Tarantula Poll - most defensive T

What is your most defensive T or most defensive you've witnessed?

  • Cyriopagopus doraie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heteroscodra maculata

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ornithonoctinae sp Ho Chi Minh

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Nov 22, 2022
from personal experience: Ornithoctoninae sp. “Haribon”. Yes pretty much all the Ornithoctoninae are insanely defensive but this one I actually had bite the tongs.


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
And yea that’s why Psalmopoeus are recommended as ladder species to owning OW, for their speed, disposition, and possibility of more uncomfortable venom.
I have way more trouble with rehousing and what not with psalmopoeus than I do with any of my poecliotheria. However, my worst tarantula ever skittish wise is a MM y. diversipes that I currently have. This guy goes full panic every time I open his enclosure. There is no coaxing with a brush or nothing to try to get him out for pairing. All he knows as run and bite, lol. I named him turbo after the movie with the snail. He even runs circles around the female enclosure for a few laps until he can settle down. Never seen anything like it before.


Apr 2, 2018
My most defensive T is my female curly hair. She's a trip.

Anything I do warrants a threat pose. She's lunged and bit at my paint brush and always slaps at water during refills.


Dec 22, 2018
You seem concerned about that. So to answer that question,my longest female was 3 years.
Very very heavy webbing and two simple choices. Down face first in a corner,or flat out will bite. It also can go from one to the other in a blink but usually once in defense mode it's that way for hours.

I hate to be the person with the bad news but the Chilobrachys your on about? Your never going to see them unless they are ready to eat.
The one you disliked the most you should have kept. My friend has oned named Angel and I have a couple pictures of her on here .

Unless you are the type person to be up at 3 am,your not going to see any of these spiders out fully on a regular basis. I'm weird so yeah I see more of my spiders than I do humans.

Take a second and think about this. More than a few times Psalmopous has been brought up. Why do you think that is? After all it's a nw right? So is it defensive? Well yeah because their hairs are fjdjvjtodifn compared to others so errrrrrr what are they also known for????
Blinding speed so when that's not an option guess what.

It's behavior.
Btw a couple of Cyriopagopus species you mentioned just be aware they have some stuff that packs a brutal punch.

I'm an idiot so bear that in mind but the expectations you seem to have with Asian tarantulas and them being out and about is going to be a disappointment.
As far as enjoying a spider being defensive?
I accept the consequences and show utmost respect for my animals but I seriously doubt any of us go up and are like heck yeah I hope you are extra extra spicy today during a rehousing with most ow tarantulas.
I see my chilos a lot, the Huahini I didn't see much my Sp Kaeng Krachan and Sp Prachuap Khiri Khan are out quite a bit. My C doraie pops out when it's hungry and is probably my favourite
from personal experience: Ornithoctoninae sp. “Haribon”. Yes pretty much all the Ornithoctoninae are insanely defensive but this one I actually had bite the tongs.
Is it true the haribon get huge? If so how big do they get? They look like a cool species


Nov 22, 2022
I see my chilos a lot, the Huahini I didn't see much my Sp Kaeng Krachan and Sp Prachuap Khiri Khan are out quite a bit. My C doraie pops out when it's hungry and is probably my favourite

Is it true the haribon get huge? If so how big do they get? They look like a cool species
I’ve heard they get as much as 8” across, though I haven’t personally seen one that big.


Dec 22, 2018
Do P ornata get bigger? But they might have averages close the same size..
No ow comes close to t Blondi , but there definitely are some huge ow.!!!
Well I have Cyriopagopus doraie, Cyriopagopus schmidti and Selenocosmia crassipes that could potentially reach that size, if they turn out to be female. I know Chilobrachys sp Kaeng Krachan may get big but not quite as big as those guys. Out of the three biggest I mentioned I think Cyriopagopus schmidti would be the most likely to reach 8" so I hope that is female


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Well I have Cyriopagopus doraie, Cyriopagopus schmidti and Selenocosmia crassipes that could potentially reach that size, if they turn out to be female. I know Chilobrachys sp Kaeng Krachan may get big but not quite as big as those guys. Out of the three biggest I mentioned I think Cyriopagopus schmidti would be the most likely to reach 8" so I hope that is female
nice , and you keep some huge species can’t wait too see them get huge.
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Dec 22, 2018
Lampropelma nigerrium. Omothymus violacepes. Phormingochilus arboricola, as you'll know P rufilata and regalis get pretty large. I don't have new worlds but Theraphosa, Lasiodora, Megaphobema, Sericopelma, Phormictopus, Pamphobeteus and Xenesthis all get to large sizes. H gigas and H Hercules are some more African Baboon Ts that get pretty big not just Pelinobius muticus. If you can get a female O violacepes you will get a huge T and a nice looking one aswell but I am trying to stick to Fossorial/Terrestrial old worlds and C schmidti is the largest I know of. C doraie and S crassipes are up there also...

If anyone knows if there are any bigger old world Asian Ts I'd love to know

I did make a post about them not long ago but people tend to make a joke about it and not really answer seriously.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Lampropelma nigerrium. Omothymus violacepes. Phormingochilus arboricola, as you'll know P rufilata and regalis get pretty large. I don't have new worlds but Theraphosa, Lasiodora, Megaphobema, Sericopelma, Phormictopus, Pamphobeteus and Xenesthis all get to large sizes. H gigas and H Hercules are some more African Baboon Ts that get pretty big not just Pelinobius muticus. If you can get a female O violacepes you will get a huge T and a nice looking one aswell but I am trying to stick to Fossorial/Terrestrial old worlds and C schmidti is the largest I know of. C doraie and S crassipes are up there also...

