Steve Calceatum's (formerly known as Xsyorra) Picture Thread

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Pet roaches would be great! lol

What all do these guys eat?
The staple diet consists of high-quality cat food, and carrots. However, I feed them a small mix of oranges, tomatoes, and bell peppers in addition to their normal diet once every couple of weeks.

I agree, roaches are very... pleasant, especially compared to crickets. I recently acquired some Madagascar hissers and I have no intention of using them as feeders. They are too cute. :)

Wonderful pictures and Ts Xsyorra! :worship: :clap:
Thank you!!!! It's going to be kind of hard to feed them off at first, but considering the adult females get to be about 2.5", I'll be feeding off mostly nymphs. I wouldn't mind keeping a hisser or two, though....:p


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Very nice! LP's keep coming n going on my "Do Want" list lol

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks, Ariel. This little bugger is only about 1.75"....after growing 1" in it's last molt!!! However, it's still pretty small compared to what it's going to become......'re probably better off keeping that one as a side-want, LOL!!! Sure, it's big, fast-growing, has an attitude, and slings are cheap and hardy enough to rival OBT's.....but the mad hair-kicking has got to go!!!! Every time I start even thinking a genic may be cool: *poof* gone in a cloud of itchy-loving-kindness.....:p


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks, Ariel. This little bugger is only about 1.75"....after growing 1" in it's last molt!!! However, it's still pretty small compared to what it's going to become......'re probably better off keeping that one as a side-want, LOL!!! Sure, it's big, fast-growing, has an attitude, and slings are cheap and hardy enough to rival OBT's.....but the mad hair-kicking has got to go!!!! Every time I start even thinking a genic may be cool: *poof* gone in a cloud of itchy-loving-kindness.....:p
Wow thats quite the growth! Thats cool. they're not to high on my list, but I'll probably get one eventually. I still want to name one "Nanobyte"


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Yeah, there just isn't much about an LP that attracts me LOL

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Yeah, I don't understand why these would be high on anybody's list, LOL.....oh, wait: a 10" T for $5 that looks a far sight better than the T. blondi. {D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Postmolt pics: OBT, P. cambridgei, and GBB

The good thing about having multiple T's is that molts come frequently. Here are some of my newly molted beauties:

The collection centerpiece: one of my three GBB slings currently sporting sling coloration, and a 1.25" DLS:

My newly-molted 4"+ FEMALE P. cambridgei. :D Because of my psychotic little beauty's anger-management issues, I named her "Desirae" after the "Dies Irae" (The Day of Wrath).

For those who don't already know, the Dies Irae is part of a Catholic Requiem (funeral) Mass.....And I don't think I have ever known a woman named Desirae who does not stick out in my mind as a royal you-know-what. :p

FINALLY!!!!! I got a decent pic of my OBT!!!!!!!! I did not expect to see adult colors yet.....I got this little one as a 1/2" sling back in early September, and it's now about 1.5" DLS.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Desirae is STUNNING! Man, I can't WAIT for my P. cambridgei trio to grow up!

GBBs are so darn cute! I love how drastic the change is from sling to adult colours.

Cuuuute lil OBT! Now, black stripes will get more and more prominent with each molt.. that's my favourite part :D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Quite a few updates.......

So, I took this pic of Desirae, my psycho P. cambridgei:

And Desirae decided to do this:
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Some time ago, Ariel had asked me to get her a vent shot of my girl. As promised, here's a couple for you to choose from. The first pic was taken right after she molted. The last two were taken right after the psychotic episode.

On a less psychotic note, here's my Avic avic being tong-fed:
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Yes, she is in her new vivarium.....and I have 4 done with only 6 more to go!!!! God, this rehousing project is getting both time-consuming, and EXPENSIVE!!!!! I'm in week 4 of this, and already set back about $350 or more.

Here's a couple of updates:
First of all, here's Charotte's (G. rosea) new digs on the shelf. She went from a 5-gallon make-it-work setup to a 10-gallon vivarium; complete with backdrop, landscaping, and a hide that runs 6" deep. She is happier than I've ever seen her.

Sorry for the blurry quality, but this is the new shelving rack as it is right now. One more 10-gallon arboreal, one more 10-gallon terrestrial, a 5-gallon arboreal, and a 2.5-gallon arboreal will be added to the units on the shelf. The piece of styrofoam behind the shelves will be used for backdrops.

