Definitely a job well done! That poor thing would have had no chance if it was that badly dehydrated! Again, congrats.. looking forward to the pics! Before and after will be good
Wow, she looks alot better now. Weldone. I'm sure her size will start picking up as soon as she eats. Taking a wild guess here, but maybe the lack of size dif was due to her being sick?? Anyone else??
As some already thought earlier has indeed been confirmed. She's not a T. blondi but a T. apophysis. She seems to have grown in size since the molt, and today was the first day I fed her after molting. Yes I waited a longer period of time to make sure she was fully hardened up and calmed down.
She ate two baby rats which she practically devoured. I found her bleeding out of her abdomen friday 2 november, and panicked. I put some flower on the wound (it cloths ) and she seems fine now. Haven't seen her bleeding out of the abdomen since. The cause of the bleeding was.. herself. She probably tried to kick too much hairs after molting thus simply wounding her abdomen.
Her legs are deffinately straighter and stronger, but not at the level they should be. The last piece of leg I on the right still bends inwards, and one of leg IV has the same issue. She lost the tip of leg II on the left too. I think she is 6 to 7" now, and I don't know when to expect another molt. Part of me wants to powerfeed her towards a molt to get the last issues out of the way, on the other hand she'll probably force a molt if it bothers her.
She moves quite fast, but jerky because of the legs not being their full 100%. I wasn't expecting a full recovery after only 1 molt. If she still has the inwards bend tip after the next molt then I might consider pinching that leg off so she can grow a new decent leg.
A noticable difference is that she can't easily lift up her abdomen, cause her legs do not offer enough support to do so. As she was feasting on a baby rat she was beautifully standing up with the carapace high in the air, it struck me because that's something I would like to see more often. She kinda lays around more often than she stands.
Last but not least are the urticating hairs. I've had a boehmei and smithi hair me straight on and it itched for 5 minutes. I haven't been hit directly by her hairs, but have come in contact with them and they are ANNOYING. I woke up in the middle of the night to scratch my hand and fingers. If I recommend anytihng to anyone then I'll say stay away from these hairs. Ooh mine loves to kick those darn hairs so much that I feed her and refresh the water from a distance (using tweezers and stuff).
Wow, two baby rats for a meal!! No wonder she can't lift the rest of her body, LOL.
Congrats on bringing her to a better state of health. I'm pretty sure that with upcoming molts, hopefully she'll fully recover.
Nice job saving a T. I recently picked up a 10'' female T blondi who was extremly dehydrated for $80 at a local reptile expo. I left her alone for a day with an icu setup with a water dish and one large discoid roach. I checked on her and watched her drink out of the water dish for a full 25 mins and now she looks so much bigger and healthier. A couple hours later the discoid was seen in her clutchs and the next morning all that was left was the wings. She looks great and was moved into her new permanent enclosure with lots of room to burrow and plenty of humidity.
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