Man, this really sucks. I live next to a river and I see these all the time. I feel bad for his family.
COD might not be able to be "covered up by a snake", but since it's a PERSON who has to type in that COD on paper, its accuracy is only as valid as the honesty of who types it. Under pressure from superiors, even an honest person could be swayed to type in "snake bite". There was "too much information" about the alleged snake, and knowing what I know about snake behavior and habitat, I find it extremely difficult that the officials just happened to find the "smoking gun", just like that, out of what would probably be a large population of Cottonmouths in that one particular body of water. I cannot fathom them just conducting a "drag net" to land every Cotton in the swamp, killing and dissecting every one, conducting DNA tests on their fangs to see if any had traces of the dead man's genetic material on them. THAT is just plain common sense, and has nothing to do with knowledge of medical exams OR snakes.The comments posted on the snake site was light on knowledge and a bit heavy on the conspiracy theories. but that's to be expected in a case like this.
When I read the article about the death, I thought how unusual as well. What has to be put in perspective is investigators know as little about snakes as the snake people know about investigating a death. COD will be determined and cannot be covered up by a snake.
This statement is not common sense. There is a lot more to an autopsy than just typing in "snake bite" and you seem to be confusing a police report with an autopsy. I'm not trying to stir the pot with this, but as I mentioned before there is a lot of gov conspiracy theories floating and the biggest support of this is if the facts don't jive with the conspiracy theory than the PERSON is just dishonest along with the whole military.since it's a PERSON who has to type in that COD on paper, its accuracy is only as valid as the honesty of who types it. Under pressure from superiors, even an honest person could be swayed to type in "snake bite".
Which is exactly where Ft. Bragg is.the eastern cottonmouth occurs in eastern north carolina only, in the coastal plain area.
There is something wrong there. A healthy 20 year old male could not have just died like that from a cottonmouth bite.
Totally untrue. As with all venom's from bees to our beloved scorpions and tarantulas, they can produce an allergic reaction as well as its common effects. The soldier could have very well had an allergic reaction to the venom. Soldiers are also trained to be able to recognize possible dangers in training grounds, from alligators to venomous snakes. So the soldier probably knew what it was and knew he was invenomated, maybe he thought he could just walk it off and make it back to camp to be treated. As for them finding the snake that did it i doubt that strongly myself. It has been known for the American military to cook up conspiracy theory's and this could very be one of them but do not say that there is no way that he could have died form tat bite cause there very well is ways he could have.
lol. Don't worry this is my last post on this.alright alright already lol i found some gorgeous piscivorus near camp lejeune. they were thick as thieves in those tea-colored streams winding thru the pines.
There is something wrong there. A healthy 20 year old male could not have just died like that from a cottonmouth bite. Cottonmouths aren't too potent. Death from one is extremely rare and not on the second for sure! I doubt an infant could have died that quickly from a Cottonmouth bite! Cottonmouths and other Agkistrodon don't usually bite when you step on them. They first get squirmy and then hiss, if you haven't moved then they'd bite but if he was running like they said the cottnmouth wouldn't have had time to bite. I remember about nine years ago my mom took me to a pond to look for frogs, I was too young and not yet allowed to catch snakes. We were by the water side talking and then I saw something moving by mom's foot out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and it was a huge water snake maybe 45 inches! She saw it and pannicked, she grabbed my hand and dragged me away. Then the water snake went into the pond and swam away. She was standing on it for over a minute! Water's have a terrible biting rep to. But it still didn't bite her.
And a trained expert can tell whether the person was dead or alive at the time.I'm fairly certain I could get a snake to bite a dead body, esp.