Spider Nook Makeover


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
Goliath birdeater refers to T. blondi.

Yes it's true the Theraphosa are considered the largest T's. The T. blondi is considered the one capable of reaching the largest sizes.

Tom Moran's T. blondi I believe was pushing over 10 inches.

No I don't have links. One person if I remember right had a T. blondi named Zilla. I think his was that big and one other might be someone Tom Moran talked to.
Zilla was the first T to make me cry! Rob C!


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Zilla was the first T to make me cry! Rob C!
Yeah it was sad 😢 then he left the hobby.. miss his videos.
I lost one to that had a cyst, I had a long thread on it. Tried my hardest to save it. Never been able to get another.


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
Yeah it was sad 😢 then he left the hobby.. miss his videos.
I lost one to that had a cyst, I had a long thread on it. Tried my hardest to save it. Never been able to get another.
Grief can really mess a person up. I find it helps to surround myself with creatures that depend on me, but that's best done prior to some of life's dreadful milestones. I'll say some new worlds are a safe emotional investment and it's not theraposa 🤣


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Grief can really mess a person up. I find it helps to surround myself with creatures that depend on me, but that's best done prior to some of life's dreadful milestones. I'll say some new worlds are a safe emotional investment and it's not theraposa 🤣
That I can relate to.


Nov 11, 2017
The point is my T. stirmi is going in that enclosure once it is about 3 or 4 inches
I know you’re excited about that enclosure, but it would be in the best interest of your spider to wait much longer. Didn’t you say there was 12 inches of fall space in there? Regardless of if you think your spider climbs or not, that’s not safe.


Feb 28, 2022
I know you’re excited about that enclosure, but it would be in the best interest of your spider to wait much longer. Didn’t you say there was 12 inches of fall space in there? Regardless of if you think your spider climbs or not, that’s not safe.
I noticed this issue, and wanted to mention it as well. 1.5-2x DLS above the substrate as fall depth is usually the max recommended. Given the species being discussed, and their tendency to embody the very definition of 'heavy bodied terrestrial tarantula' I'd be erring on the lower end of that range as opposed to the max.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I noticed this issue, and wanted to mention it as well. 1.5-2x DLS above the substrate as fall depth is usually the max recommended. Given the species being discussed, and their tendency to embody the very definition of 'heavy bodied terrestrial tarantula' I'd be erring on the lower end of that range as opposed to the max.
is that possibly in that enclosure? I’m sure mods might be needed.


Oct 17, 2023
I noticed this issue, and wanted to mention it as well. 1.5-2x DLS above the substrate as fall depth is usually the max recommended. Given the species being discussed, and their tendency to embody the very definition of 'heavy bodied terrestrial tarantula' I'd be erring on the lower end of that range as opposed to the max.
I would agree which is why there's only 12 inches between the surface of the substrate and the top of the enclosure(and thats only towards the front. The back is even less because i made a slope.). Have any of you actually done the math I wonder? Because (and I'm going by if the stirmi reaches 11 inches dls) 1.5x11=16.5. Even if it only reaches 9" let's say; 9x1.5=13.5. So either way, if the rule of thumb is no more than 1.5 times the legspan, then I followed the rules and actually even made sure to have less distance than what the rule of thumb is alotting. I mean I get you all are concerned for my T which I appreciate, but don't think for one second I don't have my animals best interest and safety in mind

That's awesome! How many more are in the mail?! 😄🕷
Ha! I wish


is that possibly in that enclosure? I’m sure mods might be needed.
Mods might be needed for what?!


is that possibly in that enclosure? I’m sure mods might be needed.
I noticed this issue, and wanted to mention it as well. 1.5-2x DLS above the substrate as fall depth is usually the max recommended. Given the species being discussed, and their tendency to embody the very definition of 'heavy bodied terrestrial tarantula' I'd be erring on the lower end of that range as opposed to the max.
I know you’re excited about that enclosure, but it would be in the best interest of your spider to wait much longer. Didn’t you say there was 12 inches of fall space in there? Regardless of if you think your spider climbs or not, that’s not safe.
I love how you lot completely derailed this thread to focus on an empty enclosure and assume the worst of me and that I don't care for my animals even though none of you know me when the whole point of this post was to point out my spider nook and how proud I am of it. It's ok I'm getting used to people on this forum ripping my posts apart


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Mods might be needed for what?!
You might not need anything I just meant to get the soil depth, right.
I love how you lot completely derailed this thread to focus on an empty enclosure and assume the worst of me and that I don't care for my animals even though none of you know me when the whole point of this post was to point out my spider nook and how proud I am of it. It's ok I'm getting used to people on this forum ripping my posts apart
Sorry about that, nice room though. I need two racks and I only have 14 adult/juvys . I can’t seem to find a job anywhere. Pretty much gave up looking for a while. Won’t be getting anymore until I move out probably ..


Oct 17, 2023
You might not need anything I just meant to get the soil depth, right.

Sorry about that, nice room though. I need two racks and I only have 14 adult/juvys . I can’t seem to find a job anywhere. Pretty much gave up looking for a while. Won’t be getting anymore until I move out probably ..
Oh you meant modifications lol. I thought you meant like moderators on this forum lol. Sorry I'm used to social media lingo and any time someone mentions the word mod it usually refers to a moderator and its usually for something bad lol.

I'm sorry to hear about your job. I hope you find one soon. Idk what part of the world you're in but here in the US Amazon is hiring. There's also Doordash.


