Supposedly "wild" T's that turned out being calm...


Mar 23, 2025
Probably my P. Victori. As much as my girl could teleport shes never threat posed me once. She was happy hiding and doing her thing. Amazing feeding response. When I was getting her from my plug, the dude there with me also picking up was telling me his was brutal and really vicious in general. Mine was just like a puppy. I recently got a Sling P. Victori and I'm hoping for the same again. (just getting back into the hobby)
Edit: I added a pic. Wanted to show my wee one off.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
So far, my Nhandu Color had a mental transformation. When I got her, she had just arrived from europe. She was a wreck, thristy, and would kick and run.

she made her burrow.

then she ate. Eventualy molted.

now she’s calm and mostly in her burrow or on her cork “cliff”.

im pretty sure she’s full, and once it gets warmer she will molt.

but for now, i can take enclosure in my hands, and she just stays on her cork not moving.

she doesnt really kick either.

cant wait to see what the next molt brings.


Old Timer
Dec 18, 2010
My juvenile P. ornata is already a lot more mellow than my S. calceatum ever was. Not really a surprise, however. I kind of expected that.

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
Not even ONE??
...I will say this, that appearances are deceiving. Just because a tarantula seems docile doesn't mean it is....
Agreed wholeheartedly. I never take them for granted, as I'm well aware of their potential. I was just warned upon getting my first pokie (earlier that I should have) that I was dealing with a loose cannon in terms of disposition, & with the ability to "teleport" with speed. So far, my single rufilata has been the ONLY one of my poecilothera that strives to live up to the rep, LoL. I will never doubt that potential in the others, & I always go in with that as the expectation, but, so far, they've always been reasonably calm, & surprisingly predictable.... I'll knock on some wood now, LoL

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
None < 1

Btw Avics are a beginner genus I saw those quotes.

What isn’t predictable about them in your opinion?
Viper, man....LoL
I'm not saying they aren't, but compared with what I've personally been told told to expect from Pokies in general -vs- my experience with them, the Acivs are, in general, more "squirrelly" is all.

For example- my pokies are inclined to return to their hides, or "circle" the enclosure when disturbed, whereas my avics might go up, night go down, might flee quickly, might stick around to investigate, or all or none of the above. The pokies aren't as likely to mix it up as much... again, my personal experience.

You know what's be fun? Is it we set a time to meet back here one of these nights, & drunk post...I'd love to see you foot loose & fancy free there, brother...


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Viper, man....LoL
I'm not saying they aren't, but compared with what I've personally been told told to expect from Pokies in general -vs- my experience with them, the Acivs are, in general, more "squirrelly" is all.

For example- my pokies are inclined to return to their hides, or "circle" the enclosure when disturbed, whereas my avics might go up, night go down, might flee quickly, might stick around to investigate, or all or none of the above. The pokies aren't as likely to mix it up as much... again, my personal experience.

You know what's be fun? Is it we set a time to meet back here one of these nights, & drunk post...I'd love to see you foot loose & fancy free there, brother...
I don't drink.

I see what you mean. I had a P rufi do exactly what you described. My P met goes home fortunately.

I've never found dealing with Avics an issue. The only thing I don't like about them- they are stubborn! They pull their legs in and don't budge. It's quicker to put a male irminia into a shipping container than it is to move an Avic for the same reason.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
I’m not 100% sure yet, mine is only slightly larger than 1” DLS right now, but mine does not hide much.
My 3.5” mature male threat poses everything (including me talking too loudly near his enclosure):
Theres a pic on here somewhere of him looking just like this as a sling.
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2024
My 3.5” mature male threat poses everything (including me talking too loudly near his enclosure):
View attachment 493558
Theres a pic on here somewhere of him looking just like this as a sling.
Mine is either calm, or very bold, not sure yet, I hope it’s the former. That being said, calm, or bold, rehousing isn’t that bad. If it’s going to stand its ground or being stubborn, cool. But bolty, I hope not. Sometimes it rips around its enclosure when disturbed but usually ends up moving somewhere that’s still open and visual. Either way, this is my first OWT and I guess we’ll see how it goes. I’m not intimidated by the spider, but I do treat it with respect and caution though and I’m sure I’ll do fine! Looking forward to the challenge as everything I’ve had before was very calm.