Some Feeding Pics of my Okeetee

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Believe a reputable breeder who says he has raised over 200 snakes without experiencing impaction?
But also that he knows for a fact that it does happen, and that it has happened to other people. But please, by all means, attack me and call me a meanie-head for pointing out that you're taking a needless risk with the life of an animal that relies on you for survival, based on an article which clearly states that snakes can have serious problems with eating substrate by accident. He has simply been lucky and not had any problems personally.

How you interpret this to mean that no snake will ever ever eat substrate and have problems because of it, and also that anyone who tells you otherwise is to be insulted and called a fool, is really beyond me.

There are people who feed their snakes live prey and haven't had any problems, but that doesn't mean the photographs of pythons with their skulls ripped open by rats are fake.