Jun 21, 2023
I would agree which is why there's only 12 inches between the surface of the substrate and the top of the enclosure(and thats only towards the front. The back is even less because i made a slope.). Have any of you actually done the math I wonder? Because (and I'm going by if the stirmi reaches 11 inches dls) 1.5x11=16.5. Even if it only reaches 9" let's say; 9x1.5=13.5. So either way, if the rule of thumb is no more than 1.5 times the legspan, then I followed the rules and actually even made sure to have less distance than what the rule of thumb is alotting. I mean I get you all are concerned for my T which I appreciate, but don't think for one second I don't have my animals best interest and safety in mind
I really do not think that you needed to show us the math (Poor tact IMO). I also do not believe anybody is singling you out and saying that you do not care about your animals either. I haven't seen those words uttered in any of your threads and I've been in nearly every one you've posted. If somebody PM'd you that, or perhaps I missed that comment because it was deleted/edited, then excuse me as I withdraw my statement...

I think the echoed advice you are getting are from concerned hobbyists who want to warn you about what they percieve as potential danger for you and the well being of your animal. Again, I haven't seen anybody say "you cannot do that" but rather they are all offering suggestions and advice on what they think "you should or shouldn't do." I have seen quite the number of knowledgeable hobbyists, breeders, and even mods chime in to offer you advice and information, and to "correct" what they see as a husbandry error.

I believe your strong will to be double edged, in the sense that you are confident and willing to confront challenges and authority but I also believe these tendencies lead you to become defensive and reject advice when you percieve slight.

I'm also willing to bet the way you react to advice is another reason why the responses aren't to your liking.

A trend I've observed in your posting pattern:
- You present yourself, you get support and positive feedback and you're happy, no problem here.
- Somebody mentions an improvement you could make, or offers insight or critque in a way you don't appreciate, you get defensive and argue back.
- They respond with the same energy, and you fire back at them again. The point of the communication is often lost, and when it isn't, you vehemently reject it because it is "from the opposing side." At this point, the thread devolves from your original post to whatever/whomever you argued against.
- Other members chime in, not to gang up on you, but to add weight to whatever advice or critique you recieved. You feel singled out and close your side off.

Let me just say, we are all on the same side: the Tarantula's side, the side where the Tarantula lives a full life free from keeper errors... so feelings may not be the priority for some of the people who respond ro you.

Perhaps a reevaluation of methodology is required if you wish for a more fulfilling interaction with the community?

Sorry, I don't mean to stick my nose in and judge your business. Personally I think you're doing quite well for a newbie but I get the sense that you might lose interest in the community if this type of pattern continues to perpetuate.

One thing I refrained from saying is this: you set up the enclosure for a 11" T. You did the math for a 11" T. Are you going you wait years until the T is 11" before you use the enclosure?

If you plan on using the enclosure for the T when it is say, 4-6", should the substrate math be recalculated?

Just food for thought. If you don't like me, I'll stay out of your threads.

BTW, in case I didn't say it before. Nice nook. I like what you've done with the place.


Oct 17, 2023
I really do not think that you needed to show us the math (Poor tact IMO). I also do not believe anybody is singling you out and saying that you do not care about your animals either. I haven't seen those words uttered in any of your threads and I've been in nearly every one you've posted. If somebody PM'd you that, or perhaps I missed that comment because it was deleted/edited, then excuse me as I withdraw my statement...

I think the echoed advice you are getting are from concerned hobbyists who want to warn you about what they percieve as potential danger for you and the well being of your animal. Again, I haven't seen anybody say "you cannot do that" but rather they are all offering suggestions and advice on what they think "you should or shouldn't do." I have seen quite the number of knowledgeable hobbyists, breeders, and even mods chime in to offer you advice and information, and to "correct" what they see as a husbandry error.

I believe your strong will to be double edged, in the sense that you are confident and willing to confront challenges and authority but I also believe these tendencies lead you to become defensive and reject advice when you percieve slight.

I'm also willing to bet the way you react to advice is another reason why the responses aren't to your liking.

A trend I've observed in your posting pattern:
- You present yourself, you get support and positive feedback and you're happy, no problem here.
- Somebody mentions an improvement you could make, or offers insight or critque in a way you don't appreciate, you get defensive and argue back.
- They respond with the same energy, and you fire back at them again. The point of the communication is often lost, and when it isn't, you vehemently reject it because it is "from the opposing side." At this point, the thread devolves from your original post to whatever/whomever you argued against.
- Other members chime in, not to gang up on you, but to add weight to whatever advice or critique you recieved. You feel singled out and close your side off.

Let me just say, we are all on the same side: the Tarantula's side, the side where the Tarantula lives a full life free from keeper errors... so feelings may not be the priority for some of the people who respond ro you.

Perhaps a reevaluation of methodology is required if you wish for a more fulfilling interaction with the community?

Sorry, I don't mean to stick my nose in and judge your business. Personally I think you're doing quite well for a newbie but I get the sense that you might lose interest in the community if this type of pattern continues to perpetuate.

One thing I refrained from saying is this: you set up the enclosure for a 11" T. You did the math for a 11" T. Are you going you wait years until the T is 11" before you use the enclosure?

If you plan on using the enclosure for the T when it is say, 4-6", should the substrate math be recalculated?

Just food for thought. If you don't like me, I'll stay out of your threads.

BTW, in case I didn't say it before. Nice nook. I like what you've done with the place.
Why and how is showing the solution to the equation I was presented poor tact? I've set up the enclosure for a T 9"+. There are those on here that are pointing out that my enclosure is supposedly unsafe then reitterating how the rule of thumb is "1.5 to 2 inches times the dls." Which leads me to believe that they aren't doing the math and only going off of what they know and how something looks from a picture. It has nothing to do with being argumentative. Why is it that I get labeled as defensive, argumentative, etc when I share knowledgeable information to add to a discussion? And, no, I don't always get my panties in a twist when someone disagrees with a post. I do, however, get annoyed when the immediate response is sarcasm or criticism that was unwarranted. Perfect example is this post- I wanted to share my spider nook because I was happy with the way it came out. However a handful of people wanted to focus on something that was completely irrelevant to the post and it was multiple people saying the same thing about something that doesn't even have an animal in it yet. I got it the first time when the first person shared their concern in which I responded with appreciation but then assured them that I was following "the rule of thumb". However that wasn't good enough so then 3 or 4 more people hopped in to say the same thing regardless of my response. So then at that point it became redundant. Idk about you but I don't know of anyone that is happy about something being shoved down someone's throat multiple times. It tends to make that person feel ganged up on. So forgive me for not being more appreciative of multiple people sharing the same opinion on something that I didn't even ask an opinion on

PS how can I hate a person that I don't even know?? Unlike some people I don't tend to judge and label people I've never met.

