Some of my T's


Old Timer
Oct 11, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
They used to be Brasilopelma coloratovillosum, they're now Nhandu coloratovillosus (gotta get those Latin genders agreeing ;)), common name is just Brazilian Black and White - other than country, common names are limited to three words by convention.

I have a young female (knock, knock, knock) and I definitely would not try to handle her. She is the only one of my Ts that's ever given me a threat display. I've been working on teaching/desensitising her to take food from tongs. Sometimes she will leap up and grap the cricket on the tongs while it's still inches above the ground - a fairly aggressive little girl that I don't need any closer to my fingers than necessary.
They used to be Brasilopelma coloratovillosum, they're now Nhandu coloratovillosus (gotta get those Latin genders agreeing ;)),

I didn't realize I used the old species spelling, thanks:) .
I haven't sexed mine yet. It just molted to like 2.5" recently. My B.klassi is a female. She's not mature yet though. The black and white never reared up, but has kicked hairs a couple of times. They are amazing feeders. Mine grabbed a cricket mid-air. I didn't think they had hops:D .
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