Take two!


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
I am not kidding, if I get slings they will be $20-$30 bucks. My goal in being in the hobby is to lower all the prices. And so far I have been doing a pretty good job of doing that. I need just enough money to keep doing what I am doing. I could care less about turning a profit and keeping things expensive.
You are currently selling slings for $149 bucks and I just don't see the point of selling slings that high.

Yep 26. Hopefully I am doing this for a long time to come.

And your reasoning for this would be? :confused: You do realize that makes no sense at all right? You would be doing more then dropping the price below $100 if you gave them away for free, they would be $100 cheaper then $100.
I have been quietly following this thread it just seems as though someone invested too much stock in selling their Ts and is upset that they wont be able to cause you are not jacking up the price cause they are rare


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
I only kept 25 for myself.It's rarest Brachy in the U.S.It will 5 years or more before thay fall below $100.I wholesale my to the same guy.The day thay
start feeding.This way I don't have to feed them.87 Baumgarteni are easy 750
is a job.I don't know were thay were sold.I have 1 guy I sell all my egg cases
to.Smithi,Emilia,Boehmi,Klaasi,Schroederi,Albicepes,annitha and any other
Brachypelma.If there feeding thay will buy them.I've been doing this for 10
years and I'm very happy with the arangment.20 different people are
breeding klaasi and there still selling for $150. for a 2 inch bug.I hope your
young.Because you would have a long wait before the the price falls.I would
let them go free before lowering the price below $100.I also have B.Fossorium
I hope to breed this year.I'm just waiting for 1 of my males to mature.I spend
alot of time over seas.All these tarantulas are readily avalible.With the right
paperwork it's very easy to bring over.

Satellite Rob

If i am correct wild collection of any Brachys is prohibited paperwork or not


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I would have to agree with you.
I realize my selling cheap is not going to go over well with some people.
BUT we are way ahead of ourselves here, I have to get one of these two ladies to drop a sac for me first!
either way nice pics ryan and good luck with the breeding
Thank you! :D

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008

I could show you any cluster of brachy's and you would not be able to tell
what thay are.Thay all look the same when thay are young.I can't help if you
don't understand about weaken the gene pool by breeding spiderling with
mother.Each time you do you weaken the line.It may take many generations
sooner or later you weaken the line.I don't do this for a job.But there are many dealers that do.To lower the prices even for a short time.Affects there
livelyhood.If thay can't afford to stay in business and thay soon won't.But
guys like you will be black listed and none of dealers will want to deal with
you.I know a few already that will over price you.So you have to get other
people to buy male T's for you,at a much better price.If you have not notice
it's allready started.There are 3 dealers that I know of.That will over price you
just to get rid of you.Because thay don't like the way you do business.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
I could show you any cluster of brachy's and you would not be able to tell
what thay are.Thay all look the same when thay are young.I can't help if you
don't understand about weaken the gene pool by breeding spiderling with
mother.Each time you do you weaken the line.It may take many generations
sooner or later you weaken the line.I don't do this for a job.But there are many dealers that do.To lower the prices even for a short time.Affects there
livelyhood.If thay can't afford to stay in business and thay soon won't.But
guys like you will be black listed and none of dealers will want to deal with
you.I know a few already that will over price you.So you have to get other
people to buy male T's for you,at a much better price.If you have not notice
it's allready started.There are 3 dealers that I know of.That will over price you
just to get rid of you.Because thay don't like the way you do business.

Satellite Rob
And I thought I had bad business sense:rolleyes:


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Yeah, let's burn Ryan on a stake already!!!


BTW, where did Ryan say that he is 'breeding spiderling with mother'? (And how is that even possible?)


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2007
Its rare that I post here, but I feel that I must. Its early and I apologize for my rant. However...

There are 3 types of people in this hobby. Those that are in the hobby for the pure love of their tarantulas, those that are in the hobby to try to make money, and there are those that are somewhere in between. Those that truly love their Ts would want others to experience the same experience that they have with their Ts (i.e. not charge an arm and a leg for them)

To think that prices should remain constant is a foolish way of thinking. The price of tarantulas has always been driven by supply and demand. If there is a huge supply, then the price will drop. 750 spiderlings is a pretty big supply. I'm not sure how great the demand for them is, but I really don't think it can be that great, judging by your ad still being up here on AB. (I know I'm not interested in them even if they were $5).

I also don't believe in tarantulas being considered "investments". You should buy a particular T because you like its characteristics, not just how much its worth. Look at the prices of Ts in Europe. Those are the prices the Ts here in the US should, and I hope will, eventually reach.

With that being said, I think Ryan is doing this hobby a great service by making Ts that people thought they could never afford, but desired, affordable.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I can't breed all the species anyway. I can't even come close. So the notion that I am going to get "blacklisted" by all the dealers because what I breed I sell cheap is silly.
I am focusing on pokies and brachys, I doubt that is enough to put any breeder out of business.