Side note- this forum is honestly the only forum I tend to have negative issues with unless you count Reddit but that whole forum by itself is just a complete dumpster fire and I try to avoid that platform at all costs


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
I don't get on r/tarantulas much any more but the moderators there are people that care about your Ts. Their m.o. is to handle the keeper delicately because they learned that keepers get mad otherwise and won't help the creature. So you have to be nice there. But as far as true social media goes, it's probably the best for information (leaving Facebook and tiktok and whatever the kids are using these days). The accompanying discord is just as helpful. Every time I saw something above my pay grade I could tag one of the mods and 100% of the time she responded. Anyone that has a problem with people trying to help should check their shoes for poop instead of accusing everyone else of smelling like it 🤣 Seriously though, anyone that knows that subreddit will just assume your personality doesn't jive.

Every single time you post pictures with this enclosure, people try to warn you. Literally. Stop for a second and reflect on that. If you get mad about that, then you think the whole world revolves around you, because you think you are the center of these attacks. Obviously, as evidence by the plethora of comments, people are focused on the tarantula. If they knew your patterns or kept track of who was who here, they'd save their efforts. We are all just feeder vessels around these parts .

If anyone and everyone that comes through says the same thing, maybe they are on to something? I believe I commented on an old post telling you I found other posts here of stirmi climbing and falling or getting stuck but you won't even consider that your tarantula will explore. I feel like I tip toe around this predictable pattern of responses because I care about the animals, but in this case I haven't had to say much because someone or multiple people actually cover that base every time you post the picture.

Honestly I haven't even gotten a chance to ask about that shelf being anchored, considering you have the heaviest item on top. That's common sense, for the safety of YOUR CHILDREN, because I can personally tell you what a crushed skill from a dresser looks like, not because I don't like you.


Nov 11, 2017
Why and how is showing the solution to the equation I was presented poor tact? I've set up the enclosure for a T 9"+. There are those on here that are pointing out that my enclosure is supposedly unsafe then reitterating how the rule of thumb is "1.5 to 2 inches times the dls." Which leads me to believe that they aren't doing the math and only going off of what they know and how something looks from a picture.
Literally the only issue was this.

The point is my T. stirmi is going in that enclosure once it is about 3 or 4 inches

I love how you lot completely derailed this thread to focus on an empty enclosure and assume the worst of me and that I don't care for my animals even though none of you know me when the whole point of this post was to point out my spider nook and how proud I am of it. It's ok I'm getting used to people on this forum ripping my posts apart
Nobody ever assumed you don’t care for your animals.

Keep in mind that this forum is about tarantula keeping, so while many on here do appreciate interior decorating and how adorable your spider nook is, tarantula keeping will almost always be what more people will focus on.

I promise, nobody is out to get you, I actually rewrote my initial reply before I posted it because I’ve noticed you have a tendency to get defensive. Not everyone is going to do that, I’m just used to it because I deal with some very sensitive people. Try to keep in mind that all advice given is to benefit your animals which you clearly care for, and don’t assume malice unless someone is literally calling you names.


Jun 21, 2023
Why and how is showing the solution to the equation I was presented poor tact? I've set up the enclosure for a T 9"+. There are those on here that are pointing out that my enclosure is supposedly unsafe then reitterating how the rule of thumb is "1.5 to 2 inches times the dls." Which leads me to believe that they aren't doing the math and only going off of what they know and how something looks from a picture.
Because to me at least, it comes off like one of my friends trying to win an argument by laying out basic details that everybody involved in the discussion already knows as if we already don't have that information formed in our head before making the assessment. It comes off as condescending, but again maybe that's just me? Apologies if I misinterpreted you.

It has nothing to do with being argumentative. Why is it that I get labeled as defensive, argumentative, etc when I share knowledgeable information to add to a discussion? And, no, I don't always get my panties in a twist when someone disagrees with a post. I do, however, get annoyed when the immediate response is sarcasm or criticism that was unwarranted. Perfect example is this post- I wanted to share my spider nook because I was happy with the way it came out. However a handful of people wanted to focus on something that was completely irrelevant to the post and it was multiple people saying the same thing about something that doesn't even have an animal in it yet. I got it the first time when the first person shared their concern in which I responded with appreciation but then assured them that I was following "the rule of thumb". However that wasn't good enough so then 3 or 4 more people hopped in to say the same thing regardless of my response. So then at that point it became redundant. Idk about you but I don't know of anyone that is happy about something being shoved down someone's throat multiple times. It tends to make that person feel ganged up on. So forgive me for not being more appreciative of multiple people sharing the same opinion on something that I didn't even ask an opinion on
Yeah, I agree your threads tend to get derailed with this trend we are discussing. I can't answer for other people but I try to stay on topic with what you're trying to present. This is not one of those times but if you look back into your other threads you'll see that I try to stay on the topic that you've presented despite the discussions that go sideways.
If you don't want people to focus on tangents, perhaps ignore them? When you quote and reply to people, you help them in derailing your threads. IMO, they're off topic but they're just offering advice. It's up to you to take it or leave it.

Not every comment is gonna be sunshine and rainbows, not everybody is gonna like you or be nice to you. If you know and accept this as a fact of life then you shouldn't have any issue with say, "how viper rolls his eyes at you." Has nobody rolled their eyes at you in life before? Haven't you just ignored them and brushed it off? How is viper getting so deep under your skin in the first place, with a few sarcastic comments? (Sorry for throwing you under the bus viper but you're a perfect example for this discussion)
In real life, I act quite like viper does in these forums. I'm much more patient and understanding through text, so what you're seeing is a learned behvior. Talk to me personally and you'll get the same short replies and sarcastic expressions he's delivered.

