Same exact thing happened to my G. rosea. Built a nice hide for her finally, and she stays behind it all the time and for some reason only uses the hide as a bolus deposit. At least she doesn't stick 'em in her dish.
There is a nice, easy way to help T's get acclimated to a new enclosure more quickly. Take a clump of web or that webby/dirt sort of concrete they make and put it in the new enclosure. Even better, try to use the old hide and don't clean it off first. They smell their old burrow on this material and will tend to hang out wherever this web is or move it to the spot they want to hang out. Ideally you will put the web in the premade burrow or hide and drop the T in close enough that they run right to it. This way they're feeling secure (somewhat) from the outset. It really works.
my Ceratogyrus marshalli made a sweet burrow in the corner of the tank. she is 8 inches down...
this species loves the burrow, use a toilet paper role, stick it in the corner and put a bunch of substrate around it as well as a plant for webbing support. then pull the paper towel out- premade hole for her!
Goodluck! also, i have only seen my girl out twice, ever. she loves her hide! that tank look pretty big for her.
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