sure is slow here

web eviction

Dec 23, 2010
I always look forward to your pics man! I so need more pedes !! The two I have just ain't cuttin it lol


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
I was going to edit the previous post but to make it new after web's post, I'll just post again. I saw the envelope with the plastic peel protecting the adhesive and realized it might be a good light blocker. So I used the adhesive side to stick on to the glass, along with tape to help make it flush so that it would keep more light away from the centipede. The tape can be peeled back, lift the envelop to take a peek, why not just use cardboard though. If the light isn't blocked, the pede will place dirt over the "window", these are extremely light sensitive ime. This female has a low profile chamber atm, that usually means a dormant period or a molt, or a dormant period followed by a molt. Egg laying chambers have much more height, and are generally oval. So at the moment, I don't think this one has prepared an egg laying chamber.


web eviction

Dec 23, 2010
A friend of mine in Hawaii sent me a pic this morning of a pede she found crawling on her in bed a couple days ago she said she finds atleast 4 a week in her house lol


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
You might enjoy contacting Chyguy, he has a friend in Hawaii with similar stories, looks awesome over there!, dang comfort zone slavery:mad:. I need to break these chains lol.

web eviction

Dec 23, 2010
Ya she keeps telling me she will fly me over there, though I think I would be heart broken when I had to release everything I collected to come home... But my kiddos keep me here lol so I think I'm bound to my chains for a long while :(


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Yip, that's something I have thought about too, I'm not going anywhere, unless I leave on a tiny boat with everything hidden in the hull somewhere, attacked by modern day pirates. Florida sounds pretty good though. I like the land in California but, the politics there seem too cRaZy for me, and sounds like it's getting worse. $100,000 fine for, what was it, watering your yard when you're not supposed to?, or was it your car, ...or not picking up dog poop?, crazy stuff on the radio that I never looked into. Makes me want to grow galapagoensis babies up and throw them at the politicians at the rallies haha.

Yeah here's something about that Cali regs, but note this is from Alex Jones, best to find the true origin, Alex exaggerates like crazy about things.
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web eviction

Dec 23, 2010
Oi ya I like Cali but not enough to live there, it wil be cold boring Oregon for many years to come I'm afraid...
Though Florida does look nice! I have family in Arizona I really should go visit I guess lol
Haha I'm all for throwing pedes at them, lol I couldn't even imagine seeing pedes flying through the air! Could definetly get ppl on the run...


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
I always look forward to your pics man! I so need more pedes !! The two I have just ain't cuttin it lol
I still need to call you about making some more with the lady that you do have. Sorry:8o

Since you have better access to Strigamia, it would be neat to see how the communal experiment goes in two different settings...hmmm?

As far as the HI laws...last time I checked with HI Dept. of Ag. it was OK to capture non-native centipedes and remove them from the islands...worth a double check since it's been a couple of years. Good looking supspinipes & (Par)otostigmus to be had!

web eviction

Dec 23, 2010
I still need to call you about making some more with the lady that you do have. Sorry:8o

Since you have better access to Strigamia, it would be neat to see how the communal experiment goes in two different settings...hmmm?

As far as the HI laws...last time I checked with HI Dept. of Ag. it was OK to capture non-native centipedes and remove them from the islands...worth a double check since it's been a couple of years. Good looking supspinipes & (Par)otostigmus to be had!
No worrys man haha whenever you find time is good. :)

I looked around a bit today for strigamia but no luck :( I'll have to check my other spot...

Haha I totally tried to get her to throw some in her carry on but not such luck, all I got was a crappy pic of a pretty blue pede...


Old Timer
May 29, 2007
I want to post pics i received intersting species of centipedes from Africa but my only source for loggin is my phone and I dont know how to post from my phone

I have one in particular a small green one maybe 2 and half inches and is now wraped with a clutch of eggs. And I wish some one could indentifie it
Get the Tapatalk app, you can post pics directly from your phone directly in the app. You don't need a 3rd party website or yet another account that you won't remember the password for in 6 months.