However, even when I adopt an approach that is diplomatic and understanding, non-combative and supportive of you, you argue. You are arguing against me when I'm on your side, and claiming not to be argumentative at the same time.

Can I please roll my eyes here? 🙄

I'm sorry, I'm just teasing, I couldn't resist. I don't mean to aggravate or disrespect you. I'll withdraw my eye roll and roll them in the opposite direction if it is too upsetting.

You've argued against a lot of good advice every type of personality here has given you, even fcat who is one of the nicest people on the forum, and only posts in a neutral/positive tone in the most long-winded-roundabout ways to kindly say "you need to fix this." If you can argue against that kind of empathy, YOU ARE ARGUMENTATIVE!

What other word fits the description? Please share your perspective on this with me. I will call you whatever you please if it "argumentative" is incorrect.

You are hearing advice and criticism repeat, so you believe it is an attack, "multiple people are ganging up on you to focus on one single thing" and that causes you to adopt a stance and reject it. How can you call this "not defensive"?

Take a look from MY PERSPECTIVE: I find absolutely nothing wrong with your enclosure EXCEPT the substrate height. Am I going to comment on anything else? Or will I just comment on the ONE thing I feel should be addressed?

OK, if that makes sense, now see it from OTHER PERSPECTIVES: they evaluate your enclosure, and find absolutely no flaws in the set up but they noticed, YOUR SUBSTRATE HEIGHT IS RISKY, so they mention that. Other members evaluate and come to the same conclusion--everything else is good, but the substrate could be raised, so they suggest that.

You interpret all that as "ganging up" and "singling out" because you are coming from a NEGATIVE headspace assuming judgements such as "we think you don't care about your animals."

Did you consider that there is nothing wrong with the enclosure besides the height, and that is why you are recieving what seems to be redundant criticism?

PS how can I hate a person that I don't even know?? Unlike some people I don't tend to judge and label people I've never met.
Ywouch. You feisty. Fair, fair, I don't know you well enough as a person to judge you, which is why I didn't judge you as a person. I'm merely observing and analyzing your behavior that you've put forth in your posts. My opinion is just that, and I will gladly apologize again if my assessment is woefully inaccurate.

So to answer you, yes, I BELIEVE you are an argumentative person, who is prone to negative interpretations and reacting defensively. I am not trying to judge you and label you one way or the other.

I am just calling it how I see it.

But gurl, I do not hate you, nor do I dislike you. You may feel that I've JUDGED you harshly but I will come out and say I have absolutely ZERO issues with you or how you want to be as a person, I don't even care if you like to argue, because I myself am a VERY STUBBORN AND ARGUMENTATIVE INDIVIDUAL. I am taking the time to share with you MY PERSPECTIVE, in hopes that something might change about the way your interactions with the community are happening. I bring all this up not to bring you down and criticize you, but to help you pivot your approach so you can receive the type of comments and that make you happy, not ones that cause you to react negatively.

If you don't want me in your corner, I can excuse myself, as a handful of people have already refrained from posting in this thread, I can refrain from mentioning this ever again if that's your preference. I'm not doing this because I don't like you or disrespect you, I'm doing this because I want you to enjoy your time here and in the hobby, which I feel is the same motivation many of the people who posted have as well.

Side note- this forum is honestly the only forum I tend to have negative issues with unless you count Reddit but that whole forum by itself is just a complete dumpster fire and I try to avoid that platform at all costs
I agree Reddit has a culture that can be somewhat of a dumpster fire, but there are still good people sprinkled in with the fart-sniffing mob. I wouldn't discredit everybody in a demographic because of a vocal group of people. Same goes for any platform really.

Let me ask you, do you not like the ratio of validation to criticism here? If you prefer no criticism, shouldn't Reddit be your platform of choice? Here we have the freedom to express ourselves in any manner so long as it abides by the rules, and I think that's the kind of platform that emulates society the closest, so that's why I'm here. But if you find it is hampering your enjoyment, I know a discord that only says nice things I could invite you to. The mods there will quickly stamp out any sort of argument, your side included.

If they knew your patterns or kept track of who was who here, they'd save their efforts.

I feel like I tip toe around this predictable pattern of responses because I care about the animal,
I have seen the people who commented to offer advice since her first thread start to fall off. Notice how quiet it is in this one already?

That's why I spoke up.

You're scaring all the fish away.
Don't you hear the crickets?

You have nice T's, you designed their enclosures well, you are providing pretty good husbandry from what I have seen, but you have trouble pivoting and adjusting to critiques.

And you ignore some very important talking points I bring up? Are they lost in the essays or are you purposely ignoring me? Seems to me you've ignored a lot of my talking points since your first post on this forum, and I've always been supportive of you even when I don't see eye to eye.

Let me ask you again, you did the math for an ELEVEN INCH TARANTULA. Do you intend to wait until your Tarantula is 11 inches to use the enclosure?

The point is my T. stirmi is going in that enclosure once it is about 3 or 4 inches
If you're putting your Tarantula in there when it is 3 inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, or 6 inches, SHOULD YOU NOT RECALCULATE YOUR MATHS?

Since you do not feel doing math to be in poor taste, allow me to assist you.

3 x 1.5 = 4.5
4 x 1.5 = 6
5 x 1.5 = 7.5
6 x 1.5 = 9

3 x 2 = 6
4 x 2 = 8
5 x 2 = 10
6 x 2 = 12

You mentioned you have 12 inches from ceiling to substrate in the front, 8 in the back IIRC?

That would mean your tank is set up at best for a 6 inch T, if you placed a 3-4" T in there and it climbed the front panel and fell, guess what would happen? Exactly what everybody has been warning you about.

