surival of the meanest


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
today went for some T hunting.. we caught about 15 pix. a mixture of C.validas and P.inemis. upon arrival of our hunting ground. i caught my self a garter snake.. its looks weak. upon picking it up. i saw that it was very badly beaten up either by people or cats. so i brought it back n wedge a war with my H.schimiti. our hunting ground have interesting factors .. on the same rock we move over we can find 2 diff Ts juz side by side. about 15cm apart in their own web. they are super fast n hungry. i brought some back n 10 mins into their new home they start killing crix . hows that :clap: anyway here is some pix.

Ps. some may say that i am mean to bring the snake back. but trust me that it was on the brink of death already.



Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Nice!! It looks like a good meal for the Tarantula but i never feed my T's stuff i find could have pesticides! :eek:



Old Timer
Jan 1, 2005
tt's just a garter snake, no venom. something like a drain snake lol


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2004
Im sorry but i realy dont like that and think its disgusting the fact that u fed the snake to your spider like that rather than letting nature take its course. Instead u decided to play god. I dont mean to start an argument here but im a big snake lover and realy dont agree with what u done. that snake had a chance of survival in the wild even if it was a very slight chance.

Just my moneys worth :)


Old Timer
Sep 3, 2004
Arachnoking said:
Im sorry but i realy dont like that and think its disgusting the fact that u fed the snake to your spider like that rather than letting nature take its course. Instead u decided to play god. I dont mean to start an argument here but im a big snake lover and realy dont agree with what u done. that snake had a chance of survival in the wild even if it was a very slight chance.

Just my moneys worth :)

So, could a cricket lover (do they exist?) make the same argument? What about a roach fanatic? Why is StorM^ playing god anymore than you are based on his choice of feeder? Make statements like these, and you can be sure logic will demand an argument. (good natured, of course :) )


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2004
The crickets i feed to my spiders were not plucked out of the wild to be fed to my spider. they are bred comercialy for that use. all im saying is that the snake had much more chance of survival in the wild than it did in a small plastic tank with the spider. Ok it may have died if left in the wild but then that is nature and it had as much chance of survival as it did of dying.I have the right to say that i dont agree with it and find it unethical.

As i stated. im not trying to cause arguments. just stating my view. :D

common spider

Old Timer
Mar 10, 2005
Please people.Food is food we do the same thing.I go hunting and I kill and I eat what I kill.I go to pet stores and buy lizards and feed them to my T's what is the problem.

By the way I am not trying to start trouble............... ;)


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
common spider said:
Please people.Food is food we do the same thing.I go hunting and I kill and I eat what I kill.I go to pet stores and buy lizards and feed them to my T's what is the problem.

By the way I am not trying to start trouble............... ;)
agreed...snake or cricket, doesn't matter. as for survival of the meanest...i don't quite follow as the snake was already weakened, disposition had little to do with anything at that point...maybe survival of the fittest?

I'd have been more worried about any damage the snake could have inflicted to the the second pic it looks like it still had enough strength to rear up, and inferring from that i'd say it still had enough strength to bite.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
i was expecting some thing like that to be reply. like i mention. it will not surive the night. so instead of letting it to be wasted, i brought it back.

as for the H.S tank. i have 2 kind of soil in it. the black soil below is eco soil that will hold water for a long time. while the upper layer is mix soil. consist of coco peat. dry mosse, burn soil others. great for the t to lay thei burrow web. as for my H.S she seems funny. at 1st she did burrow abit. but later found that she did not like it. now she spend most of her time on the surface. but she is doing fine. and feed alot.


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2004

I'm an animal person(I get along with animals better than people). Its hard to watch nature take its course. I'm pulled both ways. If it was injured there wasn't much of a chance for it to live. Being hurt in the wild is like us being disabled from the neck down. I can understand it, its just to hard to think about. :confused:

David Burns

Old Timer
Jul 18, 2003
I'm a plant person. I don't think people should eat any sort of vegetation.

It can go both ways. I'm not trying to come down on anyones point of view. But, tolerance and free will, give peace a chance and circle of life. A great man once sang ;) " if you want to make a change, Change the man in the mirror" I wonder what he's doing right now. {D

Randolph XX()

Old Timer
Aug 10, 2004
philosiphy 1100,
free will contains certain amount of evils, but we need free will in the world, if God is all PKG(all powerul, all knowing, all good), he won't let any evil exsist, hence there is no God
-Elliot Sober


Old Timer
Feb 5, 2005
Arachnoking said:
The crickets i feed to my spiders were not plucked out of the wild to be fed to my spider. they are bred comercialy for that use. all im saying is that the snake had much more chance of survival in the wild than it did in a small plastic tank with the spider. Ok it may have died if left in the wild but then that is nature and it had as much chance of survival as it did of dying.I have the right to say that i dont agree with it and find it unethical.

As i stated. im not trying to cause arguments. just stating my view. :D
Tarantulas do feed on snakes in the wild, so the chance of survival of that snake in the wild would be as good a cricket ! Have you not seen the movie "Predators of the wild" ? you should have seen what the T.blondi did to the rattle snake (I think it was a rattle snke) !!


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2004
Must say I feel quite strongly on feeding live vertebrates to t's but I'll leave that out.
As someone has already pointed out the snake looks like it has enough strength to rear up and therefore strike. I keep garters myself and they are lightning quick, I certainly wouldn't risk a prized tarantula being hurt by the snake. I've been bitten by a garter before of similar size to the one in the photo (though the photo looks more like a ribbon snake than a garter) and it was a bugger to convince it to let me go, my finger gushed blood for a good while where the teeth had pireced the skin. Also there's obviously the risk of pesticides and parasites... silly risk in my opinion.

You mention that the snake seemed weak... though there is no way you can know what caused that, garter and ribbon snakes are very skittish and so I expect there was some underlying problem with it. It could have had an infection or parasites for all you know which will then possibly be transferred to your tarantula. :eek:
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