Tarantula VS Centipede VS Scorpion VS Solifugid!


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Okay, I always wonder this but, in a 1v1 battle between any combination of the ones listed in the title, which one would you think win? Lets say their size and stuff are pretty much the same to even the odds. Please also explain why you think so.

This is my thoughts

Centipede>Tarantula (I think the centipede's rush of speed and many legs would help them win)

Scorpion>Solifugid (Scorpions have claws to take care of their prey from afar where as solifugids have to get right up close)

Scorpion>Centipede (Same)

Here's some videos I found as well

Solifugid VS Scorpion

Centipede VS Tarantula


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
thats stupid and annoying.
wasnt a fight at all.
just like all these vids, which make me ill, btw, its just two creatures wanting to be free..and willing to do anything to get away.
never a fair fight for either one.
god i hate these.
yes, i know i didnt have to watch..but in order to have a validated opinion, from what i infer here, i need to watch to give one.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
thats stupid and annoying.
wasnt a fight at all.
just like all these vids, which make me ill, btw, its just two creatures wanting to be free..and willing to do anything to get away.
never a fair fight for either one.
god i hate these.
yes, i know i didnt have to watch..but in order to have a validated opinion, from what i infer here, i need to watch to give one.

Lol yeah I don't really like these videos either, some of them piss me off, just stuff I saw while surfing the net :D

My questions were mainly just to hear some opinions, don't want anyone really trying it out or anything lol.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
thats stupid and annoying.
wasnt a fight at all.
just like all these vids, which make me ill, btw, its just two creatures wanting to be free..and willing to do anything to get away.
never a fair fight for either one.
god i hate these.
yes, i know i didnt have to watch..but in order to have a validated opinion, from what i infer here, i need to watch to give one.
:clap: yup, i agree 100%!!!!!


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2006
That is pure evil. I watched part of the first one and it pissed me off so bad I turned it off.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
Lol yeah I don't really like these videos either, some of them piss me off, just stuff I saw while surfing the net :D

My questions were mainly just to hear some opinions, don't want anyone really trying it out or anything lol.
i know they're lower life forms..but compassion must start somewhere.:clap:


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
REAL got pwned
Lol like how?

ouch pwned over the internet :rolleyes:

But seriously though I just added the video clip cause those are some of the stuff I saw, I'm just wondering which ones you guys think would win, just need opinions not ppl with attitudes. I'm not trying to promote those videos, they're just random clips that I saw, doesn't mean I agree or disagree with what they're doing so besides that please..

I'll bring up whatever I want, no one's going to make me regret it, I rather say whats in my mind then keep it inside.

As everyone can see I am still currently trying to be nice and respectful to everyone. We'll see how it goes then {D


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Infuriating. This is the kind of rampant idiocy that gives the hobby a bad name. I have nothing but contempt for people who pit captive animals against one another for amusement. And I don't care what the outcome would be of any of these fights; they shouldn't be happening to begin with, as anyone responsible invert owner knows. Even musing over the thought of watching animals harm one another for the sake of curiosity or entertainment is absolutely sickening to me.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007

Extra thoughts:

I think scorpions are the dominant one among them all because of their far reaching capabilities. They can not only attack from afar but also use their hard tail to push away foes that come from behind it.

I always thought centipedes or solifugids were, but now I am saying scorpions! I guess I didn't think scorpions were great cause of my emperor scorpions that I had along time ago, they seemed rather slow sometimes, I guess I sure underestimated them!


Well back to my shows, laterz!
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Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Ohhh yeah! Continuing from above...

Tarantula<Solifugid (I dunno I just think a solifugid would totally shred a tarantula to pieces, they're so quick, thats just my opinion for the fun of it)

Centipede>solifugids (again centipedes have a lot of legs and that probably gives it the advantage over a solifugid in my opinion)

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Infuriating. This is the kind of rampant idiocy that gives the hobby a bad name. I have nothing but contempt for people who pit captive animals against one another for amusement. And I don't care what the outcome would be of any of these fights; they shouldn't be happening to begin with, as anyone responsible invert owner knows. Even musing over the thought of watching animals harm one another for the sake of curiosity or entertainment is absolutely sickening to me.
Pretty much said it perfectly.

