Some newbie questions


Jul 13, 2006
Hello there i've always wanted to get a T since I was a boy but have been unsuccessful since my mother is deathly afraid of bugs. Soon i'm going into my own apartment that allows small pets and i thinking about getting 2-3 Ts(G.aureostriata, aboreal of some sort, and another Any suggestions?).

There is a couple problems i am facing. The apartment building comes in to spray for bugs maybe once every couple of months. When i asked the people they said that you could take small pets into your room (i haven't told them i'll have a T). Anyone have any experiance or suggestions on this?

Also i would like to know how many enclosures a T goes through in it's life time?
The last thing that i would like to have is a lump sum of how much everthing except the Ts is going to cost.

Thank you in advance,



Old Timer
Sep 29, 2006
hi and welcome to the boards.

spraying it not good - to be on the safe side, you should make sure you know beforehand so you can get your t to a friend's place and keep it there for at least 48 hours after the spraying.

as for small pets being allowed: ts are usually not included - you may claim ignorance of that fact if someone finds out, but if they are really not allowed, you might have to part with them.

as for the costs: depends on you alone. ts can be perfectly happy in a 5$plastic shoebox with potting soil (around 3$ for a small sac), with half a flowerpot for a hide and a plastig thingy as water dish (dollarstore). on the other hand, you can buy an exoterra tank and put elaborate decorations in it. so you're looking at something between 10 and 100 or more bucks for one adult spider, depending on aesthetics. ;)

slings can be usually kept in delicups. i upgrade them to large delicups or kritter keepers at around 2" legspan, and to their final tank at 3-4". you can do more rehousing, but ime 3-4 new enclosures do the trick. it's not worth your money to go and buy expensive tanks for every stage though, tupperware does just fine. expecially with the fast growing species, it's the only option if you don't want to spend a fortune.

hope i could help you some.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
You should see if they have a "no spray" list, for people with pets or with sensitive lungs/allergies themselves. My dad's apartment complex does, and his downstairs neighbors are on it.

If you claim you get sick very easily from such things, I'm sure they'll be a lot more interested than for the sake of a pet spider. Wouldn't want you to sue them, after all. :)

But to be fair, you should maybe offer to sign something additional about keeping the place clean. Putting down bait traps pre-emptively could be a good thing too. Any anti-pest methods that don't put fumes in the air are completely safe for tarantulas in a cage. I have a bunch of little liquid ant bait traps in my house, for example, to deal with the sugar ants.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I would just tell them you have them. Most apartments don't care about Ts so long as you explain in a manner that let's them know the pet can't get out, can't infest, and can't damage the property. Once you make them comfortable in all those categories they almost always let you have them. I just moved into a new apartment this month and I told them up front I have a few hundred Ts and they are fine with it. They now won't spray near my apt unless they have to and with plenty of warning.


Jul 13, 2006
thank you

Thanks a bunch for the help. I don't think it will be a problem when they said they allowed pets under 20lbs i asked them if reptiles and invertebrates count too and they said yes as long as its under 20 lbs. Thanks again,

Buddy s


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
if you are unable to move them out. you can put the cage in a plastic bag. like a large trash bag and duct tape it shut.
i have done it and they sprayed in the same room with the t's. had no problems. i waited till they left, opened windows and about 6 hours took the plastic off.
its better if you can just move them out and take no chances. i asked the guy doing the spraying and he said that the spray they were useing was designed to kill when the insect walked through it. i think it depends on what they are aiming for. most of them will explain if you ask.
ive also had a house treated for spiders, they put a powder down that the spider has to walk through. get it on their feet and them ingest it when they eat or clean themselves.