I never go more than 1.5x unless it is an arboreal species, because I've seen LITERALLY every single one of my T's test the lid and ventilation holes at some point over 4 years. Even the species that are supposed to be pet holes and spend 99% of their time underground, they've come to the lid. I posted an example on your last thread I think.

So you have mentioned many times how BIG this T will get, so I understand you did some research, but as the very knowledgeable mod in your thread mentioned, this genus is known for how HEAVY they are, which means they have more BODY MASS for the same leg span as other species the same size have. This means when they fall, gravity and velocity will cause them more internal damage than a lighter species such as an Arboreal.

Knowing this, you have to factor in extra variables to your maths.

Do you want me to do the equation for velocity as well? Or are we good there?

In the end Dayners, it is your life and your animal. You are perfectly free to disregard everybody and do whatever you wish within the confines of the law.

However I will pose this question: if you decide to use that set up as it is FULLY AWARE and HEAVILY INFORMED of the risks, then can you really say that you have the utmost priority on the wellbeing of the animal, or are you satisfying your ego by arguing against the people who are literally trying to help you and your animal avoid a potential injury?


Oct 17, 2023
Because to me at least, it comes off like one of my friends trying to win an argument by laying out basic details that everybody involved in the discussion already knows as if we already don't have that information formed in our head before making the assessment. It comes off as condescending, but again maybe that's just me? Apologies if I misinterpreted you.

Yeah, I agree your threads tend to get derailed with this trend we are discussing. I can't answer for other people but I try to stay on topic with what you're trying to present. This is not one of those times but if you look back into your other threads you'll see that I try to stay on the topic that you've presented despite the discussions that go sideways.
If you don't want people to focus on tangents, perhaps ignore them? When you quote and reply to people, you help them in derailing your threads. IMO, they're off topic but they're just offering advice. It's up to you to take it or leave it.

Not every comment is gonna be sunshine and rainbows, not everybody is gonna like you or be nice to you. If you know and accept this as a fact of life then you shouldn't have any issue with say, "how viper rolls his eyes at you." Has nobody rolled their eyes at you in life before? Haven't you just ignored them and brushed it off? How is viper getting so deep under your skin in the first place, with a few sarcastic comments? (Sorry for throwing you under the bus viper but you're a perfect example for this discussion)
In real life, I act quite like viper does in these forums. I'm much more patient and understanding through text, so what you're seeing is a learned behvior. Talk to me personally and you'll get the same short replies and sarcastic expressions he's delivered.

However, even when I adopt an approach that is diplomatic and understanding, non-combative and supportive of you, you argue. You are arguing against me when I'm on your side, and claiming not to be argumentative at the same time.

Can I please roll my eyes here? 🙄

I'm sorry, I'm just teasing, I couldn't resist. I don't mean to aggravate or disrespect you. I'll withdraw my eye roll and roll them in the opposite direction if it is too upsetting.

You've argued against a lot of good advice every type of personality here has given you, even fcat who is one of the nicest people on the forum, and only posts in a neutral/positive tone in the most long-winded-roundabout ways to kindly say "you need to fix this." If you can argue against that kind of empathy, YOU ARE ARGUMENTATIVE!

What other word fits the description? Please share your perspective on this with me. I will call you whatever you please if it "argumentative" is incorrect.

You are hearing advice and criticism repeat, so you believe it is an attack, "multiple people are ganging up on you to focus on one single thing" and that causes you to adopt a stance and reject it. How can you call this "not defensive"?

Take a look from MY PERSPECTIVE: I find absolutely nothing wrong with your enclosure EXCEPT the substrate height. Am I going to comment on anything else? Or will I just comment on the ONE thing I feel should be addressed?

OK, if that makes sense, now see it from OTHER PERSPECTIVES: they evaluate your enclosure, and find absolutely no flaws in the set up but they noticed, YOUR SUBSTRATE HEIGHT IS RISKY, so they mention that. Other members evaluate and come to the same conclusion--everything else is good, but the substrate could be raised, so they suggest that.

You interpret all that as "ganging up" and "singling out" because you are coming from a NEGATIVE headspace assuming judgements such as "we think you don't care about your animals."

Did you consider that there is nothing wrong with the enclosure besides the height, and that is why you are recieving what seems to be redundant criticism?

Ywouch. You feisty. Fair, fair, I don't know you well enough as a person to judge you, which is why I didn't judge you as a person. I'm merely observing and analyzing your behavior that you've put forth in your posts. My opinion is just that, and I will gladly apologize again if my assessment is woefully inaccurate.

So to answer you, yes, I BELIEVE you are an argumentative person, who is prone to negative interpretations and reacting defensively. I am not trying to judge you and label you one way or the other.

I am just calling it how I see it.

But gurl, I do not hate you, nor do I dislike you. You may feel that I've JUDGED you harshly but I will come out and say I have absolutely ZERO issues with you or how you want to be as a person, I don't even care if you like to argue, because I myself am a VERY STUBBORN AND ARGUMENTATIVE INDIVIDUAL. I am taking the time to share with you MY PERSPECTIVE, in hopes that something might change about the way your interactions with the community are happening. I bring all this up not to bring you down and criticize you, but to help you pivot your approach so you can receive the type of comments and that make you happy, not ones that cause you to react negatively.

If you don't want me in your corner, I can excuse myself, as a handful of people have already refrained from posting in this thread, I can refrain from mentioning this ever again if that's your preference. I'm not doing this because I don't like you or disrespect you, I'm doing this because I want you to enjoy your time here and in the hobby, which I feel is the same motivation many of the people who posted have as well.

I agree Reddit has a culture that can be somewhat of a dumpster fire, but there are still good people sprinkled in with the fart-sniffing mob. I wouldn't discredit everybody in a demographic because of a vocal group of people. Same goes for any platform really.

