I would have said it was cute. It looks a tad frightened though, with those giant two eyed fleshbags thumping around it, while its just trying to stay safe, and probably mate. It cares not what we think, it cares not how we live, but it is frightened of the monsters that stand tall and judge it without taking a moment to see life from its perspective.
Its homes destroyed, its habitats vanishing faster, the difficulties of poisons in the water and ground, and of course the ancient hunt for the female make their life hard enough as it is, and now this giant creature is making all sorts of noise around it, and it instinctively knows that big things are not good for it.
What's a tarantula to do?
I like tarantulas and I like pitbulls, they both have really bad raps because of uninformed people spreading myths and ignorance like a mental virus.
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