I think a beginner will enjoy seeing the snake once in a while too and the look on the sandboas are not really the typical "snake-look"I vote for a sandboa of somesort. Kenyan or Roughscale.. They are usually VERY mellow. They dont spaz out all the time like cornsnakes and milksnakes. Theyre just nice to hold and look at because they dont always have somewhere to go!
I have milksnakes and hognoses as well. Out of those two I would say Hogs are more mellow. My milksnakes are just hyper!!!
Womas take there prey down in burrows by pushing the prey up on the wallby its body and suffocate itCan someone say all the ways snakes kill? Envenomation and constriction are the only two?
You do realize most rodent-eaters can be trained (and ARE trained) to take pre-killed prey? And the smell of a thawed mouse is certainly no worse than thawed-out fish.-Garthers eat dead prey: thawed unfrozen smelt and the like. this makes for easy feeding: you don't have to get into smelly hairy rodents that can harm your snake when not eaten right away or can cause allergics to you or other people in the house.
ONLINE, every time. Pet stores, especially large chains like petco, have an absolutely awful record when it comes to giving people healthy animals that have been well taken care of. Plus they overcharge you like mad--I bought a healthy captive-bred ball python from a reputable breeder, and even with shipping it still cost me less than the sickly dehydrated wild-caught babies Petco had for sale. (You could see every bone in their bodies, yick!)Do you guys recommend buying on line, or from a petco/regular petstore?