Let me ask you, do you not like the ratio of validation to criticism here? If you prefer no criticism, shouldn't Reddit be your platform of choice? Here we have the freedom to express ourselves in any manner so long as it abides by the rules, and I think that's the kind of platform that emulates society the closest, so that's why I'm here. But if you find it is hampering your enjoyment, I know a discord that only says nice things I could invite you to. The mods there will quickly stamp out any sort of argument, your side included.

I have seen the people who commented to offer advice since her first thread start to fall off. Notice how quiet it is in this one already?

That's why I spoke up.

You're scaring all the fish away.
Don't you hear the crickets?

You have nice T's, you designed their enclosures well, you are providing pretty good husbandry from what I have seen, but you have trouble pivoting and adjusting to critiques.

And you ignore some very important talking points I bring up? Are they lost in the essays or are you purposely ignoring me? Seems to me you've ignored a lot of my talking points since your first post on this forum, and I've always been supportive of you even when I don't see eye to eye.

Let me ask you again, you did the math for an ELEVEN INCH TARANTULA. Do you intend to wait until your Tarantula is 11 inches to use the enclosure?

If you're putting your Tarantula in there when it is 3 inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, or 6 inches, SHOULD YOU NOT RECALCULATE YOUR MATHS?

Since you do not feel doing math to be in poor taste, allow me to assist you.

3 x 1.5 = 4.5
4 x 1.5 = 6
5 x 1.5 = 7.5
6 x 1.5 = 9

3 x 2 = 6
4 x 2 = 8
5 x 2 = 10
6 x 2 = 12

You mentioned you have 12 inches from ceiling to substrate in the front, 8 in the back IIRC?

That would mean your tank is set up at best for a 6 inch T, if you placed a 3-4" T in there and it climbed the front panel and fell, guess what would happen? Exactly what everybody has been warning you about.

I never go more than 1.5x unless it is an arboreal species, because I've seen LITERALLY every single one of my T's test the lid and ventilation holes at some point over 4 years. Even the species that are supposed to be pet holes and spend 99% of their time underground, they've come to the lid. I posted an example on your last thread I think.

So you have mentioned many times how BIG this T will get, so I understand you did some research, but as the very knowledgeable mod in your thread mentioned, this genus is known for how HEAVY they are, which means they have more BODY MASS for the same leg span as other species the same size have. This means when they fall, gravity and velocity will cause them more internal damage than a lighter species such as an Arboreal.

Knowing this, you have to factor in extra variables to your maths.

Do you want me to do the equation for velocity as well? Or are we good there?

In the end Dayners, it is your life and your animal. You are perfectly free to disregard everybody and do whatever you wish within the confines of the law.

However I will pose this question: if you decide to use that set up as it is FULLY AWARE and HEAVILY INFORMED of the risks, then can you really say that you have the utmost priority on the wellbeing of the animal, or are you satisfying your ego by arguing against the people who are literally trying to help you and your animal avoid a potential injury?
Please give me a moment. I'm not ignoring anyone. It's just a lot to read and I'm trying to do multiple things at once and epically failing such as forgetting to season my eggs so now I'm stuck eating a bland breakfast sandwich lol


Jun 21, 2023
Please give me a moment. I'm not ignoring anyone. It's just a lot to read and I'm trying to do multiple things at once and epically failing such as forgetting to season my eggs so now I'm stuck eating a bland breakfast sandwich lol
Life first, strangers second. Take your time!

Don't be in such a rush to argue with me. :troll:


Oct 17, 2023
Life first, strangers second. Take your time!

Don't be in such a rush to argue with me. :troll:
Because to me at least, it comes off like one of my friends trying to win an argument by laying out basic details that everybody involved in the discussion already knows as if we already don't have that information formed in our head before making the assessment. It comes off as condescending, but again maybe that's just me? Apologies if I misinterpreted you.

Yeah, I agree your threads tend to get derailed with this trend we are discussing. I can't answer for other people but I try to stay on topic with what you're trying to present. This is not one of those times but if you look back into your other threads you'll see that I try to stay on the topic that you've presented despite the discussions that go sideways.
If you don't want people to focus on tangents, perhaps ignore them? When you quote and reply to people, you help them in derailing your threads. IMO, they're off topic but they're just offering advice. It's up to you to take it or leave it.

Not every comment is gonna be sunshine and rainbows, not everybody is gonna like you or be nice to you. If you know and accept this as a fact of life then you shouldn't have any issue with say, "how viper rolls his eyes at you." Has nobody rolled their eyes at you in life before? Haven't you just ignored them and brushed it off? How is viper getting so deep under your skin in the first place, with a few sarcastic comments? (Sorry for throwing you under the bus viper but you're a perfect example for this discussion)
In real life, I act quite like viper does in these forums. I'm much more patient and understanding through text, so what you're seeing is a learned behvior. Talk to me personally and you'll get the same short replies and sarcastic expressions he's delivered.

However, even when I adopt an approach that is diplomatic and understanding, non-combative and supportive of you, you argue. You are arguing against me when I'm on your side, and claiming not to be argumentative at the same time.

Can I please roll my eyes here? 🙄

I'm sorry, I'm just teasing, I couldn't resist. I don't mean to aggravate or disrespect you. I'll withdraw my eye roll and roll them in the opposite direction if it is too upsetting.

You've argued against a lot of good advice every type of personality here has given you, even fcat who is one of the nicest people on the forum, and only posts in a neutral/positive tone in the most long-winded-roundabout ways to kindly say "you need to fix this." If you can argue against that kind of empathy, YOU ARE ARGUMENTATIVE!

What other word fits the description? Please share your perspective on this with me. I will call you whatever you please if it "argumentative" is incorrect.

You are hearing advice and criticism repeat, so you believe it is an attack, "multiple people are ganging up on you to focus on one single thing" and that causes you to adopt a stance and reject it. How can you call this "not defensive"?

