

Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Just to let everyone know swade655 sent me a T that he knew was dead and then when i showed him pictures that you can clearly see the T in a death curl he has refused to give me my money back.

he wants me to mail him the T back that's just too much non sense but its ok..this is again just a heads up... he did say if i wanted to mail him the T back if is indeed true ( I'm going to lie about a dead T when I paid $55 dollars for it right) that its dead when he gets it he'll send another one...since this is the internet and you have to be aware of what happens just double check with the people you by T's from I just wasted a lotof money on a dead T....I guess I'll just stick to REAL dealers and breeders...

this is just me venting out..no one has to reply i'm just saying... unless you know someone personally or its a reputable breeder don't deal with him.. the pictures are below...If needed i'll take more pictures for him but im not gonna waste my time sending the money back...I already have 14 or so T's that I paid for in full... I buy T's basically 2 a week from botar sometimes three so for me to sit here and write all this there isnt anyway I'll be trying to get a new one if this one WERE alive.....I'm straight peeved.



Old Timer
Jun 9, 2005
Just want to let you know it is common practice that if you get a t D.O.A. in the mail, to mail it back to the sender as proof.


Old Timer
May 28, 2006
Transaction Details


Refund (ID #7A6643628E7041104)
In reference to:48466970P0711482P

Original Transaction

Date Type Status Details Gross Fee Net
Mar. 28, 2007 Payment From JOHN JONES Refunded Details $55.00 USD -$1.90 USD $53.10 USD

Related Transaction
Date Type Status Details Gross Fee Net
Mar. 31, 2007 Refund Completed ... -$55.00 USD $1.90 USD -$53.10 USD




Total Amount:
-$55.00 USD
Fee Amount:
$1.90 USD
Net Amount:
-$53.10 USD


Mar. 31, 2007
21:04:01 PDT


please return the spider


this is a copy direct from paypal......... I was not even given time to return home from work before this insult post was issued..... buyer still refuses to issue proof by returning the body........ hope he enjoys the freebie... dead or alive...


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Just to let everyone know swade655 sent me a T that he knew was dead and then when i showed him pictures that you can clearly see the T in a death curl he has refused to give me my money back.

he wants me to mail him the T back that's just too much non sense but its ok..this is again just a heads up... he did say if i wanted to mail him the T back if is indeed true ( I'm going to lie about a dead T when I paid $55 dollars for it right) that its dead when he gets it he'll send another one...since this is the internet and you have to be aware of what happens just double check with the people you by T's from I just wasted a lotof money on a dead T....I guess I'll just stick to REAL dealers and breeders...

this is just me venting out..no one has to reply i'm just saying... unless you know someone personally or its a reputable breeder don't deal with him.. the pictures are below...If needed i'll take more pictures for him but im not gonna waste my time sending the money back...I already have 14 or so T's that I paid for in full... I buy T's basically 2 a week from botar sometimes three so for me to sit here and write all this there isnt anyway I'll be trying to get a new one if this one WERE alive.....I'm straight peeved.

I think you owe swade an apology. Its a common practice to return the dead T as proof. If there was not a practice such as this, you could just claim a T arrived dead and get another for free in addition to the original one. Check the DOA policies on breeders pages. They're all the same pretty much. You should fact check before you start trying to smear someone's reputation online.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Yes, i do owe you an apology swade...

I sincerely apologize but this all came about because it made me very upset and dishearten that something I was REALLY looking foward to, when i finally got it...its dead.... and the majority of T's i have recieved have all been alive and well.

i understand he isnt a professional breeder and all that but when i took it out....not only was it in a death curl..its abdomen was also shrunk.... which just in my opinion showed that he really didnt double check it or give it water. and he could have ( i may be wrong but this is my opinion) gave it water then packed up and because we did have an issue to talk about ( think we was trying confirm my address and as he has told me BEFORE and after the transaction that he isnt home all the time to answer his pm's) it may have been packed up for a long time without water before being shipped.

so I thought (which i may be wrong about) that this was done on purpose which made me even more mad because their was two main pieces of evidence that shows (if he was this type of person which he isn't ) he might have been trying to dupe me which really got under my skin.

however, I will again apologize for everything i said but i was really hurt when I found the Tarantula in this state and he did refund my money as it is now in my bank account...Also, even though i did accuse (sp) him of duping me out of a tarantula I was so mad I first told him to give me the money back then I said just keep it because I was just going to write it off as a lesson learned...so again I will apologize..Also I have been buying a lot of stuff online as far as animals, tanks, feeders, and supplies go and this was the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. so it was more of an over reaction and typing without thinking out of being hurt....

So I apologize Swade :8o


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Just want to let you know it is common practice that if you get a t D.O.A. in the mail, to mail it back to the sender as proof.
i realized this while i wrote him the first PM i sent him after i got the death curl , abdomen shrunk Tarantula..thats why i said in the pm and i quote " you know what just keep the money and forget it."

i said that AFTER i said i wanted the money back because i knew to get my money back id have to send the spider back and i wouldnt have any money to send it back until wednesday and i got it on friday...