Spider Behavior.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
Spider in Question:
Chiracanthium inclusum

Perving in the bathroom.


So I'm not crazy, however. my friend is driving me crazy with nightly calls about the spider dubbed 'perv'

This spider, has displayed, what I would call. very intresting behavior for a spider. The spider itself was first noted within close proximity of 4 to 5 other adults of its species, this spider is male so it is to be considered, however. This spider has taken to the behavior that dubbed him the name 'perv' While the females have vacated the bathroom, this lone male remains, spending his entire life in concealment, until my friend decides that she needs a shower, in which case he miraculiously appears, eyes bearing down on her, and smoking a cigerette (lmao)

The spiders behavior is very intresting, in that it is repeated and consistant, emerging when she is showering, and dissapearing when she is not (I presume drinking up the condensation) However, the spider as of late has taken up the habbit of stalking her. Following her through the bathroom hallway etc. And even going so far as to Drop food upon her from his perch above, because apperently she is in need of a good meal.

The spider has since vanished, after being promtly yelled at, about the hot water being bad for him, and is presumably pouting so badly it'd put a todler to shame, and has not been seen since.

While, I am perplexed over some of these behaviors others havestraight foward explanations, all and all. it certianly is an amusing story. So, How many of you have pervs of your own? or inexplicable spider behaviors :)

edit: The reason the spiderwas not caughtand released outside, is she is convinced he will simply come back bearing roses and chocolates.