Take a look from MY PERSPECTIVE: I find absolutely nothing wrong with your enclosure EXCEPT the substrate height. Am I going to comment on anything else? Or will I just comment on the ONE thing I feel should be addressed?

OK, if that makes sense, now see it from OTHER PERSPECTIVES: they evaluate your enclosure, and find absolutely no flaws in the set up but they noticed, YOUR SUBSTRATE HEIGHT IS RISKY, so they mention that. Other members evaluate and come to the same conclusion--everything else is good, but the substrate could be raised, so they suggest that.

You interpret all that as "ganging up" and "singling out" because you are coming from a NEGATIVE headspace assuming judgements such as "we think you don't care about your animals."

Did you consider that there is nothing wrong with the enclosure besides the height, and that is why you are recieving what seems to be redundant criticism?

Ywouch. You feisty. Fair, fair, I don't know you well enough as a person to judge you, which is why I didn't judge you as a person. I'm merely observing and analyzing your behavior that you've put forth in your posts. My opinion is just that, and I will gladly apologize again if my assessment is woefully inaccurate.

So to answer you, yes, I BELIEVE you are an argumentative person, who is prone to negative interpretations and reacting defensively. I am not trying to judge you and label you one way or the other.

I am just calling it how I see it.

But gurl, I do not hate you, nor do I dislike you. You may feel that I've JUDGED you harshly but I will come out and say I have absolutely ZERO issues with you or how you want to be as a person, I don't even care if you like to argue, because I myself am a VERY STUBBORN AND ARGUMENTATIVE INDIVIDUAL. I am taking the time to share with you MY PERSPECTIVE, in hopes that something might change about the way your interactions with the community are happening. I bring all this up not to bring you down and criticize you, but to help you pivot your approach so you can receive the type of comments and that make you happy, not ones that cause you to react negatively.

If you don't want me in your corner, I can excuse myself, as a handful of people have already refrained from posting in this thread, I can refrain from mentioning this ever again if that's your preference. I'm not doing this because I don't like you or disrespect you, I'm doing this because I want you to enjoy your time here and in the hobby, which I feel is the same motivation many of the people who posted have as well.

I agree Reddit has a culture that can be somewhat of a dumpster fire, but there are still good people sprinkled in with the fart-sniffing mob. I wouldn't discredit everybody in a demographic because of a vocal group of people. Same goes for any platform really.

Let me ask you, do you not like the ratio of validation to criticism here? If you prefer no criticism, shouldn't Reddit be your platform of choice? Here we have the freedom to express ourselves in any manner so long as it abides by the rules, and I think that's the kind of platform that emulates society the closest, so that's why I'm here. But if you find it is hampering your enjoyment, I know a discord that only says nice things I could invite you to. The mods there will quickly stamp out any sort of argument, your side included.

I have seen the people who commented to offer advice since her first thread start to fall off. Notice how quiet it is in this one already?

That's why I spoke up.

You're scaring all the fish away.
Don't you hear the crickets?

You have nice T's, you designed their enclosures well, you are providing pretty good husbandry from what I have seen, but you have trouble pivoting and adjusting to critiques.

And you ignore some very important talking points I bring up? Are they lost in the essays or are you purposely ignoring me? Seems to me you've ignored a lot of my talking points since your first post on this forum, and I've always been supportive of you even when I don't see eye to eye.

Let me ask you again, you did the math for an ELEVEN INCH TARANTULA. Do you intend to wait until your Tarantula is 11 inches to use the enclosure?

If you're putting your Tarantula in there when it is 3 inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, or 6 inches, SHOULD YOU NOT RECALCULATE YOUR MATHS?

Since you do not feel doing math to be in poor taste, allow me to assist you.

3 x 1.5 = 4.5
4 x 1.5 = 6
5 x 1.5 = 7.5
6 x 1.5 = 9

3 x 2 = 6
4 x 2 = 8
5 x 2 = 10
6 x 2 = 12

You mentioned you have 12 inches from ceiling to substrate in the front, 8 in the back IIRC?

That would mean your tank is set up at best for a 6 inch T, if you placed a 3-4" T in there and it climbed the front panel and fell, guess what would happen? Exactly what everybody has been warning you about.

I never go more than 1.5x unless it is an arboreal species, because I've seen LITERALLY every single one of my T's test the lid and ventilation holes at some point over 4 years. Even the species that are supposed to be pet holes and spend 99% of their time underground, they've come to the lid. I posted an example on your last thread I think.

So you have mentioned many times how BIG this T will get, so I understand you did some research, but as the very knowledgeable mod in your thread mentioned, this genus is known for how HEAVY they are, which means they have more BODY MASS for the same leg span as other species the same size have. This means when they fall, gravity and velocity will cause them more internal damage than a lighter species such as an Arboreal.

Knowing this, you have to factor in extra variables to your maths.

Do you want me to do the equation for velocity as well? Or are we good there?

In the end Dayners, it is your life and your animal. You are perfectly free to disregard everybody and do whatever you wish within the confines of the law.

However I will pose this question: if you decide to use that set up as it is FULLY AWARE and HEAVILY INFORMED of the risks, then can you really say that you have the utmost priority on the wellbeing of the animal, or are you satisfying your ego by arguing against the people who are literally trying to help you and your animal avoid a potential injury?
Literally the only issue was this.

Nobody ever assumed you don’t care for your animals.

Keep in mind that this forum is about tarantula keeping, so while many on here do appreciate interior decorating and how adorable your spider nook is, tarantula keeping will almost always be what more people will focus on.

