Something living in water dish


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2002
Hi Everyone,
I have always (since 1976) had a few to maybe 25 Ts. I have always used ground coconut fiber as a substraight with no pboblems. I like the way it changes colors when wet. This comes in handy when caring for my female T. Blondie.
The T.Blodies small ceramic water dish has very small dark dots swimming at the water surface. I looked at them under magnification and they look like 5 or so segmented millipedes.

I changed the water and they come back in a few days. They don't seam to be a problem but I have never seen this happen. I might just switch over to vermiculite.

Also my older male T.Blondie was always getting it's claws stuck on the screen top (5 Gallon). I can use a 18 gallon high but could be dangerous if she stars climbing. I am trying to set up a 10 gallon or so for show................any ideas? I like Joys Goliath setup but don't have that much space. She is onlt 4 inches so I still have some time to think about her new setup..........



Old Timer
Apr 19, 2003
I use the ground coconut fibre also in both of my tanks right now. Its ZooMed Eco Earth and comes in an expandable brick. Is that the same stuff u are using? Anyways I havent noticed anything in my water dishes as of yet but now I will keep an eye on it a little closer. Anyways if u went to a 10 Gallon u would prob be safe and I doubt that the tarantula will climb all the way up there. Anyways good luck



Old Timer
Jan 6, 2003
The insects that are in the water bowl, do they look just like inch worms under bright light? If so, you have a case of mosquito larvae! *lol* It's about the right time of year for them, but I don't really know how often they frequent Oregon. They have little black eyes (makes em' look like they have black heads cause the rest is almost completely clear to vision). I got them a few years ago in one of my enclosures and I had to change substrate. They were eating me alive! I was also in Louisiana at the time and they were the mega-giant poeple eater squeeters! heheh they suck!

edw. :D


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
They could also be springtails, tiny insects that feed on various organic debris. Fortunately, springtails are harmless if that's what they are. They can walk on the surface tension of water.

I'd try to switch to a welded-wire type of screen over the window type. Less prone to snagging feet. In any case, don't go with a tall cage. If the T is able to touch the bottom and top at the same tyme, it will usually be able to free itself when stuck. If not, it's screwed. Also, there's the serious risk to a fatal fall in a tall cage, especially for a big spider like T. blondi.
