Stressed T?


Dec 25, 2024
I usually post in the tarantula forum but I see a lot more responses here, sorry for no introduction post but I'm just wondering! So the bald spot on my Chalchodes has gotten bigger, is there anything that looks like it could stress her out in the enclosure? Some people said they just flick hairs around their water bowl or skull. I always watch her feed to make sure she catches all her food, there is never live food in there and I only feed like 1-2 large crickets a week. She just ate a few minutes ago and she's terrified whenever I open her enclosure she books it. She stays in my room with me but I'm barely ever in there, the lights are usually off too unless I'm there. Maybe she's in premolt or something idk but I'm just making sure. People are saying premolt could also be the case, I'm also sometimes scared of her molting because I hear so many horror stories about molts gone wrong and I love her dearly. She's my first and only T and I got her in October of 24.
Also for ref she is 3' or 4 and I got her from Jamie's Tarantulas



Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
I usually post in the tarantula forum but I see a lot more responses here, sorry for no introduction post but I'm just wondering! So the bald spot on my Chalchodes has gotten bigger, is there anything that looks like it could stress her out in the enclosure? Some people said they just flick hairs around their water bowl or skull. I always watch her feed to make sure she catches all her food, there is never live food in there and I only feed like 1-2 large crickets a week. She just ate a few minutes ago and she's terrified whenever I open her enclosure she books it. She stays in my room with me but I'm barely ever in there, the lights are usually off too unless I'm there. Maybe she's in premolt or something idk but I'm just making sure. People are saying premolt could also be the case, I'm also sometimes scared of her molting because I hear so many horror stories about molts gone wrong and I love her dearly. She's my first and only T and I got her in October of 24.
Also for ref she is 3' or 4 and I got her from Jamie's Tarantulas
Could you take more pics of the entire enclosure? The bald spot is normal don't worry about that it's just kicking UrS. From the photo I will not say it could or not be stressed. A stressed T is very destinct but from that photo it doesn't appear stressed.
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Dec 25, 2024
Could you take more pics of the entire enclosure? The bald spot is normal don't worry about that it's just kicking UrS. From the photo I will not say it could or not be stressed. A stressed T is very destinct but from that photo it doesn't appear stressed.
Sorry not sure if my video loaded, here are more pics



Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Sorry not sure if my video loaded, here are more pics
I would say the setup is good but the size of the enclosure might just be a tad too big for a 3 to 4 inch T. I know the size of that waterdish as I have the same one from when I first started.

If I had to guess I will say your T is fine, not stressed and is just wandering around.

For an example a large Kritter Keeper works well for a fossorial or terrestrial T this size. Not just a Kritter Keeper but the size dimensions for size reference. Not an extra large Kritter Keeper as those are pretty big. I had my 9 inch mature male A. geniculata in an extra large one and moved him into a different enclosure.


Dec 25, 2024
Thank you so much for your response and advise! She does roam a lot when she gets stressed (when I open her enclosure) and I wondered if it was too big. She's so skittish and bolty as well.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
That's nothing out of the norm. I have some T's that do that when I have to do maintenance and I have a couple that might rush you to bite. Never stick your hands in a tarantula's enclosure. If New World and possess UrS you'll only make that mistake once. A tarantula can also decide to bite or bolt up your hand on up your arm and launch itself to the ground. Always use tongs and only enter their enclosure for maintenance and feeding nothing more.

If you are opening the enclosure often then that's disturbing them quite a bit. These animals want nothing to do with us. Observing them like if it was an aquarium with fish is really the only way to enjoy them, that and feeding them.


Dec 25, 2024
Thank you, I only open it to feed or fill her water. Usually once a week, I really appreciate all your help. I figured it was normal, I just felt kind of bad watching her freak out every time.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
No problem glad to help

I had a male A. chalcodes that was similar. Even as a sub-adult he stayed in his burrow mostly and came out every now and then. If I had to fill the waterdish or light maintenance he bolt down in his burrow.

I love A. chalcodes and mine never kicked UrS or threat posed me. He matured and already passed sometime ago due to a bad molt.