Top row: Avic avic

Top-mid: Two empty 5-gallon aquariums, LOL
Low-mid: A. versicolor and G. pulchripes
Bottom row: Future roach colony and an empty 5-gallon terrestrial

Please bear in mind that NONE of these enclosures are completely finished yet. Even though they are good enough for the T to live in, I still have to put plants in the humid enclosures and add driftwood to the arid ones once they dry out. There are quite a number of other things I'll have to do to "fine-tune" them, but all those things will have to wait until I get the basic enclosures done.....which is not far off. :p


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I love Desirae! Simply love her. lol

Cute vid of the Avic tong feeding! I love how they don't strike at it quite as fast as when the prey is on the loose lol

LOVE how your rehousing project is going so far.. I am jealous!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks, Jairi. Isn't Desirae just a peach??? :p

Rehousing project is going too slow for my taste.....but all the extra time taken will be worth it in the end!!!! I do have an update on the project...or rather one of my T's that got transferred. Se7en (G. pulchripes) is now using her hide, and back on the substrate. She's been climbing walls for hella days since I transferred her. She has been hanging from the top of her enclosure for the last three days. After all the trouble I went through to make her home nice, she finally quits visably pouting and is now moved on to sulking. Fortunately, the hides in my terrestrial enclosures run 6" deep, so I don't have to stress out seeing her be all upset while Charlotte, Eva, and Jezebel are having the time of their lives in their new palaces.

LOL, jealous??? There are a number of trade-offs to consider, but a project like this is not hard or as expensive as you might think (about $500 for 10 WELL done enclosures and a nice designer storage rack from Wal-Mart). I'd offer to come down there and help you build a few of these T-mansions, but I had to give up driving last year due to financial reasons. So, you'll just have to come drive your jealous keister up here and drool over mine, LOL!!! ;P (or help me finish the of the two)


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
She is so pretty! :) and I have to admit, those ventral shots look awfully similar to my P. cambridgei I guess we'll see with the next molt, but I'm lik 95% sure now. :D thanks for posting those.

Great work with the enclosures. :clap: I can't design those lids to save my life, I just can NOT cut plexiglass. I really like those hinges on the Avic's enclosure!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
She is so pretty! :) and I have to admit, those ventral shots look awfully similar to my P. cambridgei I guess we'll see with the next molt, but I'm lik 95% sure now. :D thanks for posting those.

Great work with the enclosures. :clap: I can't design those lids to save my life, I just can NOT cut plexiglass. I really like those hinges on the Avic's enclosure!
That's good you are more certain. I know the pics weren't all that clear, but good enough to see the spacing of the booklungs, the epigynal plate, and the epigastric furrow region. Because of this, I've started collecting vent and molt shots from my specimens so if anyone needed a reference, I'd have something to contribute.

Thanks!!! The lids were cut with a saw this time. No more plexiglass cutter for know how many lids I destroyed when making the enclosure for my old P. striata??? The hinges and knob on Eva's viv were leftover from that P. striata enclosure. I saved them after I sent him off for breeding, but really regret it now. The width causes some problems with opening that lid.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
LOL, jealous??? There are a number of trade-offs to consider, but a project like this is not hard or as expensive as you might think (about $500 for 10 WELL done enclosures and a nice designer storage rack from Wal-Mart). I'd offer to come down there and help you build a few of these T-mansions, but I had to give up driving last year due to financial reasons. So, you'll just have to come drive your jealous keister up here and drool over mine, LOL!!! ;P (or help me finish the of the two)

When I have $500 spare dollars, I'll get right on that :p For now, most of my guys are pretty set. Except for Rise, but I am working on that.

You wouldn't want to drive down here anyways - as soon as you cross the border into California, you are practically hit with a sign saying, "This state sucks!" I'm pissed that I ever had to leave Portland, and especially pissed that I had to come back here lol
I don't know how much help I'd be, though... I don't know a thing about plexiglass. But if there is a hot glue gun involved, I can provide hours of entertainment while I hot glue everything to something else (including my fingers, hair, pants, the carpet, curtains, and the fridge door) {D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Got a few updates......

Wow, I haven't updated this in a while....and it's gonna show!!!!! Got some new pics of some of my favorites:

This is possibly my favorite pic of the lot!!!

OK, now we got some fun pics!!!!

Just for the S. cal fans: "Grrrr......MINE!!!!!!!"

Saturday spiders with the offspring!!!!! Showing the spider on daddy first for scale.
First up: Erik and Jasmine.

Ella and Charlotte
The DLS measurement of her feet in this pic is 6" (I measured from tattoo to heel of the hand).....I estimate her actual DLS measurement at about 6.25"+!!!!! Now THAT'S a big Rosie!!!!!!


Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks, twees!!!!! They definately are a bunch of great eye-candy....some of them are quite personable, too.

Just had to get my C. fasciatum out for another set of ventral shots, and decided to snap a few pics of this little beauty.

This was too blurry to photoshop, but too good to waste:

This is about how big they get as adults (my hand is 3.5" across to give you an idea of scale):
