spiney leaf insect


Nov 24, 2005
hi all, im new to this all & am pretty keen on getting a few spiney leaf insects (Extatosoma tiaratum).

however i have some questions regarding keeping these guys.
1)what size enclosure is required for a few of these ?
2)can they be kept in groups ? (or in a numbers ? eg:3-4)

any info on how to setup an enclosure for these guys would be great !

thanks alot !


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2005
The more common name for these beautiful insects is Macleays spectre stick insect. I used to keep two in an 18x10x12" cage that had two sides made of mesh and a perspex front and back, personally I'd say give them as much space as possible.

Keep them like most stick insects: line the bottom of the cage with paper or kitchen towel. Put some brambles branches in a jam jar full of water: depending how many you have/how big their cage is you can add more jars, then stuff tissue/kitchen towel around the stems at the neck of the jar to stop any drowning. As they're quite large insects it might be worth putting in a few sturdy branches for them to climb on and molt off of. You need good venitlation, so if you use a glass tank, turn it on its side and put netting in place of the lid. Mist the leaves daily (I believe morning is best) to allow them to drink. You can keep them at room temperature.

Good luck, do a Google search for more info. They're great insects.