So... I want a red belly piranha.


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Mod Note

I can understand the OP's frustration to a degree. Every time this thread pops up again and it's someone telling her stuff she already knows and that has been repeated since the beginning of the thread I facepalm.
Yep, but that's pretty normal on forums, if it bothers someone that much than maybe posting threads isn't the best idea. To be fair to the people replying, they were/are just trying to help and offer advice. We have no way at all to know how much experience with this particular animal the OP has based off the first post, so they aren't trying to be condescending. Also, it's pretty common for people to not read every post before they post, that's just how forums work and people need to have thicker skin about it. Take it with a grain of salt, and if you already know what you're being told, remember that this is a public forum and there will very likely be others that the info will help one day (and that is the whole purpose of a forum). Just because you start a thread doesn't mean that you "own" it, and have a right to get mad at advice being given/demand that they not say absolutely anything aside from exactly what was asked.

Anyway back on topic please, no need for anyone to reply to mod notes (remember please that that is not a suggestion, mod notes are not up for debate). ;)
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May 11, 2012
I can understand the OP's frustration to a degree. Every time this thread pops up again and it's someone telling her stuff she already knows and that has been repeated since the beginning of the thread I facepalm.

OP - people just aren't bothering to read the thread properly. Don't take it as an insult to you or what you know or have researched. They're just lazy. No need for anyone to close the thread. As Shell said, it's valuable to leave it here.
Thank you for understanding!

And thank you Shell! =D