available name) remains the valid name. In the case of P. formosa, Ray Gabriel is saying that P. formosa is the same species as P. nallamalaiensis. P. formosa was described by Pocock in 1899, while P. nallamalaiensis was described by Rao et al. in 2006, making P. formosa the older name and thus the senior synonym, and the valid name. Does it make sense now?
Yes, thanks.

Michael Jacobi

Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003

The Tarantula Bibliography :: March 2011

All of the taxonomic revisions of 2010 are now reflected in the March 2011 update of THE TARANTULA BIBLIOGRAPHY.

Thanks, as always, go to Zoltan (my super-contributor) and all those who sent in submissions.