s'lings won't eat...


Jul 25, 2007
I recently purchased a Mexican Redknee and a Brazilian Red & White - received them in the mail two weeks ago today. They are tiny things - perhaps 1/4" long. Problem is, I have yet to see them eat. I've had teeny tiny crickets in there and today harvested some maggots from the trash and put them in there. I've had these feeder bugs right in front of the spiders and at times the spiders have even crawled on top of the crickets or maggots, but they will not eat them. They seem to be afraid of them. Maybe I'm bothering the little spiders too much ro maybe I should put them in the dark. The redknee does look a little bigger (maybe) but i haven't seen either of them eat or molt or seen any sign that they have done so. I've also left dead crickets in there, but have not seen them eat those either. They just run away from their supposed prey!! Is this normal? Will they eat when they need to? How often do babies eat? I'm expecting them to die soon...is there any advice from the experienced? These are my first spiders...it's driving me crazy.


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
I recently purchased a Mexican Redknee and a Brazilian Red & White - received them in the mail two weeks ago today. They are tiny things - perhaps 1/4" long. Problem is, I have yet to see them eat. I've had teeny tiny crickets in there and today harvested some maggots from the trash and put them in there. I've had these feeder bugs right in front of the spiders and at times the spiders have even crawled on top of the crickets or maggots, but they will not eat them. They seem to be afraid of them. Maybe I'm bothering the little spiders too much ro maybe I should put them in the dark. The redknee does look a little bigger (maybe) but i haven't seen either of them eat or molt or seen any sign that they have done so. I've also left dead crickets in there, but have not seen them eat those either. They just run away from their supposed prey!! Is this normal? Will they eat when they need to? How often do babies eat? I'm expecting them to die soon...is there any advice from the experienced? These are my first spiders...it's driving me crazy.

i would just give it some time. most spiders go on a fast before an upcoming molt. my slings (most!) especially do this too. not uncommon for them to not eat for 2-3 weeks before a molt. my C. crawshayi 1/2" sling didn't eat for almost a month before she molted... just make sure they have water and wait awhile. they are good predators and will eat when hungry.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
not to be alarming, but i lost my B. smithi from it not eating. I would suggest if you can get them , get your hands on some tiny roach nymphs like maybe some pallid roach nymphs and damage their heads . They are good size for the slings. fruit flies may be too small now, but they prob could eat them


Old Timer
Jul 23, 2007
I found that a few of my slings didn't eat for a while at first then i tried somthing different, I took the hind legs of of small crickets, did the trick. you could also try cuting up a larger cricket too. both of these methods have worked for me very well. Good luck and hoe they start eating soon.


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
I wouldn't worry about them not eating to much just yet. Make sure they have an opportunity every few days to drink water. Just mist the side of the container 1 or 2 times a week. Most of my small slings would run and hide if I put even very small crickets in to feed on. Smashing there heads or removing the hind legs is a good idea for the very small slings. Just makes feeding that much easier. They will eat when hungry. As mentioned, they maybe in premolt also. Good luck.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
Do you know that they are at least 2nd instar. When i received 1st instar slings for the first time i did not realize they didn't eat yet - at least that's what the seller told me when i contacted him about it. They have since molted into 3rd instar and all have been eating great since 2nd instar. Just a thought... Maybe somebody can verify it that information is true about 1st instars not eating... :?


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
IME In every case of slings not eating, it was due to an upcoming molt. Be patient, try evry 3 days or so to feed them, always remember to remove any live food if not eaten w/in 24 hrs.

Also ensure that if they are not eating, place a drop of water in their pill vials/enclosures.


Old Timer
May 19, 2007
I wouldn't worry either. I have an N Chromatus sling that has eaten maybe once in the last 3 months I've had em. Looks like it wants to molt, but just hasn't yet. So patiently waiting.
My B Boehmei sling on the other hand has eaten every time I put a cric in. Different strokes for different T's.