Take two!


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Well the first try resulted in a molt, but this time I hope for better results. Meet this lovely pair of B. baumgarteni! I have been mating them since the middle of August and they have had a dozen or so good pairings with inserts! Fingers crossed!



Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Wow! That's pretty graphic Ryan. This should be an adults only thread.

Congrats and good luck.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I am just lucky I got a male! I thought for sure when she molted it was going to be hopeless looking for a mm in the US. Guess I have some luck on my side! {D


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
And as you can tell from this short video, sometimes mature males just need a push in the right direction. (keeps them from chickening out!{D )

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/E_3gcDu4Af8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/E_3gcDu4Af8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
No..................That was a boehmei and I found that male about a week later.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Good luck

Hello Talkenlate04,
I wish you luck on your Baumgarteni breading.I first became aware of
that male in late feb. or early march.When he was about 4 month old.He was
offered to me for free.I ddn't take him because the owner couldn't tell me
when he's maturing molt was and he could be alot older.Then in aug. one
our online dealers obtained most of he's collections.He offered to give me the
same male at no charge and I did't take him for the 2cd time.Then a very nice woman,I won't say her name but you know who,got him.The dealer who
sold him did not know history of the male either.The male breed at least 2
females and both females did not produce.When you look at the male you
can see he's been around the block a time or two.But I you wish you luck on
text book breeding.If she does produce I would be interested in buying 8 or 10
males.Since the last time we spoke.I had 3 more Baumgarteni's moult to over
5 1/4 inchs and ready to breed.Making my breeder stock to 10 adult females
baumgarteni's.All the luck in the world. I know in aug. you tried to make a trade
for the male,but didn't.Then your friend,the unnamed woman,made the deal and sent
to you.I could be wrong and this could be a different male.But I bet it's the same male.
When males become avalible I get I 10 emails from friends telling me about it.The
tarantula world is small and it hard to keep a secret about males.

Good Luck
Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Your history is a little off. The original owner of the male mated his female 04-15-08, and she has not molted. So you are incorrect with this information. Here is the link to the first female mated by this male,
The male breed at least 2
females and both females did not produce
Matter of fact the female that was mated is being sold to me, so she will be headed into cool down with me as soon as she is mated again. The male when I received him was healthy and eating and making sperm webs. I have had him over a month and he has mated with my girl about 10 times all after sperm webs were seen. And even if nothing happens this go round I have several immature males in the ranks.


Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
I checked my emails on 4/9/08 he was offered to me and I turned him down.That was after he was breed 4 times with his female.I never said she moulted.I said she didn't produced.She still might.All I said was the male is far
past his prime.Almost 3 years ago I produced my first Baumgarteni egg case
and had more tham 750 spiderlings.2 years ago I produced 3 egg cases and
while on a business trip to the England that took almost a month.When I
returned I found all 3 egg cases were eaten.Last year I didn't have a male.
But my friend produced a egg case.He used an old male.after 21 days he
noticed a bad smell coming from his tank.He's a rookie and didn't know what
to do.So he called me and asked if I can help.I removed the egg case from
her.When we opened the egg case.I could see that more than 50% of the
eggs were infertle.Half eggs were black and starting to mold.I removed all the
bad eggs and we had about 300 left.Over the next 4 weeks I checked at
least twice a day.I had 3 or 4 mold outbreaks the over the next month.I did
save 93 and all 93 are still alive.My friend only wanted 12 and gave me the
rest.He was with 12.Because if I left them with him thay all would died.
Because he could not give the time or no how to save them.Thats why you
don't use old males.I have 3 - 4 1/2 inch subadult males.That I'm waiting to
mature to breed with my females later this year.Since I have 10 adult females
I always have at least few ready to go.Since I gave my friend his Baumgarteni's he traded 6 back for different spiders.I still have bunch left
of 87 Baumgarteni's left for sale.I have about half sexed and some are close
to 3 inchs.The larger ones eat full size crickets.So if you need males for next
year,I have them.Anyone else who might some email me at = satelliterob5@aol.com . You will not find them anywhere else.Talkenlateo4 you might want to think about what you are going to do next year for males. I saved
9 males for myself.I have not seen Baumgarteni's for sale for at least 2 years.
Good Luck
Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
You will not find them anywhere else.Talkenlateo4 you might want to think about what you are going to do next year for males.
I already have back up males. They are just immature. And I know of at least two other people that will be sending me their males when they mature.
All I said was the male is far
past his prime.
I put no stock in that thought at all. When I see sperm webs and sperm being loaded into the palps I see no reason to think they are infertile and useless. I have had several very old males give me babies in past breeding including a smithi male that was almost 10 months old when he mated my females yet he fathered over 2000 babies.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Almost 3 years ago I produced my first Baumgarteni egg case
and had more tham 750 spiderlings.
Cool that's awesome congrats. Lets see some pictures! It would be awesome to see 750 slings together like that!
So you produced in 2005? Impressive. I hope to get some slings out of these two females so I can bring the price way way down from $149 bucks a sling. :) More like $30 bucks a sling.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
I don't rely on anyone but myself.Iv'e learned over the years that peoples
good intentions you can't rely on.No mater if there your best friend.If someone offer more money then you.Thay will get it and you can't evan get
mad.Because poeple have bills to pay.If it comes down to paying the electric
bill or loaning you a male.He's going to pay the bill.I know I would.I don,t take
breeding loans on expensive spider.Because I don't want a price war with a
friend.I loan males all the time If I'm done with him or have no use for him.
2 weeks ago a third males klaasi moult mature and it was on 8/15/08.I posted
him and someone drove 75 miles to pick him up.Last week he posted a breeding report with pictures.I had no use for him.Because 3 or 4 month I
breed 5 of my females with 2 different males.Then I loaned the 2 males to
friends.I had 4 egg cases.But 1 was eaten.The other female looks like is
going to explode and should lay a egg case soon.I have 20 to 30 males from
2 to 4 1/2 inchs,of each kind of spider I breed.I feed them in different
intervals,so thay grow at different rates.this way i don't get 10 mature at
same time.I Buy and grow all of my males.I don't inbreed my spiders with
there own spiderlings.I either buy new or trade for unrelated spiderlings.I
been keeping tarantulas 20 years.I wish more people would take the pride I
do in this hobby.I was one of first tarantulas dealers.It was in the early
1990's.Before people started selling tarantulas on the internet.I wonder if
anyone could guess the name of my businss.