Old Timer
Feb 1, 2008
personally, i think selling slings cheaper is better.this benefits people that want a rarer t, but dont have the extra cash all the time. i mean im 15, i dont have a steady working job yet, so its a lot harder if i want to get into a breeding project, or get a rarer t. some people might be saying, "well if you sell rarer ts for less then what value do they have?" i think rob is a perfect example. his t isnt the rarest, but it just went through a horrible time and its his pet. he was extremely concerned and did everything in his power to help it. he cares for all his t's equally no matter what sp, or the cost. so basically i just dont see why you would have to sell your spiderlings for 150 each. in all honesty i would rather give mine for free. we're all interested in the same thing, if someone gave ME free tarantula i would be extremely happy. well im done rambling i just wanted to say i was with ryan on the lower prices, and really, why would you sell a sling for that much?


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Beautiful specimens Ryan! Cant wait to see all the sacs :)! Good luck bro! :worship:
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Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I wish more people would take the pride I
do in this hobby.I was one of first tarantulas dealers.It was in the early
1990's.Before people started selling tarantulas on the internet.I wonder if
anyone could guess the name of my businss.
If you took half the pride in how you come across to people that you say you take in being in this hobby, you'd be far better off. I don't know you, don't care how long you've been in the hobby, don't care to play your little game about "guess the dealer that used to be famous but didn't want to use the Internet and is pissed off he's an unknown now", and CERTAINLY don't care to have you cluttering up someone's thread with your off-topic crap.

I don't give a flying peanut who you are or what your business name is. If you think people care, and it seems you think they should, start your own thread. Thanks.


Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
I'm sorry to all

I sorry about my ranting last night.I let someone get get me angry and I
won't let it happen again.I let anger get the best of me and i'm sorry to who
ever got caught in the middle.

Satellite Rob
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Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Talkenlateo4 (Take the luck out of breeding)

My first post to was.Good luck on a textbook breeding and I really ment it. But you started taking shots at me.When you only have 1 female and using
barrowed males.You can do everything perfect and still fail.Mybe your female
didn't produce last year because you used a barrowed male,who was older
than you were told.Unless you had the male before his maturing moult.I hard to beleave the history of a male if you don't witness it yourself.That why I
don't use barrowed males.Some people will tell you anything about there male
hoping to get 50% of your spiderling.Thats why growing your own is best.
This way you know everything about the male.You know the whole history
and when he matured.If it was a close friend who kept good records.I might
consider the loan.You need to get more females.You could have the best
male in the world.If your female is not in good breeding from,3 to 5 months
from her last moult,you might be wasting your time.Thats why you need more
females.You always use your female in the best breeding first.Then move to
the next.Take the luck out of breeding.When you have 1 female and you
use a barrowed male.You need alot of luck to produce.Thats about it.I really
do wish you goodluck.Your going to need some.By the way great pictures.
When you do every perfect.You still need some luck.But alot less.

P.S.:please don't take another shot at me.I was only trying to help.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Talkenlateo4 (Take the luck out of breeding)
26 sacs this year so far, so I think I am doing ok.

I am still trying to figure out why you are posting on this thread. You are telling me things that I already know, that everyone already knows for that matter (or most everyone). I don't care if the mm was 2 months old or 20 months old. I just wanted a chance to breed this species no matter how slim the chances. That is the difference between me and you, my enthusiasm for the hobby is not motivated by greed. So for me some chance is better then no chance at all.


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2004
Hello Ryan,

Great pics man, no doubt about it you are really giving us a great deal of experience through your knowledge.

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Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
haha wow.. anyway.
awesome shot's Ryan, as usual lol and good luck on the sac

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
If you know it all?Why do you make so many mistakes.

This will be the last post.You couldn't do one post without taking a shot.I
knew you couldn't before I made the post.If you know everything?Why do
you do so many things wrong.I guess I was wrong.I had the idea you didn't
know better.Now I know you just don't care.If you came back with post
without taking a shot at me.I was going to offer you a subadult male
baumgarteni for free.All you would have had to do.Was pay for shipping after
you received it.Oh yea,when you make a post you invite anyone to respond.
My last post I was nothing but nice to you and you had to go be a jerk.I still
wish you luck.Your going to need alot of it.Last night I let get me crazy.I
won't ever let you do it to me again.Today I posted a I'm sorry message to
everyone for my ranting.That sorry was for everyone but you.When you
make a post you invite criticism and advice.If you can't take it?Mybe you
shouldn't make any more post.

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
When you make a post you invite criticism and advice.If you can't take it?Mybe you shouldn't make any more post.
.Then in aug. one
our online dealers obtained most of he's collections.He offered to give me the
same male at no charge and I did't take him for the 2cd time.Then a very nice woman,I won't say her name but you know who,got him.The dealer who
sold him did not know history of the male either.The male breed at least 2
females and both females did not produce.When you look at the male you
can see he's been around the block a time or two.But I you wish you luck on
text book breeding.
From the very start you have been trying to air out my business when it is no ones business but my own. That is why you are getting a bad reaction from me. You have no reason to be posting the stuff you did above.
So even if you are trying to help me now, you started all this by trying to take sideways cheap shots, and I don't react well to that. My first three or so replies to you were perfectly normal. But then you wanted to keep going with your comments like "wishing people cared about the hobby more" and bla bla bla.

So next time if you want to hand out advice, how about you leave out everything else that has nothing to do with advice? You might be taken more seriously next time if you do that.
You come off socially challenged when you add all that other rubbish.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2008
Lol..... Ryan since your breedings went well and you have so many healthy slings, I think ill be out soon to get some more slings from you.:cool: