Smithi egg sack.


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
Honestly, I would sell it too.Its not like the seller is hiding anything from the buyer, its a proven male.Its also a species where adults don't come cheap.
here some Karma :clap: to that eggsac!


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
Well I agree, if its active and healty I see no reason, but on the first picture it looks .... very bad, the the second pic it already looks a bit better. I also said that because IMO when the male is mature you just send it you dont sell it ... no ? It is going to die ... Anyway ... Thats what I do, its a hobby ... Sometimes im wondering why ppl are here .. the spider, or the money.
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Old Timer
Sep 29, 2005
Kirdec said:
Well I agree, if its active and healty I see no reason, but on the first picture it looks .... very bad, the the second pic it already looks a bit better. I also said that because IMO when the male is mature you just send it you dont sell it ... no ? It is going to die ... Anyway ... Thats what I do, its a hobby ... Sometimes im wondering why ppl are here .. the spider, or the money.
eshhh man thats a little harsh for a guy who only wants to sell a B.smithi male , after all the adults of that Sp is worth quite a bit. NOT to compaire but would you just hand over a mature male P.metallica ? im just saying its not ridiculous to ask for some money when selling a mature male of a Desired Sp , even when it comes to a B.smithi;) The buyer knows hes gonna be paying money for a T thats not going to be around lots , Personaly i hope the buyer would be intersted only for breeding purposes. These comments are not to offend just a point of view that i share. :eek:

Good Luck on the sac, hope everything goes smooth !
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Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
We're not talking of P metallica here ... We're talking of a mature smithi that got an abdomen covered of a dark liquid that we dont know the cause

I dont want to be rude, im not saying that Rob is the cause of all this, he's right to sell it because he bought it a good price, as you said this species worth quite a lot, I think thats the problem. Im just really upset because im wondering if ppl here in Canada are there for the spider or the money, if we compare our price to the UK ... where we can have 15 Xenesthis immanis for £35 ea
( ) when here it will cost you 2625 to have 15 Xenesthis immanis, do you understand my point ?

another exemple, in a UK forum someone was selling a Pamphobeteus ultramarinus x1 sub adult male £10 , a single sling worth 225$ here.

This said, im pretty sure to give the best price here in Canada, and im sure there's better price in UK I did'nt searsh much.

Money or hobby ?
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Old Timer
Oct 23, 2004
A guy wants to sell 1 male, and your talking about only being in it for the money lol
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Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
kyle_de_aussie said:
A guy wants to sell 1 male and your talking about he's only in it for the money lol

As I can see you did'nt read much the tread


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2004
I would be afraid to sell a t that has a damaged abdomen. I would be afraid to ship it. Even if you have the absolute best packing, there is still a large chance that it could burst and die. Moreso with this one than one that is well covered with a hard exoskeleton.

BTW, some people do 50/50 splits and some people sell their males outright. Either way is very acceptable. I'm a little shocked that some people are giving this person a hard way to go over wanting to sell something that is currently his.

Also, contrats on the egg sac! I hope all goes well with it.


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
KJE said:
BTW, some people do 50/50 splits and some people sell their males outright. Either way is very acceptable. I'm a little shocked that some people are giving this person a hard way to go over wanting to sell something that is currently his.
Im not giving a hard to time to that guy :
I dont want to be rude, im not saying that Rob is the cause of all this, he's right to sell it because he bought it a good price, as you said this species worth quite a lot, I think thats the main problem.
im just comparing the price to other place, and the price here are way to high, I take back the exemple I gave:
in a UK forum someone was selling a Pamphobeteus ultramarinus x1 sub adult male £10 , a single sling worth 225$ here.
They're selling a perfect healty sub-adult Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 10 £! Here, a single sling worth 225$, how much would we ask for a sub-adult male ? 600 ?

Thats where start the problem, we pay way to much for our sling, so when we got them to maturity we sell them again more expensive then what they were...
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Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
If he sends it out for free, then he should be entitled to half the sac, and he sells it then he would be entitled to nothing.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
If he's still good to go, he's still good to go. He does look a bit weathered me and I would mention the bad molt in the "for sale" ad, but as long as the buyer knows exactly what they're getting, I don't see a problem. :)


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2004
Kirdec said:
Im not giving a hard to time to that guy :

im just comparing the price to other place, and the price here are way to high, I take back the exemple I gave:

They're selling a perfect healty sub-adult Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 10 £! Here, a single sling worth 225$, how much would we ask for a sub-adult male ? 600 ?

