brought some crickets the other day from local pet shop in essex, uk, and found this spid in the box with em.. decided to keep it for a while and try find out what species it might be? and if to release it somewhere safe or just keep it my collection dependin what i find out about it? it's about 2-3cm, pale brown colours, loox a bit like a sugar-puff with legs, i looked online and can't find anythin that really matches it, if anyone can help ID it and maybe have some other info etc would be great,..
prob best to msg me on fbook=davyd skull, or as i rarely use this site,
ps.just got told by my head voices to add this lil smiley thin :barf:
prob best to msg me on fbook=davyd skull, or as i rarely use this site,

ps.just got told by my head voices to add this lil smiley thin :barf: