

Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
Hi Everyone!!

My first post here, in fact, I just got my 1st tarantula. Unless you count co-caring for my boyfriend's rosehair, Mr. Jingles.
Anyway, I'm a proud owner of a Usambara Orange Baboon. I know, a bad choice for a beginner, but I did my homework, and I know they have a defensive temperment. I don't really like to handle T's anyway, they are too fragile.
The sucess is I figured out how to get the little guy to like burrowing instead of being aboreal! It was driving me nuts to have his silken home at the top of the enclosure where he could escape anytime I lifted the lid a tad. I had placed a toliet paper tube down in the substrate (Lizard Litter, should I switch or add anything else?) but he kept on ignoring it. Then I noticed everytime I gently blew him down to the bottem he would circle the perimeter of the tank instead of wandering around in the middle, where the tube was. So I placed it in the corner. What do ya know? The first time around he crawled right in and started webbing the tube!! Hee hee......
I placed the tube flush with the glass so I could see inside, but I figure he'll web the glass up for privacy soon.
Can you tell the sex of a Usambara by abdomen size? In the pics I've seen of them mating the female has the larger abdomen. Anyway, can ya tell I'm a proud new mom?
I've kept chameleon, an African land crab, various snakes and savannah monitors, and I always have liked the display animals the best. Especially the Cham, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try a display-only T.
BTW the lizard litter is about four inches deep, so he had enough depth to burrow.
Great Forum!!

Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Hi H.I.G.! Welcome! :)
Congrats on your new Pterror. They are a great sp. Just watch that bite, it's supposedly a nasty one. Ok, that aside, I haven't used lizard litter myself but I know that some hobbyists do use it and I don't recall anyone reporting any problems with it. Since Usambaras like the climate pretty dry, mold or parasites are very rarely a threat to Pterinochilus sp..
Some would say though that generally female T's have a larger abdomen and stockier build but that is not an accurate way to sex a T. The best way to sex your T is by examining a shed exuvia. The next time your T molts, save the exuvium (that's the old exoskeleton) and if you know what to look for, you can tell by that. Here is a link with some sexing info for you...

Also, if you run a google search on "tarantula sexing" you'll find a bunch more info.

Good luck. :)



Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Welcome to spider town HerpInvertGirl,
Its a fun place to hang out.
Kentucky is one of my very favorite places. My Dad's side of the family is from KY. Where in KY do you live? Have you ever heard of Adairville? Its 12 miles from Russellville.
Anyway welcome.;)


BTW, My birthday is Nov. 26 too.
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Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
Pterror? I dont doubt that......Already have seen some defensive moves. Have had my hand in the enclosure several times though and havent gotten "attacked" yet. I really think this species is prob. more defensive than aggressive.
Not to be underestimated though. Greased lightening. Thanks for the sexing pics...... I think that'll do when it sheds for the first time.

I hail from Madisonville, been through Russelville..........