Tarantula VS Centipede VS Scorpion VS Solifugid!


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
hmm well i would hate to see a 12" solfugid !!!!!!
but from what i have seen of centipedes, with the size being equal. nothing beats a pede. i dont think any animal on the planet can defeat a centipede of equal mass.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
these aren't fights, they're giving a centipede expensive meals that it doesn't want to eat and that can severely harm it in the process.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
these aren't fights, they're giving a centipede expensive meals that it doesn't want to eat and that can severely harm it in the process.
We're only debating and sharing our opinions, we're not actually doing it man.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
i didn't say you were and it doesn't make a difference.
Actually it does and you said it in a way that implies that.

I think the best ones to win goes like this, best to maybe not as good as the best. Of course this is just for fun.


Solifugids deal mechanic damage and that is deadly towards tarantulas most of all but I think towards scorpions with armor and centipedes with multiple legs and a long body, solifugids sorta lack the upper hand.

However, solifugid vs centipede. Wow that'll be something. {D


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
whether or not you were actually doing it or not has little to no bearing on my comment. allow me to rephrase.

most of the hypothetical match-ups would just be feeding the superior animal the inferior one, and the centipede would be the superior animal in every scenario involving it due to the unlikeliness that a scolopenda spp. can be overpowered or outvenomed by any invert besides a larger and more potent scolopenda spp. however, all varieties of inverts (at adult or subadult size to be of any use in a 'fight') are too valueable both monetarily and personally* to be used for such things, especially when the 'fight' has an obvious gap in advantage. in addition, pitting animals readilly capable of envenomation and heavy mechanical damage against eachother will likely result in the 'victor' losing as well once it succumbs to any bites or stings it recieved in the gruesome process. basically, the hypothetical fights are moreso a pointless slaughter of time, money and significant** life than much else. the only thing i implied was that i thought the centipede would die last in a tournament and i confirmed thinking so now.

* whether we deem 'pet' inverts as equal to dogs/cats/etc or not, they are still our 'pet' inverts. if we didn't feel any connection to our Ts/scorps/pedes, we wouldn't be on this forum or even keeping them as pets. the line varies from person to person, but roaches, mantids, etc aren't in question now.

** another gray-area line, but i think we can all agree a tarantula is not on par with a housefly, tick or earthworm.

also, getting any joy out of such things isn't a healthy trait.
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
also, getting any joy out of such things isn't a healthy trait.
my pointy teeth tell me i have millions of years of hunting and eating meat in my makeup... and they beg to differ.

bloodsport is one of the oldest most natural events in humanity. it is possible civilization started when protohumans united to bag larger game. it... is... natural. all these insane rules that prevent me from ripping the throat out of someone who annoys me are unnatural. heheheeh.

and not one whiner has given a LOGICAL reason for why having a tarantula eat a centipede is wrong when having a tarantula eat a cricket or roach isn't. i am most certainly NOT accepting it a priori... lol. so far i have quoted the only somewhat valid reason... and even there... we are not operating at peak time energy efficiency, nor really trying to as a hobby... nor would most people want to so it is a very weak argument at best =P


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
in modern society, animal cruelty beyond exterminating pests (and anything percieved as a pest) is generally looked down upon and gaining a distinct, sadistic pleasure out of it is considered a developmental sign of a mass murderer. pre-neolithic humans hunting deer and bison for their meat and hide is not really applicable; the invertebrate's reactions are instinct and predation, the spectating human's reactions are not.

bloodlust can be considered human nature, but human nature also deems such things taboo. i do not defecate on the street while naked and claim it's in my nature because i have an anus that is otherwise obstructed by pants and underwear.

if i must repeat myself, then i will.

all varieties of [pet] inverts...are too valueable both monetarily and personally to be used for such things...

...whether we deem 'pet' inverts as equal to dogs/cats/etc or not, they are still our 'pet' inverts. if we didn't feel any connection to our Ts/scorps/pedes, we wouldn't be on this forum or even keeping them as pets...

... i think we can all agree a tarantula is not on par with a housefly, tick or earthworm.
if you remain unpersuaded and continue to feel the need to degrade me in order to exalt your own argument, then i don't know what else to say or if it'd even be of any use. i only hope someone else on my side of the debate gains the gall to step up and try his or her own hand.

i said my opinion on who'd "win", in any case.

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Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Responding to quotes from Molitor

another gray-area line, but i think we can all agree a tarantula is not on par with a housefly, tick or earthworm.
Many ppl that said I was weird would have said the same thing about me keeping tarantulas, scorpions and centipedes, etc. To them a hamster/cat is not in par with a tarantula, scorpion, or centipede. However, from one person to another that scale changes. Just because something isn't kept frequently as a pet such as a housefly, doesn't mean it is not as valuable. I had a little hissing cockroach before when I was little and just cause other ppl use cockroaches as feeders doesn't demean his existance in my eyes.

So when you say "I think we can all agree a tarantula is not in par with a housefly, tick or earthworm" I would have to disagree and say it depends. I wouldn't say everyone would agree.

If anyone were to feed my roach to something else I would call them cruel. Thats why when you say stuff about it being cruel or not, there's no real backbone to your argument and its more based on how you feel.

..unlikeliness that a scolopenda spp. can be...
scolopenda? You mean Scolopendra right? You spelled it twice like that. Just wondering.


I said
We're only debating and sharing our opinions, we're not actually doing it man.
You said
i didn't say you were and it doesn't make a difference.
and then I said
Actually it does and you said it in a way that implies that.
I'm still saying it does make a difference cause we're only discussing to pass our time and share opinions. There's a huge difference between saying "I want to kill you" and actually going out and trying to kill that person. I think a lot of us has said or thought of that at least once in their lifetime and that doesn't mean we'll actually do it and it doesn't mean we're equivalent to a murderer. My gf wants to kill me all the time, but I know she won't do it......i think...i hope.

You're just taking it way out of context.

Last thing:

if you remain unpersuaded and continue to feel the need to degrade me in order to exalt your own argument, then i don't know what else to say or if it'd even be of any use. i only hope someone else on my side of the debate gains the gall to step up and try his or her own hand.
We're not trying to degrade you and if you feel that way we're sorry, just be open-minded to what we say as well. And I hate ppl picking sides, I'm not on anyone's side, I'm just saying what I feel myself. I really liked hearing ur opinion as well and you're right, if they fight I guess even the winner could lose in the end. Its just a discussion, nothing more nothing less.

I don't have no grudges against you, you are just saying what you're thinking. Seriously I hate ppl that pick sides.

Well I'm off to work, tutoring kids. I'll teach them all that 1+1=3 muahahahahha!


Oct 29, 2007
my pointy teeth tell me i have millions of years of hunting and eating meat in my makeup... and they beg to differ.

bloodsport is one of the oldest most natural events in humanity. it is possible civilization started when protohumans united to bag larger game. it... is... natural. all these insane rules that prevent me from ripping the throat out of someone who annoys me are unnatural. heheheeh.

and not one whiner has given a LOGICAL reason for why having a tarantula eat a centipede is wrong when having a tarantula eat a cricket or roach isn't. i am most certainly NOT accepting it a priori... lol. so far i have quoted the only somewhat valid reason... and even there... we are not operating at peak time energy efficiency, nor really trying to as a hobby... nor would most people want to so it is a very weak argument at best =P

I agree 100%


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
In my opinion the Scorpion will be the dominant one from all the competitors because i seen some big emp killing giant centi therefore scorpion best {D

I also agree about the people in this tread that don't get insicure about cruelty stuff because thats not the topic of this tread.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
i dont have any interest in bloodsports, invert fighting,sports,or any other form of aggression.
i dont feel it, and don't live in, for, or with it.
:? :?