Not really any new features, these are still in progress, but some bugs have been fixed, among others User Control in Vista has been taken in to consideration, hopefully this will help some of you guys.
Regarding the backup/folder error, I have not been able to replicate this - so any error messages besides the Error 001, would be much help - PM or here in the thread.
Chilobrachys guan... (How to spell it, anywho it is spelled correctly in the database) is now on the species list, go to settings and click "Get latest species" - I might take some time, the server is a little slow right now. If you are missing species then let me know, and I will add it shortly.
Thanks for all the posts and PM's, if this kind of intrest/error reporting/ideas keeps up Tarantula Keeper is gonna be perfect in short time.
Oh and... There will not be any support for Commen names - those are the devil on the other hand, we could replace all brachypelmas from the list with Mexican "Something hot" leg.
Yes, it is so I can steal their identity and make with their wifes or husbands im not one to be picky... or it is for tracking communication with the database/unique users - basicly to make sure that the server can handle the load - it is not dedicated but shared wiht several other applications and websites (multiple db's) - it also gives me an idea about how many users there are on a daily basis, I also track date and time, but the method dont ask for those properties
This "harvest" only occours when the users ask for an updated species list. And the IP is the local machines IP, not the their "outgoing" IP - My guess is that you allready know that, but did not find it important to mention
No need to get defensive, it was a simple question.
It's normally a good idea to tell your end users that you are storing that information. I'm puzzled as to why you need to use a database anyway.
Sorry if I came of as defensive, it was in no way my intention - I was smilling while posting - equaly puzzled. You asked a simple question and got a simple answer, in wich you had no further follow up besides the db, and here you dont seem to interested in the answer...
And yes it is defiently a good idea to tell if you are tracking information, no mather how harmless it is - it was just a feature to help me wiht my software so did'nt really think much of it.
Oh well... and good night ( it is 00:40 in denmark)
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