SUCCESS!! He Agreed!

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Re: Re: i dont mind paying a FAIR price...

Originally posted by nocturnalpulsem
Sadly, and I know most of you will think I'm nuts, but I've gotten better prices at pet shops. One of the shops does breed their own Ts, so that may or may not count, but other than the time I got ripped off on the avic. I've done well with pet shops.

The beauty of the petstore is that they don't know what "market value" is for a T. This often results in some pretty silly things like $30 G. rosea, but it can also result in some great deals like $40 B. smithi. A local petshop has a B. klaasi in there for $85 at about 3". I haven't looked closely enough to see if it's a male or female, but if it was a female that is a sweet deal when most online dealers want as much as $60 just for a hatchling. Unfortunately, this also works both ways as the local market has no idea what it should be worth and it's been there for months while a number of cheaper A. seemanni and G. rosea have moved through there.

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
Re: no, i am talking about the one here

Originally posted by rapunzel
in Michigan. Its the second Saturday of the month...every month I think, and it is right down the road from my house, which is really cool.
It isnt that far away, a couple cant be any harder to wait for than waiting on Christmas morning...I gotta find something to do really nice for my b/f for givin in...he is restoring an antique tractor out back, guess I could get online and look for some parts for him, like a radiator..
Hey! I live in Michigan too! I have a curlyhair at 1" it is pretty, e-mail me and i can sell you one!



Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Pretty much all the T's as possibilities for starter are stated by others. One thing I just want to touch on, though, is your b/f. I know that this is none of my bussiness, but why did you need his permission to get a harmless thing such as a T for your son?


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003
his house

we live with him and he did not want it, doesnt like them. Thats the simplest explanation. He gave in though, and has accepted the idea..begrudgingly, but still accepted it.
It goes so much nicer when i get my way :}