my m. extradentata eat romain
indians do to but dont do well on it
try your luck with a indian
i know of tons of people in liver pool that freeze them they have so many
email me off forum and we'll talk about gettin u setup with a few
Indian Stickinsects are incredably easy to care for, I was breeding them successfully (in large numbers) when I was 6. Im sure all theyre care, feeding, housing requirements has already been covered in this thread, but i kept my ones in a tall glass vivarium (custom built) but you could keep them in any tall container, at least twice or three times theyre height is recommended, to help with shedding, humidity isnt important as other phasmids, the housing container wouldnt be expensive, you could even use an extra large petpal (sold in all petshops) turned on its site, or a large sweet jar. An airy container is fine for them, and only light, occasional spraying you can use kitchen paper on the base, which makes cleaning and egg collecting very easy. I fed my ones on Privet, they will also readilly accept bramble, Privet is very common everywhere in the UK, so you shouldnt have any problems with feeding them, you should collect theyre food away from roads, or other areas where they could possibly be contaminated with fumes etc.. its best to keep the food plant in a jar of water, sealed over (with a sponge etc..) to keep the leaves fresh, they should be replaced as eaten, or when they are no longer very fresh. If theres anything else, let me know.
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