If anyone knows if there are any bigger old world Asian Ts I'd love to know

I did make a post about them not long ago but people tend to make a joke about it and not really answer seriously.
Yeah not many are going to as massive as Nw by bulk but some are like H gigas etc type ow. This is a rather small Phampho , by average standards.
Pamphobetus sp. Platyomma 6.5”-7” probably. Not sure , she destroys all her molts. My old g Rosea was almost as big as her.
I recal rumors of Large Pelinobus muticus up to 10” but don’t see any proof. That would be a sight to behold.
All the tarantulas I seem to get are at Or below average sized.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
Maybe i do not understand the complexities of this poll. I am not one to have great social skills. Nor master the art of conversation.

But, i do not look for defensiveness. If fact, in enjoy the opposite.

I have two P murinus. And what i enjoy most about them, is how they are not defensive, at the moment.

They are more prone to go to their hides then anything. And even after weeks after a molt, they act fragile.

I love experiencing my spiders as unpredictable pretictable.

I feel i am doing an excellent job with them not being crazy defensive at me.

My tarantulas are all spiders I can work around. They don’t go crazy trying to show me who’s boss. Everyone is in their space, doing their thing.

My satisfaction comes from knowing none of my spiders hair me, or display crazy defensive displays, when i change their water.

Im not an idiot, this is always a possibilty. I just prepare for it, and rather wish it did not.

I like to be calm, and i like my spiders calm. Or how the young folk say, i like my tarantulas chill.

And i cultivate the chill. I like it chill.
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Maybe i do not understand the complexities of this poll. I am not one to have great social skills. Nor master the art of conversation.

But, i do not look for defensiveness. If fact, in enjoy the opposite.

I have two P murinus. And what i enjoy most about them, is how they are not defensive, at the moment.

They are more prone to go to their hides then anything. And even after weeks after a molt, they act fragile.

I love experiencing my spiders as unpredictable pretictable.

I feel i am doing an excellent job with them not being crazy defensive at me.

My tarantulas are all spiders I can work around. They don’t go crazy trying to show me who’s boss. Everyone is in their space, doing their thing.

My satisfaction comes from knowing none of my spiders hairs me, or displays crazy defensive displays, when i change their water.

Im not an idiot, this is alwAys a possibilty. I just prepare for it, and rather wish it did not.
My Aphonopelma anax was meaner then any baboon I had . .. even Pelinobus muticus and obt. S cal was close but not as mean. Don’t have any right now.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
My Aphonopelma anax was meaner then any baboon I had . .. even Pelinobus muticus and obt. S cal was close but not as mean. Don’t have any right now.
View attachment 480131

I can not speak for anyone. But when i work with my spiders, i am in THE zone.

It becomes very obvious when one of them feels like going on a walkabout.

No issues yet with any maintenance. Just have some clingy tarantulas: when they have a hold of any given item, it is theres.
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I can not speak for anyone. But when i work with my spiders, i am in THE zone.

It becomes very obvious when one of them feels like going on a walkabout.

No issues yet with any maintenance. Just have some clingy tarantulas: when they have a hold of any given item, it is theres.
Yeah the faster spiders that teleport are harder. I don’t have any that quick right now. Unless you catch cup them quickly. 😄 Doesn’t always go right ..

Stu Macher

Oct 2, 2023
Well, look no further than a P cancerides. I opened her bin up this morning, and she lunged in my direction nearly tagging my hand (with all seriousness) and knocking the lid up. I love her though, she's a good girl. 5" dls currently. Can't wait until she gets larger. Gonna put her in a 26qt sterilite to give me some distance. She is on target every time. Easily my most defensive T out of my other pamphos, phormics, pokies. She's loco bro. Highly recommend one if you're ready for a bull in an 8 legged body


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
Well, look no further than a P cancerides. I opened her bin up this morning, and she lunged in my direction nearly tagging my hand (with all seriousness) and knocking the lid up. I love her though, she's a good girl. 5" dls currently. Can't wait until she gets larger. Gonna put her in a 26qt sterilite to give me some distance. She is on target every time. Easily my most defensive T out of my other pamphos, phormics, pokies. She's loco bro. Highly recommend one if you're ready for a bull in an 8 legged body

You changed your profile pic. I noticed that.

Do you prefer your tarantulas being defensive?

Stu Macher

Oct 2, 2023
You changed your profile pic. I noticed that.

Do you prefer your tarantulas being defensive?
Not necessarily. One of my favorite T's is a sweet female G Pulchra. My pokies have been very well behaved. I like that some of the defensive T's have crazy prey drives, quick growth rates, and impressive sizes. That part I like.

I enjoy the movement I get out of some of my defensive T's. The tenacity/fearlessness is admirable. I don't like agitating them, that part I don't like. They get stressed at times, and I take no pleasure in that. I try to be as light handed as possible because I love my pals.

But, I'd rather them not get hurt and me bitten so I'm very careful.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
Not necessarily. One of my favorite T's is a sweet female G Pulchra. My pokies have been very well behaved. I like that some of the defensive T's have crazy prey drives, quick growth rates, and impressive sizes. That part I like.

I enjoy the movement I get out of some of my defensive T's. The tenacity/fearlessness is admirable. I don't like agitating them, that part I don't like. They get stressed at times, and I take no pleasure in that. I try to be as light handed as possible because I love my pals.

But, I'd rather them not get hurt and me bitten so I'm very careful.
i love this.

you love your tarntulas being themselves, but you don’t like provoking them.

this is the key.