I promise, nobody is out to get you, I actually rewrote my initial reply before I posted it because I’ve noticed you have a tendency to get defensive. Not everyone is going to do that, I’m just used to it because I deal with some very sensitive people. Try to keep in mind that all advice given is to benefit your animals which you clearly care for, and don’t assume malice unless someone is literally calling you names.
Ok....now that I have my coffee on hand and have managed to successfully save my G. pulchra from a suicidal drowning (don't ask...but it is proof that tarantulas do indeed float except that idiot must have missed his swimming lessons) I am ready...... lots of topics to cover:

First and foremost: Yes. I am a stubborn woman and I will always try to stand my ground. I'm an Italian Aries born and raised in Philly. However, that said, talking through text is a huge headache because no matter what, you have no way of deciphering tone. So, it is equally as unfair to say you are singling me out and being mean as it is to say I am being defensive and argumentative. Not one single person here (including myself) can say one way or another how anybody's responses truly read because it is strictly text.

Second: it is very unfair to say that I have blocked out everyone's advice and I don't take it into consideration because that is just completely untrue. Take my ever so controversial enclosure for example- when I posted a photo for the very first time, that enclosure look A LOT different. The first thing that was said was that it had too much moss and leaf litter. Also might I add that there was less substrate in there than there is now. Since then I've made all the adjustments that were suggested by a bunch of you. Now, all that said, imagine if you will, back when you were in school, and you were assigned a creative project which you spend so much time and effort on and went to hand it in with pride and satisfaction because you were just so happy that you've managed to accomplish what you feel is a work of art. Now, imagine that teacher presenting your project to the class and pointing out things you did wrong and now your classmates (let's say 3 or 4 of them) are now reitterating what was already stated by the teacher right after that teacher pointed them out. Now tell me you wouldn't feel disheartened, discouraged, and maybe a tad embarrassed and try to defend your masterpiece that you spent weeks on perfecting.

Nobody wants to be told they're wrong or that they've made mistakes. However, if someone points out something I did wrong, I'm going to question their logic then respond with my logic. That's called having a logical discussion (literally). So why is it that when you guys "give advice" and I question your logic and respond with other logical points and factual information, I'm labeled as argumentative and devoid of accepting advice? I'm literally just trying to learn and be the best keeper I can be. But I'm not gonna sit here and just listen to what people say just because they said it. I want to know the knowledge behind what they are saying. I want to make sure that their advice is sound and they aren't just regurgitating an opinion they've heard or read. Isn't that the whole point of this forum?

Last but not least: I have no way of adding more substrate without it cascading out every time I open the doors. And I can't get a lower enclosure because 1) I can't afford it and 2) there won't be enough room for adding substrate and everything else that goes along with a planted enclosure. Also, I mentioned adding the t at 3 or 4 inches bc I'm excited to add it to the enclosure. That doesn't mean I'm going to that. You all advised against it. I get it. I will wait (inpatiently) for it to get bigger. But just because I mention something doesn't mean it's set in stone. You all are getting your panties in a bunch when nothing has even been done yet lol. The little guy hasn't even molted yet. It's not even close to being ready. Also as far as substrate goes, I went with the rule of thumb of no more than 1.5 or 2 times the leg span and as I've mentioned awhile ago, based on the distance it is good for 9 inches or more. So no I didn't strictly go by just an 11 inch t. The math works for a t that is 9" or bigger. But then again that's even if this t will be that explorative. No one can say for sure. But am I banking on this t definitely reaching 11 inches? No. But I'm strongly hoping so. However I am banking on this t not being smaller than at least 9 inches (I'll be so disappointed). I wanna be able to put this thing on a leash and take it for walks....I keed I keed

There....I think I covered everything. If I left anything out...too bad...my thumbs are now tired and cramping up


Fiery but Mostly Peaceful
Nov 7, 2019
I really do not think that you needed to show us the math (Poor tact IMO). I also do not believe anybody is singling you out and saying that you do not care about your animals either. I haven't seen those words uttered in any of your threads and I've been in nearly every one you've posted. If somebody PM'd you that, or perhaps I missed that comment because it was deleted/edited, then excuse me as I withdraw my statement...

I think the echoed advice you are getting are from concerned hobbyists who want to warn you about what they percieve as potential danger for you and the well being of your animal. Again, I haven't seen anybody say "you cannot do that" but rather they are all offering suggestions and advice on what they think "you should or shouldn't do." I have seen quite the number of knowledgeable hobbyists, breeders, and even mods chime in to offer you advice and information, and to "correct" what they see as a husbandry error.

I believe your strong will to be double edged, in the sense that you are confident and willing to confront challenges and authority but I also believe these tendencies lead you to become defensive and reject advice when you percieve slight.

I'm also willing to bet the way you react to advice is another reason why the responses aren't to your liking.

A trend I've observed in your posting pattern:
- You present yourself, you get support and positive feedback and you're happy, no problem here.
- Somebody mentions an improvement you could make, or offers insight or critque in a way you don't appreciate, you get defensive and argue back.
- They respond with the same energy, and you fire back at them again. The point of the communication is often lost, and when it isn't, you vehemently reject it because it is "from the opposing side." At this point, the thread devolves from your original post to whatever/whomever you argued against.
- Other members chime in, not to gang up on you, but to add weight to whatever advice or critique you recieved. You feel singled out and close your side off.

Let me just say, we are all on the same side: the Tarantula's side, the side where the Tarantula lives a full life free from keeper errors... so feelings may not be the priority for some of the people who respond ro you.

Perhaps a reevaluation of methodology is required if you wish for a more fulfilling interaction with the community?

Sorry, I don't mean to stick my nose in and judge your business. Personally I think you're doing quite well for a newbie but I get the sense that you might lose interest in the community if this type of pattern continues to perpetuate.

One thing I refrained from saying is this: you set up the enclosure for a 11" T. You did the math for a 11" T. Are you going you wait years until the T is 11" before you use the enclosure?

If you plan on using the enclosure for the T when it is say, 4-6", should the substrate math be recalculated?

Just food for thought. If you don't like me, I'll stay out of your threads.

BTW, in case I didn't say it before. Nice nook. I like what you've done with the place.
That's a lot of words for Combative much?