Support with my first Ts


Jun 8, 2018
So i recently brought 3 spiders and its my first time having a tarantula, im a little worried about my singapore blue, they're all still too young to be sexed yet, but all its done is burrow, its been hidden for 24 hours now. Im just worried about it as its not moved, not touched its water dish or anything. My other is fine and the other sometimes pops its head out.

But yeah is my singapore blue okay?


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
You bought a Lampropelma violaceopes as your first tarantula... one of the most difficult and advanced tarantulas out there...


How did you set it up? Does it have moist substrate? Upright standing bark to hide behind? Enough ventilation? It's an arboreal - but younger spiders burrow. That's what they are supposed to do.

It may be a good idea to post a pic of your setup.

What other spiders did you get?


Feb 2, 2018
Post pictures of the enclosures then people will be able to help you out.


Jun 8, 2018
You bought a Lampropelma violaceopes as your first tarantula... one of the most difficult and advanced tarantulas out there...


How did you set it up? Does it have moist substrate? Upright standing bark to hide behind? Enough ventilation? It's an arboreal - but younger spiders burrow. That's what they are supposed to do.

It may be a good idea to post a pic of your setup.

What other spiders did you get?

Well, firstly i brought it in the local pet store its in a 8 inch height 5 inch wide container, it also haves twigs they put in, they also put in woodlouse as they said they said that it keeps the enclosure from getting moldy. I honestly just brought it from them and was told im not to move it out until it molts, ill try send a picture of it.

Also my other 2 is a obt and a mexican red knee, previously ive had snakes and bearded dragons, blue tongue skinks so i thought id be fine, ive not tried touching any of them yet, my obt actually comes out of its burrow every now and then, the red knee just enjoys showing off her colours. They all have water i haven't sprayed down the enclosures and i was told it was done before bought them

This is the red knees enclosure, i don't want to open it up, as i was feeding her and then i changed her water and she started to flick hairs so i left her be

The singapore has 5 holes on the lid, the red knee has 8 on top


This is my obt, loves being on show

Post pictures of the enclosures then people will be able to help you out.



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Feb 2, 2018
This is the red knees enclosure, i don't want to open it up, as i was feeding her and then i changed her water and she started to flick hairs so i left her be
That looks far too wet for a B.Smithi. Their substrate should be bone dry, with just a water dish for moisture. The enclosure could do with some more ventilation holes.


Jun 8, 2018
Yeah, like i said ive not sprayed the enclosure yet and dont plan to as i thought it looked too wet, i have ordered better enclosures online and they should arrive tuesday ish, then im going to transfer the smithi and obt, also how do you recommend making more holes without stressing it out?


Feb 2, 2018
This is my obt, loves being on show
This species likes their substrate bone dry too. Add more ventilation holes and let the substrate dry out. OBTs are often very defensive, so take precautions when feeding or removing crap from the enclosure. They’re very fast too, so have a catch cup ready. Most people would tell you that getting two old world tarantulas isn’t a good idea for your first tarantulas. But now that you have them, just be aware that both the OBT and the L.Violacepes (Singapore Blue) tend to be very defensive.

In my opinion, all of your enclosures need to more ventilation and your L.Violacepes needs a better hide. A cork bark tube would be adequate and they do tend to hide a lot.

Yeah, like i said ive not sprayed the enclosure yet and dont plan to as i thought it looked too wet, i have ordered better enclosures online and they should arrive tuesday ish, then im going to transfer the smithi and obt, also how do you recommend making more holes without stressing it out?
If you’ve ordered new enclosures, just make sure they’ve got some good ventilation before you re-house them. Tarantulas don’t need a lot of oxygen, but good ventilation helps to prevent mould and allows the substrate to dry out properly.
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Jun 8, 2018
This species likes their substrate bone dry too. Add more ventilation holes and let the substrate dry out. OBTs are often very defensive, so take precautions when feeding or removing crap from the enclosure. They’re very fast too, so have a catch cup ready. Most people would tell you that getting two old world tarantulas isn’t a good idea for your first tarantulas. But now that you have them, just be aware that both the OBT and the L.Violacepes (Singapore Blue) tend to be very defensive.

In my opinion, all of your enclosures need to more ventilation and your L.Violacepes needs a better hide. A cork bark tube would be adequate and they do then to hide a lot.
I have a huge polystyrene box i used for feed and when i move it over ill be putting it in there while i move it over, ive be told they're fast and can be aggressive, whenever ive been near it seems to skatter away. The obt has slit holes down both sides. I intend to move all 3 asap for reasons

1. It looks way too small, i struggled getting the water dish in for the obt and it's quiet big.

2. I have some pipes i was hoping to put in the enclosure so they can sit there.

3. I just feel like more room would be better than some small tubs, the singapore blue is tiny so im hoping to wait more.