Thats where start the problem, we pay way to much for our sling, so when we got them to maturity we sell them again more expensive then what they were...
Kirdec, sorry if I misunderstood you. I wasn't aware that we pay more for t's in the USA. I've never really searched prices in other countries.

I do think that if that male could survive shipping, and the buying is fully aware of the injury, then it would probably be a great deal. I just really like 50/50 splits because you can have them go to several different people and you'll have more of a chance of getting to share a successful sac. Although, some people don't want the hassle that comes along with so many tiny slings/shipping. Totally understandable. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2005
Kirdec said:
Well I agree, if its active and healty I see no reason, but on the first picture it looks .... very bad, the the second pic it already looks a bit better. I also said that because IMO when the male is mature you just send it you dont sell it ... no ? It is going to die ... Anyway ... Thats what I do, its a hobby ... Sometimes im wondering why ppl are here .. the spider, or the money.
You sound confused.

I sure don't make a living selling male smithi with funky lookn crusty butts. I like tarantulas, as a hobby thats self sustains itself. If I get a sack every over year or so, I'm happy as a pig in poop. Do I think I will be able to buy a house with the profits? Nope, I make real money in other ways.

I'm also not here to take a beating because I like to keep spiders in cages, just so I can stare at them. I sell stuff, I trade stuff, I buy stuff. I have fun. The baby smithi, if I'm lucky enough to hatch them out healthy, will help fund my hobby in different ways. I might sell some, trade some for other spiders, who knows.

I paid USC for the male, raised it up, took the time, fed it, cared for it and let it mate. Thats a good thing, I think.

I have no problem accepting cash for him, no problem asking for cash either.

Hes worth something.

Capitalism is a great thing!


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2005
Kirdec said:
Im not giving a hard to time to that guy :

im just comparing the price to other place, and the price here are way to high, I take back the exemple I gave:

They're selling a perfect healty sub-adult Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 10 £! Here, a single sling worth 225$, how much would we ask for a sub-adult male ? 600 ?

Thats where start the problem, we pay way to much for our sling, so when we got them to maturity we sell them again more expensive then what they were...
You sound like you have a problem with supply and demand. I wonder how much the first adult pair of Pamphobeteus ultramarinus went for in europe, way back when. I KNOW it wasn't 10 euros, or whatever is used over there now.

I know for a fact that most of the metallicas you see in the states going for 300ish, came in for about 50 dollars or less from europe. The price gets bumped up here because some people will pay that price. Its called disposable income. You can spend what you want, any way you want. If you think it costs to much, then you don't buy it.

Spider ball pythons go for about 4k, or more......

Why? I have no idea, they don't look that great to me. But people are paying that kind of cash for them.

My smithi is a SUPER STUD!

Hes worth a few bucks I think!

BTW, do you have any spiders you don't want anymore. I'll take them all, if you are giving them away. I'll even pay the shipping.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2005
KJE said:
Kirdec, sorry if I misunderstood you. I wasn't aware that we pay more for t's in the USA. I've never really searched prices in other countries.

I do think that if that male could survive shipping, and the buying is fully aware of the injury, then it would probably be a great deal. I just really like 50/50 splits because you can have them go to several different people and you'll have more of a chance of getting to share a successful sac. Although, some people don't want the hassle that comes along with so many tiny slings/shipping. Totally understandable. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I have 3 50/50s out there now. Honestly, if they all had a sack I would be buried in spiderlings. I would have to hire a part time worker just to feed them. And that might not be easy, my house cleaner refuses to even LOOK in the room of big spiders:) Any more of mine that molt mature male, will be sold for at least as much as I paid for them.


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
Where did you read I'll sell my collection ?

You can spend what you want, any way you want. If you think it costs to much, then you don't buy it.
I'll buy 'em, breed 'em and sell 'em half of the price. This said I wont sell to anybady.

The price gets bumped up here because some people will pay that price
Well thats the problem that we've to fix.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2005
Kirdec said:
Where did you read I'll sell my collection ?

I'll buy 'em, breed 'em and sell 'em half of the price. This said I wont sell to anybady.

Well thats the problem that we've to fix.
1) What?

2) Cool.

3) Good luck!


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
You know that make me remember an good exemple ... There was a guy selling Poecilotheria "tigris" at 300$ ... Couple of day's later, he make a new post saying : UPDATE
Poecilotheria "tigris" at 550$

Lol ... tell me what can make a price almost double