Strange person on reddit tries to communicate to his jumping spider through stimulating a mating dance.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Australia didn’t turn out too bad it seems
Never gone toe to toe with a wombat I assume. Not disparaging that amazing animal, some of their, let's call it conduct closely resembles the homo erectus with a .5 blood alcohol level in the parking lots after a ball game.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Amazing animals down there
Two images always come to my mind when I think of Aus animals. A wombat slowly mosey along in the bush near out camp site then suddenly teleports and vanished. And returning to our vehicle that I had accidentally parked against a bush. It was bumper to bumper furious green ants.


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
On the note of "criticism".

<snip> I see a lot of name calling and people being quite rude to the OPs on this forum. <snip>
Just want to jump in here real quick with my $0.02. ;)

Rude is subjective. Often people misinterpret being blunt for rude. I find it interesting how so many focus on the delivery rather than the information they are seeking. Someone can be straight to the point and it may be mistakenly viewed as being rude. Just because someone took it that way, does not make it so. Either way, it does not make the information any less valid.

People need to realize that time may be an issue for those trying to offer immediate assistance to others. Most are trying to offer their help in the middle of their busy day. Full, drawn out sentences, with all the fluffy rainbows and unicorns, are not always an option. They are just trying to get the information to the person as quickly as possible. So being direct and to the point is how they offer their assistance. Good information is still good information, despite the delivery, or how one perceives the delivery to be. In addition, please try to remember that it is near impossible to detect tone via words typed on a page.

However with all that said, if you (or anyone) notice any "name calling", please report it right away so we can investigate further, as name calling is against the rules. Thanks! :)


Jun 26, 2022
Most are trying to offer their help in the middle of their busy day. Full, drawn out sentences, with all the fluffy rainbows and unicorns, are not always an option. They are just trying to get the information to the person as quickly as possible.
I'm fine with people being quick with their responses, but I'm sure everyone here has seen some of the comments I'm referring to (I'm not going to call out anyone on here). I see people taking the time out to write things that have no information or assistance at all and only serve the purpose of mocking, humiliating, or belittling the OP.

I would just like for people to give their insight and experience if they've got any.

If you genuinely don't know what I mean Arachnopets, You should poke around here more often.

I'd also like to add that I'm not down on the entirety of the people here and I appreciate the input you guys give when done professionally. Thanks for all you do for bug-kind guys!
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Old Timer
Mar 28, 2013
Reddit, or maybe just the pet side, is a complete feces fest. The amount of anthromorphosizing and internet experts is astounding.


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
I'm fine with people being quick with their responses, but I'm sure everyone here has seen some of the comments I'm referring to (I'm not going to call out anyone on here). I see people taking the time out to write things that have no information or assistance at all and only serve the purpose of mocking, humiliating, or belittling the OP.

I would just like for people to give their insight and experience if they've got any.

If you genuinely don't know what I mean Arachnopets, You should poke around here more often.

I'd also like to add that I'm not down on the entirety of the people here and I appreciate the input you guys give when done professionally. Thanks for all you do for bug-kind guys!
We always appreciate opinions. :)

I genuinely do know exactly what you mean. Poke around here more often? Pretty sure that I have spent more time on this site than pretty much anyone. I'm usually in the shadows, until I'm not. ;)

We are a privately owned forum with over 84,000 members from all over the world. It is the nature of the beast that not everyone will get along or agree, and that some personalities will clash. We do our best to try to keep that to a minimum, as much as possible.

Are there people who make comments that are pointless? Absolutely. Do we see all of them on our own? Not even close. That task is impossible, hence why we rely on users to help us out by reporting content. Will any of you (general you) know when someone reported is being modded? Nope! It is no more your (general you) business if someone else is being modded, than it is any of someone else's business if you (general you) are being modded.

Once again, if anyone notices anything that violates our rules, kindly report the content to us so we can investigate further. If one does not choose to report the content, then one can not complain about said content.



Jun 26, 2022
I don't mean to quarrel with you guys. It's just I hate to see the new people driven off by rude comments that don't explicitly break the rules and I figured that simply mentioning them would help remedy it or at least get them thinking about their decisions.

Arachnopets, I'm sorry for the snarky comment, but the post you made had no mention of what I'd said being a reality so I was sorta peeved at the time. :shy: I understand that being a mod probably means that you have to deal obnoxious people, gross links, bigots, misogynists, etc.

Sorry this thread got off track!


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
I don't mean to quarrel with you guys. It's just I hate to see the new people driven off by rude comments that don't explicitly break the rules and I figured that simply mentioning them would help remedy it or at least get them thinking about their decisions.

Arachnopets, I'm sorry for the snarky comment, but the post you made had no mention of what I'd said being a reality so I was sorta peeved at the time. :shy: I understand that being a mod probably means that you have to deal obnoxious people, gross links, bigots, misogynists, etc.

Sorry this thread got off track!
It's all good. :)

We don't want new people driven off either. It is in no way our goal. That benefits no one, especially the animal.

No need to apologize. Just to clarify, we were not denying what you said being a reality. We were just trying to show an alternative perspective. Hope that better clarifies. :)