The new enclosures have slits down the roof. Also i keep them in my bedroom my room temps are 23° and above


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
All your enclosures are seriously too wet. The OBT will probably survive but if you don't get the enclosures drier and better ventilated the other two very likely will not. Lampropelma is an advanced species because it's not easy to care for - they die if it's either too moist and badly ventilated or too dry. Good luck keeping it alive.

Your Brachypelma needs a completely dry enclosure as soon as possible. They abhor moisture and the enclosure you have is pure torture. They also don't survive enclosures as moist as yours for very long.

You should NEVER spray any tarantula enclosure down - they are not reptiles. Tarantuals need moist substrate or dry substrate and that's the end of it. Spray the enclosure down too much and you may very well kill them.

The enclosure of your lampropelma doesn't have enough substrate (slings and juveniles burrow and need substrate for that), it doesn't have enough cover (bark) - they don't like sticks, they don't need anything to 'climb' on as an arboreal, but something to sit on at an elevated level, i.e. bark, and make a web/burrow behind. The sticks are completely useless.

This is the red knees enclosure, i don't want to open it up, as i was feeding her and then i changed her water and she started to flick hairs so i left her be
I seriously cannot imagine how anyone can sell a tarantula set up like that - if it survives a week in that moisture it is indeed a very hardy tarantula.
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Jun 8, 2018
I was just sold them as it is.. there was over 20 others like these im hoping to take more off them. Im going to try get a enclosure before work i dont want these guys dying on me. Ive only filled the water dish for them but ive been worried and if you think they wont last ill just buy new stuff now and send the rest back


Oct 13, 2017
I'm not familiar with your OWs, but in case of the B. hamorii (assuming), you could just get her out in a catch cup. Then change the substrate (it should be completely dry), put some more vent holes in (preferably on the sides, so there'll be some cross ventilation), a water dish and a piece of cork bark (halfway burried). Then put your spider back. That'd better for the moment than waiting for a new enclosure. At least then you've got time to set up the new enclosure properly. :)
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Jun 8, 2018
Do you guys think i should change all 3? Also i really appreciate all your help, in store i was told they was fine and wouldn't need changing till they molt
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Feb 2, 2018
Do you guys think i should change all 3? Also i really appreciate all your help, in store i was told they was fine and wouldn't need changing till they molt
The sooner you make changes to those enclosures, the better. Even if it’s just adding some ventilation holes on to their current enclosures. Don’t make the holes too big though, spiders can squeeze through tight gaps. A 5p sized hole or smaller will be adequate.


Jun 8, 2018
Well the first 2 the obt and the red knee female have been put in new enclosures, i was making holes for the singapore blue and it fell on its side i picked it up asap.

Do you think its okay im worried it might of got hurt when the tub fell on its side?



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Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
This looks much better. Just let the substrate dry out completely by itself over the next days, neither of them needs or wants any moisture, except for a water dish. The OBT will make do with whatever you give it but mine has some sticks in its enclosure to anchor its web on and it has definitely made use of them.

The Lampropelma will be fine. As an arboreal it can handle a bit of bumping around.


Jun 8, 2018
Thank you so much guys, is it worth putting the lampropelma in a blue one aswell? Ive also put spider life substrate in with the other 2 thebred knee has been super pissy today i fed her went to change the water dish got hairs flicked at and when moving she flicked aswell im going to leave her to relax.

But should i change the lampropelma

Is this enough ventilation and they won't escape


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Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
With more ventilation the Lampropelma will be fine in the enclosure it's in. Just change the sticks for a more substantial hide. Lean that hide/bark against the side so it can burrow under it but also sit on it, like on a tree branch.

I think it will be able to get through the ventilation slits in the blue enclosures, it being the smallest of your tarantulas.


Jun 8, 2018
With more ventilation the Lampropelma will be fine in the enclosure it's in. Just change the sticks for a more substantial hide. Lean that hide/bark against the side so it can burrow under it but also sit on it, like on a tree branch.

I think it will be able to get through the ventilation slits in the blue enclosures, it being the smallest of your tarantulas.

Thanks do you think the others will be okay?

With more ventilation the Lampropelma will be fine in the enclosure it's in. Just change the sticks for a more substantial hide. Lean that hide/bark against the side so it can burrow under it but also sit on it, like on a tree branch.

I think it will be able to get through the ventilation slits in the blue enclosures, it being the smallest of your tarantulas.
Also i moved the red knee and it had bark that could possibly fit is it worth putting with my lampropelma? Also do i just remove the twigs?The shop told me none of this, im worried if i put something in the lampropelma might be under it and ill squish it by accident
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Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
Also i moved the red knee and it had bark that could possibly fit is it worth putting with my lampropelma? Also do i just remove the twigs?The shop told me none of this, im worried if i put something in the lampropelma might be under it and ill squish it by accident
I think you can just remove the sticks from the Lampropelma enclosure. If the bark from the red knee fits I see no reason not to use it, just put it at a steeper angle. If you move very slowly and without using to much pressure the spider should just move away before you can squish it.

The others will be fine, you did everything that was necessary. It's mind boggling the things that pet shops don't know.