One of my favorite Pokies, P. striata. I wanted to take some pics of this stud while he is still around. He is such a sweetie, he has never threatened even after the ridiculous amount of poking and prodding I have subjected him to in order to get him into a ladies tank. I'd love to hold him, but then I remember that he is a pokie, and that I am a musician who needs full function of my hands/fingers, dice Anyway, check out the purple highlights on these babies! They may not be subfuscas, but they still show some violet. Oh, and those are water droplets on him.
This lady is three months past her last molt, and STILL has a good amount of purple showing!!
I've been told around 7-10 years. So far, it is so cool, although it looks so fragile and I am so much more careful around it that with my T's. Also, males and females have similar lifespans - males don't mature and die quickly like T's do, so it's a win-win situation if you get any.
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