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
wish more people would take the pride I
do in this hobby.
Is there a point to posting all of this on my thread? You are starting to not make since, or at the very least you are soliciting TONS of information that no one asked for. Take more pride in the hobby? What the hell are you talking about??? If you are going to keep rambling like this take it somewhere else.

Because poeple have bills to pay.If it comes down to paying the electric
bill or loaning you a male.He's going to pay the bill.
I think you over estimate the number of people that rely on tarantulas for income in any measurable amount. Most of us are just in it for the hobby and don't need to make money selling Ts to pay any of our bills and that includes myself.

I was one of first tarantulas dealers.It was in the early
1990's.Before people started selling tarantulas on the internet.I wonder if
anyone could guess the name of my businss.
Are you going to tell us what your business name was or are we going to have to jump through hoops to get an answer?

PS, still waiting to see pics of those 750 baumgarteni slings hatching out. :)

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
I sold the sack to a Wholesailer.

I only kept 25 for myself.It's rarest Brachy in the U.S.It will 5 years or more before thay fall below $100.I wholesale my to the same guy.The day thay
start feeding.This way I don't have to feed them.87 Baumgarteni are easy 750
is a job.I don't know were thay were sold.I have 1 guy I sell all my egg cases
to.Smithi,Emilia,Boehmi,Klaasi,Schroederi,Albicepes,annitha and any other
Brachypelma.If there feeding thay will buy them.I've been doing this for 10
years and I'm very happy with the arangment.20 different people are
breeding klaasi and there still selling for $150. for a 2 inch bug.I hope your
young.Because you would have a long wait before the the price falls.I would
let them go free before lowering the price below $100.I also have B.Fossorium
I hope to breed this year.I'm just waiting for 1 of my males to mature.I spend
alot of time over seas.All these tarantulas are readily avalible.With the right
paperwork it's very easy to bring over.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I only kept 25 for myself.It's rarest Brachy in the U.S.It will 5 years or more before thay fall below $100.
I am not kidding, if I get slings they will be $20-$30 bucks. My goal in being in the hobby is to lower all the prices. And so far I have been doing a pretty good job of doing that. I need just enough money to keep doing what I am doing. I could care less about turning a profit and keeping things expensive.
You are currently selling slings for $149 bucks and I just don't see the point of selling slings that high.
I hope your
young.Because you would have a long wait before the the price falls.
Yep 26. Hopefully I am doing this for a long time to come.
I would let them go free before lowering the price below $100.
And your reasoning for this would be? :confused: You do realize that makes no sense at all right? You would be doing more then dropping the price below $100 if you gave them away for free, they would be $100 cheaper then $100.