User Stu Macher's Tarantula Pictures

Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
That is the fattest pampho I've ever seen
The abdomen evened out a bit, but I was getting rid of some leftover horn worms. I can always count on them to take out the trash 🤣 My T's are entering a growth explosion. I'm staying at my bro's for a few months. So it's going to sit around 80-85 all summer (hoping). All of my slings will be with me, but the larger of my collection will be basking all day lol I'll be checking in daily before I head into work

Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
I'm so jealous, and what a beautiful home!
Thanks Fcat :) I'll post a pic of my G Pulchra's home I'm setting up. I want to go all out because she's going to take a long time to move into the next. Such a slowwww grower lol

Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
Some Juvies

My B Smithi looking sharp after a molt.

My G Pulchra "Lucy" flashing the camera.

And I finally was able to catch a side glimpse of my P sp. "Santo Domingo Goliath"


Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
Haven't shared in a while. Here's to staying relevant (or not). I have some interesting new additions. Hoping to post more soon


Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
I'm always blown away by my H pulchripes. I can't believe these photos aren't edited. Please get 1 or 2. Such a mild mannered OW and arguably one of, if not the most beautiful baboon sp. I have another female coming my way shortly. Figured I'd post the pics of the new enclosure I set up for her arrival.


Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
Sub adults.

P sp "Santo Domingo Goliath"
P cancerides
B klaasi
N tripepii


Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
My 2 female P mascara's. My favorite Pampho is the P mascara. Such an underrated and amazing sp imo. Plus cheap compared to others in the same genus. It's very cool to have 2 females from the same sac. They molt at the same time and it's awesome to see. I considered parting with one just to conserve on space, but decided against it.

My P sp Dominican Purple just molted recently. I haven't seen the crazy defensiveness yet with the purple. A bit skittish like all phormics, but no lunges like my Cancerides.

The last is my P playtomma juvie. The Christmas tree pattern is close to almost faded at this point.



Old Timer
Apr 14, 2013
My P sp Dominican Purple just molted recently. I haven't seen the crazy defensiveness yet with the purple. A bit skittish like all phormics, but no lunges like my Cancerides.
I'd gotten a Phormictopus cancerides years ago as a freebie and grew it up to like 4in or so. I can't remember exactly what happened, I think I'd sexed it as male around that point and just traded it away to someone who'd be able to use him when he matured. Or maybe it was a little smaller and I traded away as an unsexed. One of the only Ts that sticks out in my mind as one that always gave me grief when I opened the cage. Always seemed to be in a bad mood and turned me off the genus. Well, I just got an auratus as a freebie a week ago haha. I will try to keep an open mind raising this one up. It is possible I wasn't keeping the cancerides properly and that's why he was so ornery. I'm kinda hoping I dig the auratus because the sp Domincan Purple are insanely cool looking and I kinda want one of those

Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
I'd gotten a Phormictopus cancerides years ago as a freebie and grew it up to like 4in or so. I can't remember exactly what happened, I think I'd sexed it as male around that point and just traded it away to someone who'd be able to use him when he matured. Or maybe it was a little smaller and I traded away as an unsexed. One of the only Ts that sticks out in my mind as one that always gave me grief when I opened the cage. Always seemed to be in a bad mood and turned me off the genus. Well, I just got an auratus as a freebie a week ago haha. I will try to keep an open mind raising this one up. It is possible I wasn't keeping the cancerides properly and that's why he was so ornery. I'm kinda hoping I dig the auratus because the sp Domincan Purple are insanely cool looking and I kinda want one of those
I think my auratus sling has been my most defensive phormic sling which is odd. My purple and "full green" slings were very skittish as well but often retreated to their hide which they quickly abandoned as they put on some size. My Cancerides up until it's 2nd or 3rd molt was strictly fossorial and the burrow resembled a Minax burrow. The wide circular opening. It was defensive from the beginning. When it was 4" dls it charged the shoebox lid where my fingers were when I was closing nearly clipping me. I then decided to rehouse in a 26qt sterilite to give some distance between me and the T i named "Mayhem" Suits her just great. The taller bin has worked out great and we avoid any near collisions now.

My P sp Dominican Purple has mellowed with age. Honestly, my phormics and pamphos are my easiest to rehouse. It's not hard to use their defensiveness to cup them. I've also found that while mine have the potential and speed to bolt out, they are more concerned about being the bulldog protecting their yard then trying to abandon it. Of course have a catch cup and lid handy. Don't make your photo sessions 2hrs long lol

My purple is mellowing out with size, my green is too. Providing a nice large disposable water dish is a good idea if they end up being a firecracker. The whole distraction by feeding frenzy is a good strategy 😆