T. apophysis


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
The T in that thread looks like my female which is also a true T apophysis but sadly she died from a bad molt and I'm stuck with a real male T apophysis which will mature in 2-3 molts. If anyone know where I can buy a 6-7" female True T apophysis please pm me.
Keep it and send him to me and we split the sack ;)


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
I'm leaning 80% that fran's female is also real, it just hard to tell because of the flash or the color of the carpet.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
The tarantula im showing in my picture is a Theraphosa apophysis. Theres about no doubt to 0 doubt about that ;)

Also, the spider MEZ is showing appears to be an apophysis as well.


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
Keep it and send him to me and we split the sack ;)
I got some loan offers from people but I also want to try breeding them myself. I really waited so long to raise this guys so I can breed them. I still get depress when ever I remeber losing my female. I will let you know when he matures. Hopefully I can find a female so I can experience breeding them.

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

The tarantula im showing in my picture is a Theraphosa apophysis. Theres about no doubt to 0 doubt about that ;)

Also, the spider MEZ is showing appears to be an apophysis as well.
the only thing that confuses me is the legs of your female they are kinda dark maybe because of the lighting in the pic.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
Fran I was not doubting your female, actually forgot you had posted your female as I was comparing Mez's spider to others. But are you 100% sure Mez's is a T. apophysis?


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
I got some loan offers from people but I also want to try breeding them myself. I really waited so long to raise this guys so I can breed them. I still get depress when ever I remeber losing my female. I will let you know when he matures. Hopefully I can find a female so I can experience breeding them.

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

the only thing that confuses me is the legs of your female they are kinda dark maybe because of the lighting in the pic.

Lightning is the main thing. My cam is nothing special. plus light enhancing to show its colors...
But I mean those who would confuse that spider with an Spinipes...Ya knooow...;)

---------- Post added at 01:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 AM ----------

Fran I was not doubting your female, actually forgot you had posted your female as I was comparing Mez's spider to others. But are you 100% sure. Mez's is a T. apophysis?

I have several young Apophysis and yes, even though the lightning is weird, Im quite sure it is.

Theraphosa spinipes are not as clear or defined on the "stripe" patterns on their legs, the tarsi are withish not salmon-pink. They dont have a triangle coming from the fovea (not a very marked one, like the brown one on the apophysis)...
(Recently molted juvie Apophysis showing in picture below)



Old Timer
Nov 18, 2004
^ glad you noticed that because I honestly never did.

I honestly hate this genus. its so messed up it makes me want to not even have the dang thing.
Hah, come on man, when it comes down to it who cares if the animal has a definitive specific epithet. Just call it Theraphosa sp. and be happy that you have the privilege to raise such an awesome spider.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
Hah, come on man, when it comes down to it who cares if the animal has a definitive specific epithet. Just call it Theraphosa sp. and be happy that you have the privilege to raise such an awesome spider.

Well, I would given its a female. Being it a male makes it hard to want to keep something you know will probably just waste away as a mature male. especially since If I dont know what it is, and no one else does either who is going to what to try and breed him?

yes, they are awesome, never did I say different. but

A. they make me itch ridiculously bad.

B. he will probably waste away due to species complications. and even if he is pair with a girl, chances are it will be a waste as well. especially if its paired with the wrong species of his genus.

Look at how many dud sacs people have gotten trying to breed these. I blame it on interspecies breeding which apparently isnt working.