Also, this is a forum for vertebrates. I don't think any of the contenders belong in here. ;)


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
well I will be the first to answer the posed question:rolleyes: , I think that the scorp has the ability to take down all of the contenders. I don't think that REAL is an advocate of what they are doing I think that he is just curious as was I a long time ago. I truly don't believe that anyone on here would actually advocate such acts of cruelty.:eek:


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2007
Despite how many times REAL says "I would like your opinion, I'm not condoning it", everyone seems to just reply to say "wah wah it's cruel." We all know it's cruel. None of us condone the actions of the videos. The thread is not about that. Start a new one if you wanna whine about 'animal cruelty in the world of inverts'. There's even a ready made title for you there!

To answer the original question, the centipede's speed, vast number of grasping legs, powerful bite, and general agression would make it the winner of any of the above battles.

I think alot depends though. If any one of the above got a good sting/bite in, the other would die.

PS as far as I'm aware, 'animal cruelty' does not encompass inverts. Thus why we are allowed to feed live insects etc etc. Therefore none of the above videos are acts of animal cruelty.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Where's the "vs. boot" option? I'd pick that to win.
Anywho.... :rolleyes:

To answer the original question, the centipede's speed, vast number of grasping legs, powerful bite, and general agression would make it the winner of any of the above battles.

I think alot depends though. If any one of the above got a good sting/bite in, the other would die.

PS as far as I'm aware, 'animal cruelty' does not encompass inverts. Thus why we are allowed to feed live insects etc etc. Therefore none of the above videos are acts of animal cruelty.
I think if it was a fast scorpion vs a fast centipede than the scorpion would win, the scorpion seems to be very well protected from all sides and is able to attack from afar. The centipede would have to get right up close to kill it therefore lowering its chances of winning even more versus the scorpions further range.

However, if it was a slow scorpion vs a fast centipede....maybe yeah. I don't know, some of my emperor scorpions were pretty slow to me.

And yes I also agree, a good surprise attack would most definately decide it all, thats why its best to take out surprise attacks ;)

Thank you for being open-minded to my questions guys.

Okay here's a question, which one would be best to take out a scorpion?
Any opinions?


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i love people who KEEP PREDATORS whining about bugs dying

i wouldn't death match any of my bugs... but it is cuz i want to breed them out not feed them out.

but... the ONLY logical argument i have ever seen advanced as to why it is morally permissable to feed out my roaches and worms and what not but not feed out (battle) my other bugs is that there is an issue of replaceability. a roach is much more easily replaced than a hella k-selected tarantula or what not.

all other "cruelty" arguments are laughable, stupid, and just plain pathetic. further, they are illogical and totally emotionally based. politician arguments, if you will ;)

centipedes would do MUCH better in a tunnel/tight cage match, imo. they seem quite built to be close, underground predators. their shape would allow them to move above/around/over anything but another centipede... and that kind of mobility is what wins meals. battles. whatever.

in a straight "death pit" match where there is no terrain to deal with i think scorpions are going to hold a considerable advantage. cents and taras envenomate with their faces... scorps have a mobile envenomator... not to mention claws and high end armor.

look for something called an oogpister. it is african. apparently the best battle bug ever.

and don't get me started on the WC preserved stock hobby. THAT is some messed up stuff right there, compared to battling bugs.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
oh yeah

a centipede's ass end can be effectively dead and the head end will continue to eat and act pretty normal. i could see that being of use in a battle.

lol. i had a centipede that had it's #1 pair of spiracles clog. the head died. the centipede didn't really seem to notice... except one day it lost all forward gears and could only walk in reverse. yay for a highly distributed nervous system eheheheh


solifugae would have a big advantage as they are built to deal mechanical damage... which is one of the most immediate ways of reducing the combat effectiveness of an opponent. super high end neurotox is probably faster (and more elegant) but bugs seem built to resist it, sort of. i have seen roaches last for EVER and be partially devoured before they stop trying to get away (gods' balls! that must make me the most evil person on the planet, bar none! oh wait.. virtually everyone here live feeds invert prey and i prekill almost all of mine... what does THAT mean!?)

lol. silliness.