here's the update. My tarantula has feces on her spinnerets and most people thought that it was just left over poop and not impaction. This morning when I went to refill her water, I realized that when she walked she was moving very slowly and her legs appeared to be collapsing beneath her. The were all at an angle and she was not walking on the tips of them but more on the sides. She also was kicking hairs constantly and she has 2 small bald patches located on each side of her spinnerets. One of her spinnerets is not laid up against her abdomen as the other one is and it sticking out at an angle. She has had no more feces on her since Sunday, and yesterday day
she was drinking water. Should I be concerned? Do you think this is more then just left over poop on her abdomen? Thank you all for your help.
she was drinking water. Should I be concerned? Do you think this is more then just left over poop on her abdomen? Thank you all for your help.